
*Disclaimer and all that other schtuff in the Prologue.
**Also, my spell check is demon-possessed and my beta-reader moved to
Australia, so please ignore the typos.

Chapter Two:

    I stopped just past my office door,in shock.
    Mary, our daytime secretary, was slumped over her desk, a hole the size
of a small pizza in her back. Exit wound, came the clinical assessment.
    I risked a glance in the other two offices. John Burke was flat on his
back in a puddle of blood. I didn't see Bert anywhere.
    As many times as I'd fantasized about killing Bert myself, it hadn't been
serious. I hoped he'd made it out alive.
    Thankfully, Charles was off tonight, and Jamison had already left for his
appointments. Otherwise, there'd have been two more corpses.
    "You son of a bitch," I said slowly, my voice low and calm.
    I was half a second from calling the munin and letting Raina eat Jordan
    "Do you *want* me to put a bullet in you?" Jordan asked, waving the gun
at me.
    I was so pissed at that point that I didn't give a shit if he shot me
    "You motherfucker. These people didn't do anything to you. You didn't
have to kill them," I spat out.
    "I felt like it," Jordan shrugged.
    I smiled at him and he frowned. "Something amusing you?"
    "You're going to die," I said, still grinning like the damn Chesire cat.
    "You think you can outrun a bullet?"Jordan laughed.
    I shook my head, still smiling.Damn, I just couldn't seem to stop.
    "Not me." I said.
    He blinked and half-turned as Jean-Claude just seemed to appear out of
thin air.

Broken: Part III

Trace's Diary