GODILLON. Spouse: Marie BOULAY. Children were: Elisabeth GODILLON. Genevieve GODIN. Spouse: Jean BELAND. Jean BELAND and Genevieve GODIN were married in 1677. Children were: Mathurin BELAND. Anna GODSCHALK. Parents: Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK and Aeltien (Adeheid) (Symons) HERMANS. Spouse: Peter CUSTER. Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK was born in 1693 in Goch, Germany. He died in 1748 in Towamencin, Philadelphia/Montogomery County, Pennsylvania. He was buried in 1748 in Towamencin Mennonite Church Cemetery, Kulpsville, Pa. Godschalk emigrated with his father to Pennsylvania in 1702 and wasreared from 1702 to about 1713 in Germantown, Philadelphia/MontgomeryCounty, Pennsylvania. He became a naturalized citizen by Act of the Council under the name ofGaedshalck Gaedschalck Van Der Heggin 29 September 1709 in Philadelphia. He was a wood turner like his father (woodworker). Around 1713 he marriedEva Custer, He acquired a tract of 123 acres in 1713 in Towamencin. In 1725 hepurchased an additional 50 acres from isaac Pennington in Lower SalfordTownship, Philadelphia/Montogmery County. He was one of the signers of a petition requesting a road from the NorthBtranch of Perkiomen to the Great Road (Sumneytown Highway) March 1727. He was a petitioner for erection of Towanmencin Township in March of 1728. Enumerated with 123 acres in 1734 in Towanmencin. Godschalk spoke three languages - Dutch, English, and German. He was amiller and a farmer; The Skippack Creek flowed through his tract of land. The Continental Army passed through his tract and George Washington usedthe home of Joseph Smith, a neighbor, as his head quarters in 1777 duringthe Battle of Germantown in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County,Pennsylvania. He made his will: "In the name of God amen this 15 day of March anno domione thousand seven hundred and forty seen/eight I Godschalk Godschalk ofTowamensin in the county of Phila. husbandman being weak in body bt ofperfect understanding sound and and disposing mind and memory thanks beto God therefore remembering my latter end and the uncertain of thistransitory life do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament inmanner and former following Imprimis and first of all I rcommend my soulunto the hands of God my merciful saviour and creator and my body to theearth whence I came decently to be buried at the direction of mineexecutors hereafter named whom I also charge and devise to pay all myjust debts my legacies herein mentioned and now touching such worldlygoods wherewith it has pleased the Lord to bless mine endeavors I deviseand sipose of the same as follows viz. My sons and daughters that aremarried have received several things at their marriage and it is my willthat all the rest of my children shall receive as much at their marriageexcept Magdlen shall have ten pounds more than any of the rest and thatat her age Secondly my Will is that my wife shall bring up my childrenout of my estate until my youngest son Peter arives to age of twentyyears. Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my lovin wife Eve all theremainder of my estate both real and personal until my youngest sonarrives at the age of twenty years Fourthly it is my will that when myyoungest son Peter at the age of twenty years that then my will is thatmy executors shall devoid (?) my estate between my loving wife and myfourteen children to wit Wm. Suken Mary Catherin Mary Catherin MargaretGarret Janecen Magdlen Gertrude John Ann Eve & Peter Goschalk shear (?)alike except my loving wife shall have twenty pounds current lawful moneyto be raised out of my estate to be paid unto her by my executors. Morethan Eny The Before Said Children Fifthly and it is my will that myloving wife shall live on the plantation during her natural life withmoletation of my said children or my executors Finall I give all my saidchildren to the care of my loving wife to bring them up out of my estateand I do hereby nominate and appoint my brother in law Peter Custer and William Nashjoynt executors of this my Last Will and Testament revoking anddisallowing al other former wills and testaments in witness whereof Ihave set hereunto my hand and seal the day and year written. 15 March174/8." (printed with original spelling and punctuation) The will was probayed 26 September 1748. The will Parents: Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK and Aeltien (Adeheid) (Symons) HERMANS. Spouse: Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER were married in 1713 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/Montgomery County, Pa. Children were: Jacob Custer GODSHALK, Garret Custer GODSHALK, William GODSHALK, Syken Custer GODSHALK, Catherine GODSHALK, Margaret GODSHALK, Jane GODSHALK, Magdalena GODSHALK, Gertrude GODSHALK, John GODSHALK, Ann GODSHALK, Eva GODSHALK, Peter GODSHALK. Herman GODSCHALK was born in 1697 in Goch, Germany. He died in 1785 in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He was buried in 1785 in Doylestown Mennonite Cemetery, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Parents: Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK and Aeltien (Adeheid) (Symons) HERMANS. Spouse: AGNES. Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK was born in 1666 in Goch, Cleves, Holland. He was baptized on Apr 7, 1686 in Mennonite Church, Goch, Cleves, Holland. He died in May 1763 in the ripe old age of 97.. He was buried in May 1763 in Towamencin Mennonite Church Cemetery, Kulpsville, Pa. Jacob Godschalk (Gaetschalcks) was born in a little town in the LowerRhine region, located on a small stream, the Niers. The land earlierbelonged to the "Duchy of Cleves." Some maps showed this area to beHolland, today it is shown as Germany. John L. Ruth wrote in his "Preface: A Historic Congregation" TOWAMENCINMENNONITE CHURCH, compiled by Glenn F. Markley, 1992: "This man's family(Jacob's) had been part of the Anabaptist fellowship since almost theearliest days of its existence in the 1500s. He had lived in the city ofGoch near the Rhine River, where to this day you can see, in a littlemuseum, the communion cup of Jacob's childhood Mennonite congregation." Rev. Godschalk also spelled his last name "Gaedtschalcks. He was alsoknown as Jacob van der Heggen. Jacob was a farmer and a wood turner(woodworker) by trade and resided in Kulpsville near Germantown,Pennsylvania in Montgomery County. His stone house was on 50 acres inGermantown on the south east side of Penn Street. In 1714 he purchasedland in Towamensin between Kulpsville and Skippack Creek, next to his sonGodschalk Godschalk, part of which became the present TowamencinMennonite Church and cemetery. His grave is unmarked, however there is amemorial erected in 1962 which reads: "In Memory of Bishop JacobGottshall (1670-1763 Born in Goch, Germany, ordained a bishop in theGermantown Mennonite Church in 1702 and also served the Skippack andTowamencin congregations. He performed the first baptism and conductedthe first communion service in the American church in 1708. The Skippackalms audits were signed by him from 1745-1757. He owned a farm of 120acres which included this church site. Undoubtedly, he is buried here butno maker remains, therefore this marker is erected in memory of thisenergetic leader." He was baptized a Mennonite 7 April 1686 in Goch, Germany where hereceived a letter permitting him to migrate to Pennsylvania 11 June 1701.He emigrated the following year with his famly, when he first becamedeacon and then on August 10 became pastor of the Germantown MennoniteCongregation, where he was the first bishop in Germantown. He officiatedat the first baptism by immersion in America in 1708 and at the firstcommunion held by Mennonites in America in 1708 (also in Germantown.) He became a naturalized citizen of this land, keeping his patronymicname, as he could not use the name of the family estate which was sold inGoch 29 September 1709. He removed from Germantown in 1713. According to John Ruth: "Jacob had afirst cousin, Thones Kunders, who was one of the founders of Germantownin 1683. Thones joined the Quakers, who met in his home in Germantown.But young Jacob Godshalk, a carpenter, who came across the Atlanticseventeen years later, stayed loyal to his forefathers' fellowship, andhe was the first Mennonite leader to baptize and preside over a communionservice in America in 1708. Very soon thereafter he moved out to theTowamencin area." Ruth continues: "Jacob was also the first known American Mennonitehistorian, being quoted in 1773, ten years after his death, in theearliest known account of the founding of the Church in Pennsylvania.Since he lived a long life, dying in 1763, he was probably the mostinfluential person in setting the tone of the Franconia Conference, ofwhich he would have been the 'Moderator.' The Towamencin congregationwould have met in his house, which would have been across from thegraveyard, in what is now called 'Charlestown.' There was probably nomeeting house here until the 1770s, after Jacob had died in his nineties.Perhaps he preferred it that way." Jacob petitioned the Court of Quarter Sessions to lay out the SkippackRoad: "The petition of the inhabitants of the township of Skippack andseveral adjacent plantations in said county, humbly showeth, thatwhereas, in the aforesaid township and neighborhood thereof, pretty manyfamilies are already settled, and probably not a few more to settle inand about the same. And yet no road being laid out and established toaccomodate your petitioners: but what paths have hitherto been used areonly upon sufferance, and liable to be fenced up. Therefore, yourpetitioners, both for the public good and their own convenience, humblydesire an order for the laying out and establishing a road or cartwayfrom the upper end of said township down to the widemarsh, of Farmer'smill, which will greatly tend to the satisfaction of your petitioners,who shall thankfully acknowledge the favor, &c." - 2 June 1713 inPhiladelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Bishop Godschalk had MARTYR'S MIRROR translated from Dutch to German andprinted in 1745 in the Ephrata Cloister, Cocalito, Lancaster County,Pennsylvania. The MARTYR'S MIRROR is a history of the religiouspersecutions of Christians opposed to infant baptism and war; the worktook 15 men three years to finish and in 1749, at 512 pages, was thelargest book published before 1800. The original volume is now displayedat the Ephrata Cloister. J. C. Wenger wrote the following, "Mennonites of the FranconiaConference" in 1937: "Jacob Godshalk, who performed the first bishopactivities in the American Mennonite Church, left Germantown at least asearly as 1713. He sold his Germantown land on June 15, 1714. He purchasedone hundred twenty three acres...on February 12, 1714. But he was inTowamencin before he received this deed. On June 2, 1713 he was one ofthose who signed a petition asking for a road to be laid out; this becameSkippack Pike (Route 73). Jacob's son Godshalk Godshalk purchased anadjoining farm of the same size as his father's and on the same date.Other Mennonite settlers were soon in the community. "...1764 was the date of the first land grant to the congregation. Butthe (congregation met) there before 1764... "On a road petition of June 5, 1749, the 'Herman Godshalk burial ground'is so mentioned. The oldest legible tombstone at Towamencin is that ofCatherine Oberholtzer, date 1741... (See Theodroe W. Bean's HISTORY OFMONTGOMERY COUNTY, 1884, which claims one stone is dated 1733. "...Evidently Jacob Godshalk very early set aside a small lot of land fora burying ground and meetinghouse. The burial ground was already calledHerman Godshalk's in the 1749 Road Petition, though he did not own thetract until his father's death in 1763. But in 1749, the father, who wasalready about seventy-ine years of age; so it was quite natural to thinkof the active son as the owner. "On December 26, 1760, Bishop Jacob Godshalk willed the tract whichincluded the burial lot and meetinghouse to his son, Herman. On August27, 1764, Herman conveyed the Christian Godshalk, ChristianWeaver, William Godshalk, Goshen Schrager, Peter Hendricks, NicholasYellis, and Garret Godshalk. Additional land was added to the purchase in1798, 1799, 1837, 2844, 2862, 1876, and 1879, making a total of almostfive acres (by 1890). The congregation now (1937) owns the land frontingon the Sumneytown Pike. "At first Bishop Godshalk of the Skippack Circuit was the stated officialof the meeting. Godshalk must have been a vigorous man physically. Hesigned the alms book at Skippack as late as 1757, when he waseighty-seven years old." In his will he named his son Herman, mentioned deceased childrenGodschalk, John and Magdalene. He named his daughter Ana Custard as well.He selected as executor his son-in-law Peter Custard on 26 December 1760in Philadelphia. The will was probated 3 June 1763. The aforementioned burial ground has extremely important historicalsignificance, since several distinguished participants in the Battle ofGermantown are buried there. J. C. Wenger wrote: "General GeorgeWashington and the American army attacked the British at Germantown andwere defeated. The American army made a hasty retreat to the camp on theSkippack Creek, one hundred fifty-two Americans having been killed. Ofthese, General Francis Nash, Colonel Boyd, Major White, and LieutenantSmith were buried on Sunday, October 5, 1777, in the Towamencin cemetery.General Washington and the chieftains of the Amercian army attended theburial services which included the firing of a muskat volley and acannon. In 1844 a monument was erected in the cemetery in honor ofGeneral Nash. In 1936 an effort was made to remove his body to Nashville,Tennessee, which city had been named in his honor, but the MennoniteTrustees would not give their permission for the removal. The proposedaction was considerably discussed in the local press; John D. Souderwriting against the proposal. Finally, another monument was erected forGeneral Nash, and his body still rests in the cemetery ...along theSumneytown Pike." Bishop Godshalk's cousin, also named Jacob Godshalk, was a famous clockmaker, and his time pieces still exist and are considered among thefinest ever produced in Pennsylvania. This cousin also lived and workedat Towamencin was but later moved to Philadelphia, left the Mennonitefaith and became a lieutenant in the American army during theRevolutionary War. Two of the Bishop's sons were artistically inclined and created beautifulfracturs. One recently sold at auction (Sotheby's) for $ 101,000.00. Parents: Gottschalk (Pastor) Thonis (THEUNISSEN) and Lehntgen HENRICHS. Spouse: ROSANNA. Spouse: Aeltien (Adeheid) (Symons) HERMANS. Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK and Aeltien (Adeheid) (Symons) HERMANS were married on Feb 20, 1688/89. Children were: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK, John GODSCHALK, Herman GODSCHALK, Anna GODSCHALK, Magdalena GODSCHALK. John GODSCHALK was born in 1695. He died in 1759. He was buried in 1759. Parents: Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK and Aeltien (Adeheid) (Symons) HERMANS. Spouse: HELENA. Magdalena GODSCHALK died before 1763. She was buried before 1763. Parents: Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK and Aeltien (Adeheid) (Symons) HERMANS. Spouse: William NASH. Ann GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Spouse: Melchoir YODER. Catherine GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Eva GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Spouse: Jacob SCHWARTZ. Garret Custer GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Gertrude GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Spouse: Mathaias HENDRICKS. Godschalk GODSHALK was born on Jun 22, 1745 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1819 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was buried in 1819 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Parents: Jacob Custer GODSHALK and Helena (HENDRICKS)SHRAGER. Spouse: Sara HUNSICKER. Godschalk GODSHALK and Sara HUNSICKER were married on Oct 6, 1765 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Jacob GODSHALK was born in 1747 in Lower Saldord Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Parents: Jacob Custer GODSHALK and Helena (HENDRICKS)SHRAGER. Jacob Custer GODSHALK was born between 1715 and 1721 in Goch, Netherlands or Germantown, Pennsylvania. He died in 1798 in Philadelphia/Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was buried in 1798 in Towamencin, Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Jacob Godschalk resided with his family in Perkiomen and Skippack,Philadelphia/Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He conveyed his farm to his son Godshalk (Schrager) Goschalk 2 March 1774in Lower Salford Township, Philadelphia/Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.He left his estate to his wife, and to his son Godschal after his wife'sdeath. Executors were were son Godschalk, Henry pennebecker, Jr., It waswitnessed by Abraham Yerger and Gerred Godschalk 22 October 1787. It wasprobated 7 May 1798. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Spouse: Helena (HENDRICKS)SHRAGER. Jacob Custer GODSHALK and Helena (HENDRICKS)SHRAGER were married in 1744 in Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Children were: Godschalk GODSHALK, Jacob GODSHALK. Jane GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. John GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Spouse: HANNAH. Magdalena GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Spouse: John HENDRICKS. Margaret GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Spouse: Henry CASSEL. Peter GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Spouse: Elizabeth SCHWARTZ. Syken Custer GODSHALK was born about 1723 in Goch, Cleves, Holland or Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. She died before 1769 in Towamencin, Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. She was buried before 1769. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Spouse: Goshen Hendricks SHRAGER. Goshen Hendricks SHRAGER and Syken Custer GODSHALK were married in 1739 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Children were: Garret SHRAGER, Jacob SHRAGER, Eva G. SHRAGER, Margaret SHRAGER. William GODSHALK. Parents: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK and Eve (Eva) (Doors) CUSTER. Spouse: Gertrude SHRAGER. Anne GOGUET. Parents: Perre Goguet GOYETTE Goguet. Spouse: Jean GROUX-GROU. Children were: Jean GROUX-GROU. Anne GOGUET was born about 1657 in France. She died about 1708. Parents: Pierre GOGUET and Louise GARNIER. Spouse: Jean GROU. Jean GROU and Anne GOGUET were married on Nov 23, 1671 in Montreal, Quebec. Children were: Jean GROU. Pierre GOGUET was born about 1629 in Marans, LaRochelle, Aunis, France. [family.FTW] Spouse: Louise GARNIER. Pierre GOGUET and Louise GARNIER were married about 1655 in France. Children were: Anne GOGUET. Lydia A. GOOD. Spouse: Peter Y. LEHMAN. Children were: Amos C. LEHMAN. Allen GOODMAN was born. Parents: Arthur Calvin GOODMAN and SHEILA. Arthur Calvin GOODMAN was born in 1927. Parents: Robert Joseph GOODMAN and Cora Emily NANCE. Spouse: VERA. Children were: Robert GOODMAN. Spouse: SHEILA. Children were: Allen GOODMAN, Joan GOODMAN. Beatrice Joy GOODMAN was born in 1934. Parents: William Wilby GOODMAN and Viola Mae NANCE. Spouse: Donald SCHULTZ. Donald SCHULTZ and Beatrice Joy GOODMAN were married in 1965. Betty Mae GOODMAN was born on Aug 21, 1930 in Trenary, Mi. She died on Aug 14, 1989 in Mi. She was buried in Frankfort, Mi. Died of colon cancer & leukemia - buried in Joyfield Twp. Cemetery. Parents: Robert Joseph GOODMAN and Cora Emily NANCE. Spouse: Delora MEYERS. Delora MEYERS and Betty Mae GOODMAN were divorced. Spouse: Foster D. LIPSCOMB. Clara Belle GOODMAN was born in 1932. Parents: William Wilby GOODMAN and Viola Mae NANCE. Spouse: James Edward MCGARITY. James Edward MCGARITY and Clara Belle GOODMAN were married in 1952. Children were: Debra Marie MCGARITY, Timothy James MCGARITY, Peggy Jean MCGARITY. David GOODMAN was born in 1954. Parents: Laurence Raymond GOODMAN and Lucille THOMPSON. Ethel Jane GOODMAN was born in 1925. Parents: Robert Joseph GOODMAN and Cora Emily NANCE. Spouse: Gerald TUBBS. Children were: Gerald Joseph TUBBS. Spouse: Frank BELLAND. Jeanne GOODMAN was born in 1957. Parents: Laurence Raymond GOODMAN and Lucille THOMPSON. Jessie Louise GOODMAN was born in 1934. Parents: Robert Joseph GOODMAN and Cora Emily NANCE. Spouse: Steve BRASSEAUX. Joan GOODMAN was born in 1969. Parents: Arthur Calvin GOODMAN and SHEILA. Joanne GOODMAN was born in 1941. Parents: Robert Joseph GOODMAN and Cora Emily NANCE. Spouse: Harvey JOELS. Children were: Robert Edward JOEL, Melissa JOEL, Randolph Charles JOEL. Spouse: Edward HEATH. Laurence Raymond GOODMAN was born on Mar 10, 1931 in Traunik, Mi. He died on Mar 11, 1971 in Chicago, Cook, Il. He was buried in Escanaba, Mi. Died of Emphysema. Buried at Gardens of Rest - Escanaba. Parents: William Wilby GOODMAN and Viola Mae NANCE. Spouse: Lucille THOMPSON. Laurence Raymond GOODMAN and Lucille THOMPSON were married on Oct 27, 1951 in Chicago, Cook, Il. Children were: David GOODMAN, Susan Rae GOODMAN, Jeanne GOODMAN, Melissa Ann GOODMAN. Melissa Ann GOODMAN was born in 1963. Parents: Laurence Raymond GOODMAN and Lucille THOMPSON. Nancy C. GOODMAN was born on Jul 19, 1938 in Trenary, Mi. She died on Jul 13, 1971 in Mi. Buried at Trenary Cemetery in the Goodman lot next to her baby boy. Parents: Robert Joseph GOODMAN and Cora Emily NANCE. Spouse: Jack PRISK. Children were: Donald Henry PRISK, James PRISK, John PRISK. Spouse: David SMITH. Children were: Boy BABY. Robert GOODMAN. Parents: Arthur Calvin GOODMAN and VERA. Robert Joseph GOODMAN was born on Jan 17, 1899 in Kennelsville, Ky. He died on Mar 9, 1975 in Flint, Mi. He was buried in Trenary, Mi. He lived in Trenary, MI all of his married life. Spouse: Cora Emily NANCE. Robert Joseph GOODMAN and Cora Emily NANCE were married in Feb 1925 in Escanaba, Mi. Children were: Ethel Jane GOODMAN, Arthur Calvin GOODMAN, Betty Mae GOODMAN, Jessie Louise GOODMAN, Nancy C. GOODMAN, Joanne GOODMAN. Susan Rae GOODMAN was born in 1956. Parents: Laurence Raymond GOODMAN and Lucille THOMPSON. William Wilby GOODMAN was born in 1907. Spouse: Viola Mae NANCE. William Wilby GOODMAN and Viola Mae NANCE were married in 1930. Children were: Laurence Raymond GOODMAN, Clara Belle GOODMAN, Beatrice Joy GOODMAN. Christopher John GORMAN was born in 1886. Parents: James J GORMAN and Catherine Margaret HALPIN. Spouse: Elizabeth Repurta HARRIS. Christopher John GORMAN and Elizabeth Repurta HARRIS were married in 1913. George GORMAN. Children were: Margaret GORMAN, Joseph Francis GORMAN. James J GORMAN was born in Aug 1859 in , , Wisconsin. 1900 - Andover, Day, South Dakota married to Catherine age 40 1910 - Andover, Day, South Dakota married but taking care of niece only Agnes Derrick 1910 - Andover, Day, South Dakota under Kathrine and children some reason this family was not together with father James Gorman Spouse: Catherine Margaret HALPIN. James J GORMAN and Catherine Margaret HALPIN were married about 1884 in Lowville, Columbia, Wisconsin. Children were: May C GORMAN, Christopher John GORMAN, Mercilla GORMAN, Lucy Jane GORMAN, Theresa Laurene GORMAN, Lillian GORMAN. Joseph Francis GORMAN was born on Mar 14, 1849 in Youghal, Cork, Ireland. He died on Dec 22, 1923 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. [family.FTW] Parents: George GORMAN. Spouse: Julia Rosetta BECKLEY. Joseph Francis GORMAN and Julia Rosetta BECKLEY were married on Dec 18, 1880 in Alejandra, Santa Fe, Argentina. Children were: Margaret O'GORMAN, George O'GORMAN, William O'GORMAN, Johnnie O'GORMAN, Fred O'GORMAN, Mary Elizabeth O'GORMAN, Richard Thomas O'GORMAN, Lydia O'GORMAN. Lillian GORMAN was born in 1897. Parents: James J GORMAN and Catherine Margaret HALPIN. Spouse: Leo THER. Leo THER and Lillian GORMAN were married in 1921. |