
*Disclaimer and all the other nifties in the Prologue.

Chapter Nine:

    When I woke up again, I was sandwiched between Jean-Claude and Asher.
    They were cool to the touch, dead for the day. Strangely, that no longer
bothered me.
    I had no intention of leaving that bed, and instead of bolting from the
room like I'd have normally done, I snuggled closer to them. My head rested
on Asher's chest,and my back was tight against Jean-Claude's side.
    I closed my eyes and listened to Asher's heart. It was painfully
slow,maybe one beat per minute, but it was comforting.
    I drifted off to sleep again, content, in bed with two corpses. Yeesh.

Broken: Part X

Trace's Diary