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Tommy, the Green Ranger

When Tommy Oliver came to Angel Grove High, Rita saw him as the perfect person to become her evil Green Ranger. He was put under a spell and Rita gave him the Dragon Power Coin. Tommy morphed into the Green Ranger and fought the Power Rangers, defeating them in a few battles. Rita gave Tommy the Sword of Darkness to finish off the Rangers, but Jason defeated the Green Ranger and destroyed the Sword of Darkness, breaking the spell over Tommy, making him the newest Power Ranger. Tommy is a bit forgetful and dim witted at times, but he more than makes up for it with his nobility and courage.

Tommy is the brave leader of the Power Rangers. Tommy eventually lost his powers *sniff* when Rita created a Green Candle that took his powers away as it burned down. So his powers wouldn't be gone forever, Tommy gave his power coin to Jason, who used it in a few battles. After losing their Power Coins, the Rangers called on Tommy to once again become the Green Ranger by using the Dragon Coin and Zordon's energy. The powers were only temporary, and Tommy once again lost his powers as Green Ranger.*it's a running gag* Green Ranger's power weapon is the Dragon Dagger, which is also a flute and plays music to summon the Dragonzord. As Green Ranger, Tommy gained enhanced strength, speed, and durablity as well as limited energy projection, like the rest of them.

Here is Tommy's zord, and my favorite, the Dragonzord.

Tommy's weapon, the Dragon Dagger.
