Saitaina's Diary

Email Saitaina!


From Where I Stand

Have You Ever Had a Day?

I am

The Life They Once Had

The Time is Now


Lost Friends



Best Friends

Original Stories

Lady of the Lake

Smoke and Mirrors

Stalking Shadows

Buffy Fanfic

Fantasys Series


The Fight

Date with a Warlock


Magic, Nighmares, Monsters, Oh My!


Slay Here, Slay There, Slayer Everywhere


A Doll's Story Series

Mr. Inflatable

Mr. Gordo

Miss. Edith

Peaches and Cream Barbie


Singlular Stories

Finally Free

The Last to Stand

Of Gods and Monsters

Missing Him

Into Eternity

This Picture

Anita Blake Fanfiction

Strip Dance Series

Strip Dance #1

Strip Dance #2

Strip Dance #3

Strip Dance #4


Singular Stories

Veils of Death

Every Now and Then


Harry Potter Fanfiction

The End of the Begining-

Slash, PG-13-
Neville is the world's new war hero but is he ready to face those whom betrayed him?

The End of the Begining-Part the First

The End of the Beginging-Part the Second

The End of the Begining-Part the Third

The End of the Beginging-Part the Fourth

The End of theBegining-Part the Fifth

The End of the Begining-Part the Sixth


Till Death Do Us Part

Draco must come to terms with his lover's marrige to Ginny Weasley. Slash. Sequal to 'Every Now and Then'

Till Death Do Us Part-Part I-Ron Visits Draco

Till Death Do Us Part-Part II-The Wedding Part I

Till Death Do Us Part-Part III-The Wedding Part II



Singular Stories

Broken Shards-PG-13-Slash

The Night before the Newts-Slash-
James and Sirius attent a Slytherin party and the next generation continues the dradition

Every Now and Then-Slash-Draco remembers Harry after reciving a letter.

Written in the Stars-Slash-Draco and Harry are forced to break up.

