
*Disclaimer and stuff in the prologue.

Chapter Six:

    I was hunched down in my seat, my head resting against the window.
    "Ma petite?"
    "What?"I sounded young and vulnerable.Damn.
    "Are you alright?" He asked.
    "Do you want to talk about it?" Persistent,wasn't he?
    I heard him sigh.
    My cell phone was on the seat, and it started ringing. I ignored it.
    Jason looked at me, then back at the road. "Are you going to answer that?"
    I shook my head.
    Jean-Claude reached up from the back seat and got the phone.
    I turned in my seat to look at him,frowning.
    Jean-Claude smiled. "I will tell her," he said, then turned the phone off.
    I raised an eyebrow at him.
    "John Burke is alive."
    I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding when he said that.
    The look on his face was amused. I used to think that was his normal
expression. Now,I knew it meant there was more that he wasn't telling me.
    "Just spill it,Jean-Claude," I said tiredly.
    "They found your employer. He was hiding in his file-closet,"Jean-Claude
told me.
    I was relieved that Bert wasn't dead. But I was also pissed that like the
true coward he was, he'd hidden himself away and hadn't even given the rest
of us a warning. I'd almost been shot because Bert was too much of a
chicken-shit to yell 'Anita,bad guy' before he saved his own ass. I'd have
given him a warning.
    Jason stopped my Jeep outside of the Circus of the Damned. I guessed I'd
be crashing there for the day.
    Any other time, I'd have bitched until they took me home, but I just
didn't have the energy for it right now.
    Now that the adrenaline rush was gone, I was exhausted.
    I stumbled out of the Jeen and almost fell. I didn't even protest when
Jean-Claude picked me up like I was a little kid and carried me inside. I
just snuggled my face into his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Broken: Part VII

Trace's Diary