When the Power Coins were destroyed by Xixar, Verra contacted her old friends in the past and got the Magic Power Coins. Since they were useless, because their source of power was destroyed, everyone had to go to Braithia's cave and solve her challenge. When they all did so, they all became the Magic Power Rangers.
Verra is the Purple Magic Ranger, her weapon is the Dragon Staff, and her zord in the Cloud Dragon Magiczord. Like all the other rangers she carries an advanced blade blaster, and a crajesta gun. Verra's powers were lost for the second time when the magic purple candle was burned. When it burned her true form was revealed and she was forced to leave Earth. A few weeks later she returned for a visit, in human form, and stayed when she recieved the silver ranger powers.
When Verra came back to Earth for a visit, Brathia thought it was time for another ranger, for Xixar's monstor's were getting stronger and stronger. She picked Verra as the Silver Ranger. She had power over the Shadowdragonzord, and called it with the shadowflute. Her zord was bigger and more powerful than the others, and repairs itself in the shadows.