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Self-referential statements

I've been working as a policy analyst with Arise Citizens' Policy Project in Montgomery, Alabama. My wife, Jane Hiles, and I live in the Crestwood neighborhood in Birmingham, Alabama. We have six cats.

Jane teaches English literature at Samford University -- concentrating on the 17th century in general, and a guy named John Milton in particular.

I'm a Muslim - no kidding! - and a member of the Birmingham Islamic Society. Here is an introduction to Islam for those who don't know about it. (Or you may want to send me e-mail.)

On Sundays you're likely to find us at the Quaker House in Birmingham. Jane belongs to the Birmingham Friends Meeting - a Quaker meeting, that is. No, they don't drive buggies and wear black clothing; that's the Amish (and I'm pretty sure there's no Amish web page). Quakers don't make oatmeal, either, and they have nothing to do with that computer game. See this link for more about Quakers.

Know about Myers-Briggs personality types? (If not, I think you should.) My type is INTP. To take a personality profile yourself, follow this link. The enneagram is another interesting way of gauging personality types; here's a test based on it.

If you want to know more than this, you'll have to ask me.

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Last update: 10 Oct 2000