
*Disclaimer and all the other schtuff in the Prologue.

Chapter Three:

    Jean-Claude moved in a blur, batting the gun out of Jordan's hand like it
was nothing.
    "Are you alright,ma petite?" he asked quietly.
    I could feel his anger like a warm hand in the pit of my stomach.
    Jordan was shaking. I was betting Jean-Claude's voice felt like it was
slicing him up. Good.
    "I will be," I answered him.
    "You are bleeding," he said, his voice accusatory.
    I shrugged. "I'll live. He, on the other hand, is going to beg me to give
him to the police."
    Jean-Claude raised an eyebrow at me. "What are you going to do,Anita?"
    "I'd let Raina play, but there wouldn't be enough left over to scrape up
with a spatula," I said, glaring at Jordan.
    He flinched as if I'd hit him. Good to know something scared him. "The
rumors are true?"
    "Which ones?" I asked.
    "That you're the wolf and leopard Queen," Jordan said, acting like he
didn't care that Jean-Claude was less than three feet from him.
    "Amoung other things," I told him, milking the implication for all it was
    "What other things?" he asked, a slight tremble to his voice.
    "Executioner, Necromancer, Munin, Human Servant, Lupa, Namir-Ra," I said,
letting my eyes go still and dead.
    Jordan blinked, looking at my eyes. He was one of the few humans would
truly understand what I was showing him. That I didn't care if he lived or
died,and I didn't care if it was quick and clean or slow and messy.

Broken: Part IV

Trace's Diary