What Could Have Been, What Should Have Been

Disclaimer: I own no one from Buffy or Angel
Copyright: I do own the rest of the people and vampires. Because I wrote this.
Rated: PG  
Summary: POVs of Clover, Gavin, Rai, Dale,Rogers, and Spike.
Note: Ok, so after Just Another Saturday Night In SunnyDale, there should have been three other stories,but I never got around to typing them. (Ok, I really only wrote one) But, I want to move on with the series, so this story is just to explain what would have happened in those three stories.
Spoilers: lots from the last four Clover stories. And from Buffy's ep. The Gift.

POVS  For "Fallen Angels"

Clover's POV

[Clover is sitting in a chair in a large white room. A huge light comes on above her and she blinks and covers her eyes. The light dims.]

CLOVER: Thanks. Ok, um.....my life changed forever on May 23rd. It was the last day of school. The night before, I had this really freaky dream about pits and light. But, I forgot about it in the happiness that is the last day of school.

My day started out normal, a quick fight with Will over the bathroom. A good morning to Mom and Xander.Telling them congrats on the marriage.(they got married last weekend) Then, it was off to Gavin's house to pick up him and Rai.

I got to Gavin's house and the door was answered by his 'Aunt Mindy', who I think was a guy in a dress. Anyway, I went upstairs to Gavin's room, only to hear him talking about how much he hates me being the Slayer and how he wishes his life was normal again and how he wishes he'd never met me! I felt really really awful. But, as a Chase, I didn't let it get to me. Nope, I walked into that stupid room smiling my face off. I was as nice as nice can be. Rai drove us to school. It was the longest, most silent car ride ever.

When we got to school, I was called into Mr. Symth's office. He warned me that if I missed up once next year, he'd kick me out of SunnyDale high. Ha, whatever. I knew then and there that I would be a perfect student next year. I left his office and had a vision of a pit. Yep, an end of the world pit. The same end of the world pit from my dream. I knew what I had to do.

I didn't know it then, but at that same time the other Slayer, Ezra and her Watcher, Anne where on their way to SunnyDale. Seems Anne had the book the Four needed and they stole it. But, only after Ezra had dusted on. (Way to go, girl)

So, I went down the "Batcave" to find Pierre and Dustin, playing chess at the table. I told them all about the pit and the Four and the book. They tried to make jokes,but they aren't very funny. They told me they'd look it up.

That night I went to the Bronze with Dale and Rai. Believe me watching a 17 year old and a 21 year old make out isn't that much fun. I think I feel asleep. Anyway, they offered me a ride home,but I said no. I was to into my thoughts about the pit. Gavin came over and offered to take me home. (Or have me walk by him as he skated on his skate board.

We were half way there when we were stopped by the Four. (or was it the Three, then since one had died) They told us that they needed by help to send all evil to hell. Gav and I were shocked and both thought it was a bad trick. I told them I had to think about it. They said they'd send someone to me tomorrow for an answer.

When we got home, we found Mom, Xander, and Will in the kitchen drinking coffee.This is what was said:

Cordelia: I...ow.

Clover: (leaning over the bar to look) Eww.

Xander: What? (looks down) Eww.

Will and Gavin exchanged a look.

Will: Gross.

Gavin: Sick.

Cordelia: (with a sigh) Hello? My water broke. I'm about to have three children in this very room. We eat here. Little help here,people.

CLOVER: And with only a few short delays, such as, a jammed van door and not enough room in the back on the van...(thanks to Will's 'bed' and his 'hot tub') we made it to the hospital in time.


[Gavin is sitting on the stage at the Bronze. He's playing his drum sticks on the floor. A huge light comes on over him. He blinks and the light dims.]

GAVIN: Thank you,sir. My life changed forever on May 24th,but I should start on the 23rd. Ok, so it's the last day of school and I am so very happy. Cause, dude it's the last day for three whole months.  Anyway, Rai came over and we were waiting for Clover.

I don't know why, but I decided to vent about Clover and my life to Rai. See, Ezra had 'broken up' with me. At least as much as you can with someone who you just e-mail. Nick was leaving for LA, Rai was leaving for the summer. I just wanted to me normal again. Not knowing about vampires, demons, and the other forces of darkness was a very good thing. It had all started when I met Clover Chase and I was starting to wish I'd never met her. That's when she walked in. Thank God, she hadn't heard me.

At school, my two best buds, and fellow band mates, Nick Green and Coal Potter teased me about how I had failed in middle school and was now stuck in high school for another year. Plus, the tiny fact that my stupid sister, Summer, was coming to SunnyDale High next year. Man.

That night, we played at the Bronze. I saw Dale and Rai making out and poor Clover sitting there. She was trying to kill herself with a straw. After the set, I saw Rai and Dale leave, so I went to say hey to Clover. We talked and she told me about the pit, the book, and the Four. I decided to walk her home. (for her protection,not mine. So, get that idea out of your head)

On the way to her house, we ran into the Four. (Or the Three now, cause one had been killed) These vampires with souls were really really creepy. All cult-like and stuff. Clover said she'd think about it and when went to her place.

It was there, I saw the grosses thing, Clover's Mom's water broke. I'm talking...."EW GROSS MY EYES!" kind of broke.  But, we made it to the hospital.

POVS For "Jealous"

Rai/Dale Povs

[Rai and Dale are sitting on the sofa at Rai's apartment. A huge light comes on over them. This time, it's dim.]

RAI: Our lives changed forever on May 24th at about one in the morning.

DALE: Raie, back up a minute. Go back to the night of the 23rd. Better yet, the day of the 23rd. I'll wait.

RAI: Ok. The 23rd was the last day of school. I'd gone to Gavin's house to pick him up. See, my Dad had bought me a car for passing. He really did love me. (long pause) Anyway, Gavin started venting about Clover and stuff. I told him the truth-it happens. Clover came in, then. I don't think she knew what had happened, because she was really nice and stuff.

DALE: I think she did.

RAI: Sh. So, we get to school and the day goes very normally. That night, Dale, Clover, and I all went to the Bronze.

DALE: We just made out. I think Chase watched as she tried to kill herself with a straw. She's a freaky chick.

RAI: Dale. After a while, we decided to leave. We asked Clover if she needed a ride home,but she said no. So, we went back to my place to watch tv. My Dad knocked on the door at about 12:45. He explained he had forgotten his keys and if I could just invite his helpers in. I did it.

DALE: Worst mistake we ever made.

Clover's POV (with Will)

[ Clover is still in the room, sitting in the chair. She has her eyes closed, even though the light is very dim.]

CLOVER: Gavin had to wait in the waiting room. But, me and Xander got to go in with Mom.

WILL: I did to, cause I was taping the blessed event.

CLOVER:Yeah, sure. So, I told Mom it wouldn't hurt after the 500th baby, but she started to get mad. Will passed out. Man's supposed to be a demon hunter and he passes out.

WILL: Jitter, it was your Mom's....thing....it was to strange and gross.

CLOVER: Whatever. Doesn't matter. 'Cause I was starting to feel strange. So I went and sat in the waiting room. Gavin was gone, so I was alone. Till, one of the 'Four' (there's Three of them. They should have changed the name) came sit by me. His name was Michael and he told me that I shouldn't help him and his friends. He said that 'all evil' meant humans to, because we aren't always the nicest things. I told him thanks and I was about to ask him if I could trust him when I turned to look at him and discovered that he was gone.

WILL :Because that is what sexy, mystery vampires with souls do. They tell you what you need to know and then disappear, until you date them and then have sex with them and they turn evil. I explained it all in my book. Buffy And Angel: Could It Have Lasted?. On sale now at all bookstores. It's $19:95 (plus tax) And it's by me...(muttering) Laim Anne Williams.

CLOVER: This is my pov, hello? Go away, Laim.

WILL: Fine, you are not getting a signed copy of my book.

CLOVER:I starting thinking. I knew that the end of all evil meant that Will, E. Z. and I won't have to fight anymore. That all the girls that would have come after me would have been free. But, then I thought of if Michael was telling the truth. That meant the end of all man kind. I went to see my new baby brother and sisters. Giles Daniel Harris, Roxanne Elizabeth Harris, and Jubilee Jessica Harris. (Mom and Xander had agreed to both decide on the boys name, and each pick a girls name. Guess who picked what.)

I saw those three little babies and I knew what I had to do. So, I cut my arm and let my blood go into their IVs. And then I left.

I went to my house to get weapons and it was there that Gavin showed up. I knew that there was a 98% chance I'd die fighting those two vampires. They were both over 300 years old,both had killed many Slayers before getting souls, and both were nuts. Gavin wanted to help me,but I knew he couldn't. I was about to tell him so when I had a vision-Rai and Dale fighting vampires in Rai's apartment. I took off that way and Gavin followed me.

Dale's POV

[Dale is still sitting on the sofa, but he is alone now and looks badly hurt.]

DALE: We invited Rai's father's friends in. It took about three seconds for us to know that we had just invited five vampires in and that Mr. S was a vampire,now. (I'd find out later that one of the Four did this, so Chase would feel bad and help them.) Rai and I fought those things as best we could. Even staked three. (long pause. Dale has tears in his eyes.) But....uh....one of the vampires grabbed Rai and drained her. (another long pause) I...I...I jumped on it and staked it. The other two vampires beat the living shit out of me and then left with out a word.

I crawled next to Rai's dead body and closed by eyes....I wanted to die then.

Roger's POV

[Rogers is sitting at the oak table in the "BatCave". There are all kinds of books around him.]

ROGERS: Yes, hello. My life to changed forever on May 23rd, 2020. It was the last day of school, when Clover came to Pierre and I with her dream. We told a few jokes (we are both very funny) and then told her, we'd look it up. She seemed very happy with that. The rest of the day went by quickly, with Pierre and I going through every book I own.

In the early hour mornings of May 24th, Pierre and I were down in the "Batcave", when Erza and Anna showed up down there. After Anna and Pierre making out for several minutes, Erza got down to business and told us why they where there in SunnyDale. The Four had stolen the book from Anna. But, then they told us that the Four had souls. Erza told us that while they were evil, she couldn't kill something with a soul. That put us in a tight spot.

Gavin's POV

[Gavin is still sitting on the stage at the Bronze. He looks sadder now and has stopped playing with his drum sticks.]

GAVIN: I followed Clover, unaware of where she was going. Or what had been up with the whole 'Ah my head. Ow.' thing that she did.  I followed Clover to Rai's apartment and when we opened the door, we both froze. Vampires had been there. They'd been there and they had, had fun. We found Dale next to Rai's body. Rai was dead. Clover gasped and buried her face in my shirt. I can still clearly see Dale's face. It was full of hate for Clover. He told her it was all her fault. But, it wasn't. How was she to know that Rai's dad would get vamped? She wouldn't have.

Clover was so upset. She whispered that she was so very sorry and ran out of the apartment. I followed her and stopped her in the middle of the hall. This is what she told me:

Clover: Gavin, I'm so sorry. I know I've treated you badly in the past. I know you've always been there for me. And I'm so sorry all this is happening and that I couldn't stop it before now. I may not come back, and if I don't...Gav please protect my family and our friends. I'll give you the one thing that means most to be.

GAVIN: And then she kissed me! I felt really strange. She smiled at me thru tears and ran off. I went back to Rai's and called 911.


[Clover is still sitting in that chair. Her eyes are closed and dried tears are on her face.]

CLOVER: I think I gave Gavin the visions I had gotten from my Mom. I started running down the street and that's why I ran into Spike. If I didn't stop the Four (Three) he'd die. It was right then that I knew what I'd been hiding for two years. I....I love Spike. But, to him I am just a substitute for Buffy Summers. He was in love with her. He just uses me as a sub. for her.  And it was very painful to tell him good-bye. I asked him to watch out for everyone and to please take care of himself. I then ran to SunnyDale High.


[Spike is standing by a grave. He is smoking and seems so very sad.]

SPIKE: I met the Slayer outside of some apartment. By the way she was acting, I knew something was up. And by the way the demons were acting around town, I knew it was big. I asked her what was up and all she told me was that she needed me to watch all her stupid friends and to take care of myself. She told me good-bye and ran off. I called after her, but she didn't answer.


[Clover is sitting there. Eyes closed. The light is hardly there now.]

CLOVER: I ran to SunnyDale High, to find Erza and Anna there. Everything was explained to me. I told them all about Rai and Dale. I told them I was going to kill the last of the Four and told Erza to get her stuff and we'd call Will. Do you know what Erza said? No. She said she couldn't kill anything with a soul. I tried to explain to her that they would destroy the world if we didn't stop 'em. But, she and the three Watchers down in the "BatCave" were all against me! They all said that we couldn't kill them. I asked Pierre what the Watchers in England would say. He told me that they'd say if it's a vampire-kill it, doesn't matter if it has a soul. However, they'd also say killing them could cause something awful to happen. Because the books all say that if I would kill the vampires, a big old pit would open up anyway. So, we were screwed.

I didn't care. I told them that I quit. And that I'd do what I want. I ran upstairs and out of the school.

I got all the way to my house, when I was jumped by Andrew and Mary (the other two of the Four). They beat me up really bad and brought me to Sarr's place.

POV's for "Why?"


[Rogers is sitting at the table. The books are now open.]

ROGERS: Clover was missing for two days. She'd missed Rai's funeral and her parents were getting worried. It began to cross our minds that she had A) ran away or B) been kidnapped by the three vampires. On the second night of her disappears Gavin, Anna, Erza, Will, Pierre,Coal, Car, and I had a meeting in the "BatCave".

We were busy deciding what we would do when Spike came walking into the "BatCave" along with Whistler. I recalled him from that party, where he'd been with Alicia Price. Whistler sat Spike down and told us that the three vampires did have her. He went on to say that if the said a spell and used Slayer's blood, a pit would open that would bring the world to hell. He said that Spike knew where they were. Spike, as usual, didn't want to say anything. That's when Whistler grabbed Spike by the shirt and yelled that if Clover dies this time, she can't come back. Spike said he would help.

We formed a plan. Will, Coal, Car, and Pierre would take go in through the back door. Erza, Anna, Gavin and myself would come in through the side. Will, Erza, Anna, Pierre, and myself would be in charge of staking the vampires. Gavin, Coal, and Car would be in charge of getting Clover out of there. Whistler said he'd get the book back. Spike would be our dummy. The key to the whole plan would be he getting us in there.


[Clover is still sitting in that chair. Her eyes are closed. She is badly hurt-close to passing out from loss of blood]

CLOVER: Two very long days of torture. Check. Watching three soul having vampires fix up a place for some ancient shit. Check. Yep, I've decided that May is a bad month to be a Slayer. That and November, for some odd reason.

Things were pretty quiet, till some vampires came in dragging Alicia Price with them. Mary said that she'd kill Alicia to make me sadder. Now, Miss. Price dying wasn't a good thing to me. And it would make me sad,sure. But, why didn't they use my Mom, Xander, Gav, Rogers, someone closer to me? Miss. Price yelled something out to me. She yelled for me to be brave, like I had once told her to be. (I never told her to be brave.) She told me to never give them the joy of seeing me scared. Then, Mary broke her neck. All I remember is my voice screaming something like no.

They brought Sarr in, then. Said he'd be their fourth. Like, they were playing cards or something. I watched Micheal,but he hadn't so much as looked at me in two days. They told me they were ready. Sarr stared at me with a 'Dear God, please save me. I like the world' look on his face.

That's when the door opened.


[Spike is still standing by the grave. He's still smoking and has a bottle of cheap wine in the other hand.]

SPIKE:So, that stupid loser, Whistler made me que cards to know what to say and to sound evil. Like I...Spike. William the Freaking Bloody need que cards. Ha. (I read them outside before walking in.)

I walked on inside and everyone stared at me. I started strong, spouting stuff about being pissed for not getting an invite. I want to destroy the world, how come no one told me about this? Your all off my Christmas list. Blah, blah. Pure crap. I like this world. You've got smokes, drinks, dog racing, and people. Millions of people walking around like happy meals with legs. I like that.

I walked over to where Clover was. God, she looked like hell. There was hate and worry in those eyes of hers. I gave her a wink and went back to the lies.

Those vampires must of been far gone, 'cause they were ok with me joining them. I said I was so happy about that. Blah, blah.

We started. Those three vampires, along with Sarr started talkin' in Latin. I went along with it. Then, the one they called Andrew took some old, rusty, knife from his jacket and walked over to Clover. He cut the rope and picked her up in his arms. He brought her to the middle of the room and laid her down. I watched, waiting to give my que. Andrew bent down and cut Clover across her stomach. The ground started to shake. I threw a punch at the Michael guy and that's when everyone else came running in.


[Gavin is still sitting on the stage. He is openly crying now.]

GAVIN: We all ran in. I can't really began to tell you what happened. Everything was happening so fast. Coal, Car, and me ran to Clover and I picked her up. She shook her head and asked me to hold her. She said she had something to do. I told Car and Coal to go. Fast. The ground was shaking more and more. A huge pit began to form on the ground, a few inches by where Clover had been. Coal dragged Car out.

I looked over to see the Will and the others had been successful in staking one of the Four (dude, there's Two. Someone change the name,soon.) Erza then staked the next one.

Everything went faster, then. I saw Sarr run out. The minions of the soul-cult-vampires were putting up a good fight, but the three Watchers were doing an ok job. Most were running out now. That pit was getting really big. The last of the soul vampires started to scream and ran out. Whistler came over and told me to get out with the others. He promised to take care of Clover. Erza and Spike joined us. They both said I should go. I didn't want to. I wanted to stay. I went.


[Clover is still sitting in that chair. She is finding it hard to breathe.]

CLOVER: Whistler had to support me. Spike and Erza stood there. That pit was getting bigger and bigger. I had caused this. This is what was said:

Clover:(softly) I caused this.

Whistler: No, no you didn't. We can stop this.

Spike: How can we stop this. Take a look at that, mate. It's getting bigger. The ground is shaking. White light is coming from it.

Erza: We *have* to stop it. Any ideas how?

Clover: They said a Slayer can start it. She can also stop it.

((Clover tries to get away from Whistler,but is weak.))

Clover: I have to jump in.

Spike: No, there has to be another-

Whistler: She's right. A Slayer's blood made the pit, a Slayer's blood can close it.

Spike: Your a bloody.....

Erza:(softly) I'll do it, Clover.

Clover: Like hell you will......  

Erza: Clover, you have a family to live for. A Slayers final reward, her only reward is death. I wasn't cut out to be a Slayer. (bitter laugh) I don't think I would have lasted long anyway.

((Erza punches Clover in the face. Clover passes out in Whistler's arms. Erza takes a deep breath. Pause. She starts to softly say her prayers. Erza walks over to the pit and jumps in. The light goes away and the shaking stops.))

CLOVER: That idiot! That stupid kid! She was only 16! And she saved the world.


[Spike is still standing there. You might think he's crying.]

SPIKE: Clover woke up a few minutes later. She looked around and then at me and Whistler. She demanded to know where Erza was. I told her that she knew. Clover broke down in tears and looked up at me. She asked me just one word. Yet, it was said with so many emotions. Clover asked: "Why?!"

I was going to say something but Whistler answered her. He said that sometimes people you love more then anything in the world die on you. He told her that the hardest thing to do once someone you love dies is to go on living. He said he'd been married once. That he really cared about the girl. That she'd died. But, he went on living. For her. To keep a part of her alive.

Clover seemed to like that idea. She slowly walked over to the pit and jumped in. She came back up, carrying Erza's dead body. She walked over to me and handed Erza to me. She asked me to get the dead girl to her Watcher, Anna. I said I would. She told me that I better hurry, the sun will be up soon. I nodded and left.


[Clover is sitting in the chair and has a sad sort of smile of her lips. She has her eyes closed and is crying, yet seems to have stopped breathing]

CLOVER: I lead Whistler to Miss. Price's body. I asked him to take her. She had been a good teacher. I think she had been a good person. Nah, I know she had been a great person. It felt like a part of me was dead. I had lost to many people. He picked Alicia up and asked me if I was coming. I said, no. I needed a couple of seconds. He left. I went to the pit and sat down next to it. I began to cry.


As Whistler walked away from the building carrying his dead child, the building shook once more and then something strange happened. The whole thing blew up.


[Gavin McNeal, Car Ronnie, and Coal Potter all sat around a table at the Bronze. Everyone around them was having fun. Yet, the three of them just sat there, looking so very lost.]

[Dustin Rogers sat alone at the table in the "BatCave". He wrote quietly in his Watcher's dairy.]

[Pierre and Anna got onto a plane. Erza's body was in a coffin and put into the back of the plane.]

[Will sadly got onto a bus that was headed somewhere, that he didn't even know.]

[Dale sitting in a hospital bed, looking out a window.]

[Cordelia Harris stopped in the middle of the living room to look at a picture of her daughter. Xander Harris came up behind her and smiled sadly. He put a hand on her shoulder. Cordy put her face in her hands. Tears fell from Xander's eyes.]

[Spike put a rose on the top of a grave stone. He sat down next to it. Guarding it against even the littlest thing that might come by.]

 Nov. 3rd, 2003-May 26th, 2020
 Beloved Daughter and Sister
 Devoted Friend

She Saved The World-Thanks

Oak's Diary
