Spoilers: Season 4 of Buffy and that bad truth about Willow and Tara
Disclaimer: Don't own them drug taken-want to see girls together-should be
beaten for not letting Spike and Willow be together-Joss does
Summary: The gang has a little talk. (not for Tara or corn-boy fans.)
Rated: tv 13
Author's Note: I needed to vent about what Joss is doing to my fav show. If
you want it;ask
Feedback: Please

Willow finished reading a script of an upcoming Buffy episode. She threw it
to the ground. "Ah!"

Spike looked over at the young witch, whom he had grown to be very found of
since the start of the season. "Something wrong Red?"

Willow looked over at him. "Yeah, in this episode they having me kissing
Tara! I must of missed something because last time I checked I'm not gay."

The blond vampire nodded.  "It was like me and Harm. I didn't really like her
that much. I mean what in the hell was I doing with her?!"

"Yeah, but this is worse. I know I'm hurting over Oz...but this is just

Again Spike nodded. "Well, Red there's only one thing to do. Fake a
heartattack and hope to God your out long enough for Joss to get off drugs. 
And see you belong with wolfboy or me."

Willow nodded. "What's in the script for you?"

Spike looked down then back up. "AH!! I become a wimp and get teased by
lesser demons. Since when did I become a baby? I was a badass in season 2."

"See, this is why people write Fanfics, to make all the stupid stuff like
this better."

They both sighed and stood. They went out to Spike's car.

"Where are we going?" Will asked.

"Where going to have sex in my car. Then we'll see if Oz is coming back, if
not, we'll date."

"Oh.." They got into the car and it started to rock.

In Xander's pad, Xander just reading a script when he throw it to the ground.
Anya looked up from hers.

"So, you read the only seance your in for next week?"

"Yes. AH! I'm with you and we just got done having sex-again. Don't we ever
get tried or talk or just hang out?"

Anya sighed. "No, and they make me sound like an idiot and ho. I know I have
a lot to learn, but this is just stupid."

Xander started jumping on his script. "I wish I had taken that job with
deadboy. I would be needed and used more often."


"Yeah." He thought a moment, then walked to his door.

Anya looked after him. "Where are you going?"

"To inroll in collage. Let's see how Joss likes that."
Giles and Buffy sat in Buffy's room, when Giles let out an unGiles like word.


Buffy looked up. "What?"

"I'm only in this episode for ten bloody minutes. And you...you."

"What?" Buffy asked sacred to hear the answer. She looked down at hers. "AH,
I do corn-boy. Eww."

"Yes, Joss is taking the big stuff this season. First he kills off Jenny, now
I'm only in ten minutes of film."

"What about me? First I die, then Angel turns evil then I turn into  big old

Giles stood. "Come Buffy, you and I are going to LA, we're going to find
Angel and you two are getting married."

Buffy followed him. "Really?!!"

"Yes, and inless Joss wants this to become 90201, he won't have you do
corn-boy when your married to dead-boy."

Somewhere in Hollywood an evil insane man known only as Joss laughed with
wicked delight as thunder clapped in the background. "Wait till they read the
season finale."

The End

Sorry I love Joss, but...

Oak's Diary