Angel The Lost Vampire-New Face

          Angel walked along the streets of  L.A. trying to get his head clear. Cordelia had, had a vision of a young woman with long beautiful midnight black hair and gray eyes. She had a tattoo on her back of a triangle in a circle. She had told them that the girl was in deep shit and needed help

      He rounded a street and came into an alley. There in front of him was the girl from Cordy's vision. "You shouldn't be out at night. There are things that could get you hurt." He told her.

    The girl didn't turn around. "Why? Because the big bad things could jump out of the dark and hurt me? I don't think so, Angel."

    Angel stopped as the girl turned, he looked into the face of London, a 234 half-breed. When he had gotten his soul back, and Whistler had helped him become "someone" she had helped. They had parted as friends, but he had never thought of seeing her again.

   "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost-but I guess you have seen a ghost at least once."

     Angel found his voice. "It's just that I, I never thought I'd see you
again. What are you doing here?"

London shrugged. "Whistler went to France on what ever it is he does, I've
been. So, I thought I'd come here."

"Let me guess, you need a place to stay?"

"Taken care of, but I heard you had a little thing going, and I thought I'd
see it."

Angel nodded and the two started walking. Either one said a word. Angel
knew there was more to her visit, but didn't ask her about it. When she needed
to tell him, she would.

End Part I

Oak's Diary