Oak14177's Diarys

Clover: The Future Slayer Series

I have wondered what past and future Slayers were or will be like. So I've written a fanfic about a future Slayer.

It is twenty years after high school graduation, and this generation's Slayer is the child of a former Slayerette. She will not have Angel to guide her, but she will have another mysterious stranger along with true and loyal friends.

A Slayer

Greatest Fear

When Faith Comes A Knocking

A Knife, A Demon and Spike

My Dad's a Vampire

My Dad's a Vampire-Part II:"I will Remember You"

My Dad's a Vampire-part III:"The Showdown"

"Spike the Needy-An Interlude"

"Forever and Always/The Zeppo Returns"

The Mating Part I

The Mating Part II: Lost Soul

In Our Dreams-A Clover/Spike Story-Interlude


The Girl Is Back

The Girl is Back: Part II

To Tell The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth

Peace, Love, and Death

Peace, Love, and Death: Part II

Bloody Hell

My Slayer

Killed By Imagination

Killed by Imagination: Part II

Killed by Imagination: Part III

Just Another Saterday Night In SunnyDale

Just Another Saterday Night in SunnyDale: Part II

What Might Have Been...What Should Have Been


Second Season

Currently in production


Angel the Lost Vampire

New Faces

Other Buffy/Angel Stories

Where the Free Souls Go

Where the Free Souls Go: Part II

Where the Free Souls Go: Part III

Buffy Stories

AH!! (not for Tara or farm boy fans)
The New Scooby Gang

Online Novel

God Is A Man
