
Dolls lay on the ground, broken, and gathering dust.
Half a face, the rest a broken shard,
like a long agao dream.
An eye, blue as the summer sky,
blank and stairing, sightless as the blind,
waiting for it's mommy to hold it again.

Frilly with lace, pink and bright.
The dress waits to be worn again,
waits for the princess to reclaim her throne.
Dreams of Princes, balls and waltzing.
Dreams of castles, unicorns and magic.
Dreams of chivelry, of memory and hope
all wrapped up in fading lace, waiting on a hook.

Tea cups and saucers, books and pens.
Dolls and dresses and thinks forever and then.
Memories whispered in the quiet of night.
Laughter and hope ringout in a cry.
Dust covered objects wiating in the light.
Dream, hopes and prayers shut in the attic tight.

Little girls grown-up.
Memories face, joylove and happiness kept inside safe.
And broken parts of childhood, waiting with faith.

 Saitaina's Diary