This site is made up specifically for MSNTV users as a way of sharing those forwards... things like individual photos or embedded emails... that would normally require forwarding with a long list of addresses. My apologies for those who may have made the original pages. This isn't intended to take away from them, only to share with those who prefer not to forward addresses of others.
This site is also a source of primarily holiday graphics for use on personal emails and webpages that I have managed to find on the internet, from other collections and newsgroup shares. I do ask that you transload these images to your own site since my web host, angelfire, will not allow linking. I'll include a transloader on the graphic pages as they get done.
This site is still made and best viewed with a MSN/webtv. A msntv viewer is free to upload for those on computer and want to see the pages as intended.
Click Here For MSN-TV VIEWER
These are the things that I received in the mail on my webtv unit. Rather than forward it with a mile of addresses, like they make us do, I went ahead and made up these pages to share with others.