
*Disclaimer and all the nifties in the Prologue:

Chapter Twelve:

    I took one look at the clothes Jean-Claude had piled on the bed and burst
into a fit of near-hysterical laughter.
    It was a leather body-suit, as modest as a body-suit could get,in that it
wasn't obscenely low-cut. But, that wasn't what had made me laugh. I expected
the leather from Jean-Claude.I might've been worried if it had been anything
else. He was the epitome of 'dress to impress'.
    What had me giggling until I had tears in my eyes was the silver penguin
painted on the chest of the body-suit. God,but it was the cutest damn thing
I'd ever seen.
    No way in hell was I going to wear it where anyone but Jean-Claude would
see it. Okay, and maybe Asher. But only because I knew Asher wouldn't say
anything to anyone.
    Jason was grinning as he handed the body-suit to me,his eyebrows raised
    I rolled my eyes and tossed the body-suit back onto the bed,heading for
the walk-in closet.
    Some of the clothes were so exotic I wasn't sure how to get into them.
Geez.Jean-Claude certainly had a flair for the dramatic.
    And the slightly slutty, by the looks of some of the torture
    I dug around in the closet until I found a pair of pants. Okay,so they
were vinyl. They were still pants,dammit. The closest shirt I could find to
anything normal was a blood-red halter top that made wearing a bra impossible.
    Jean-Claude really was beginning to be a bad influence on my wardrobe.
    And,of course,there were no normal shoes. God forbid that the Fashion
King be caught with a pair of Nikes on his property.
    I had a choice of combat boots, or heels that looked like they had
criss-crossing straps all the way up to the knees. If I ever met the person
who invented heels, I was going to torture them to death with bamboo slivers.
    I chose the combat boots. At least I could kick Jean-Claude for not
getting anything I'd wear in public.
    The one thing that made the outfit worth wearing,besides it actually
being comfortable, was imagining the look on Jean-Claude's face when he saw
me in it.
    I changed in the closet,since Jason didn't appear willing to give me any
privacy, and came back out when I was dressed.
    Jason blinked at me,mouth slightly open. "Whoa...marry me?"
    I laughed and shoved him lightly. "You are too much,Jason."
    Jason grinned. "Why,thank you."
    I shook my head at him, grinning back. Jordan D'Ubervilles was in police
custody, John Burke was probably going to live, Bert had hidden and stayed
alive, and I was dressed to shock the hell out of Jean-Claude.
    Life was good

Broken: Part XIII

Trace's Diary