" The Knife, The Demon, and Spike"

Summary: Spike comes back to SunnyDale looking for Alicia Price, but he ends up helping Clover. A demon working for Chris, Clover's missing Watcher, comes to town looking for a knife. But the demon may be too much for Clover to handle.Meanwhile, Alicia Price and Dustin get closer, Alicia learns of the "mating", and Dustin learns more about it.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Buffy. They belong to Joss Wedon, Fox, and the WB, and everyone else who works on the show. The rest are my strange mind.

Spoilers: Season 3& 4 of Buffy and season 1 of Angel.

Any feedback about this and any other story would be welcome! Please, please, please. But please, try to be gentle if you hated the story, I can't please everyone :) Just remember, things have to change sometimes. Send any comments to Oak14177@AOL.com

The British vampire walked drunkenly through the Garden District of New Orleans, Louisiana. "Where the hell did that woman live again?" he asked himself out loud. He turned down a street and came to a small, picture perfect looking house. The vampire walked to the door and banged loudly on the old oak. After a few minutes and neighbors threatening to call the cops, he just broke the door open.

He looked around the dark living room. "Writer?" he yelled out into the darkness. The vampire went upstairs to the bedroom. "you haven't finished my autobiography yet dammit! Bloody hell, don't tell me I killed her and forgot!"

The vampire started looking through her desk drawers, and then spotted the answering machine where a little red light flashed on and off. He pressed play. " Hey, it's Claire. The ticket to SunnyDale, California is in. Although why you'd want to go to a small town like that in the middle of nowhere is beyond me."

The vampire's face changed into its true demonic form, and he pulled the machine out of the wall and threw it at a window. "I can't believe she went to SunnyHell! Now I've got to go back there. Oh well, I hear there's a new Slayer there, might be fun."

He left the house and walked back to his car. The vampire jumped in and headed for SunnyDale...again.

"Ah, the annual school field trip to the zoo," Gavin McNeal stated as he walked up to his cousin and her best friend. "And what are you two girls doing?"

Rai Shields and her best friend the Slayer, Clover Chase, turned to Gavin. "Watching the elephants do X-rated stuff," Rai answered.

Clover smiled at him. "Where are Coal and Nick?"

"Feeding chips to the bears. They said they'd be here in a half an hour, or when it gets old."

"Ahhh," both girls answered at the same time as Dustin popped up behind them.

"God, Rogers, now I need a new pair of shorts," Gavin said as he almost fell backwards into the elephant pit.

Dustin gave the young man a faint laugh. "Your teenage humor is lacking in structure Gavin. It is an entirely good thing you are not graded on this field trip," he said in general, " as you three seem to enjoy certain, shall we say, naturalistic aspects of the zoological world."

"Hey Dustin," Gavin answered, "I think that elephant's giving you the eye. Bet its thinking about you."

"Come on Dustin, like you've never watched animals mate before," Rai said as she gave the British man a raised eyebrow.

"Mating?" Dustin questioned distracted and turned to her and the others flustered. "What have you heard about the 'mating'? Who have you three been talking to?" He noticed the looks of confusion they were giving him. "Um," he began looking around for a way out, " isn't that Miss Price over there at the gift shop? Isn't she motioing me over? Perhaps I should see if she needs anything. It could be important."

The trio watched him walk away in a hurry. They turned back to the elephants as Coal and nick came up to them.

"Ah, Miss Price, what a nice bust," Dustin said as he came up to the entrance of the gift shop.

Alicia looked up at him with a mixture of confusion and reddening cheeks. "Excuse me?" she questioned crossing her arms self-consciously.

He pointed inside of the shop. "That bust of the dolphins."

She turned around and looked in the window of the shop. "Oh. Yes. It's lovely," she said quickly recovering and blushing even more.

Dustin saw the color creeping over her face and asked in confusion, "Why Miss Price, what did you think I was referring to? Oh, yes, well, I," he muttered as understanding came.

Alicia smiled then and half taunted, "Mr. Rogers, I do believe you owe me an apology. How exactly do you feel about seafood?"

"Seafood? Well, I suppose I like it all right, though its not English food," he answered. "Why? Miss Price are you asking me out on a date?"

"That depends," she replied twirling a strand of hair between her fingers, " are you accepting?"

Clover walked through the town surveying her surroundings with her observant senses. It was a simple rustle in some nearby bushes rather than any creepy feeling coming over her that caught her attention. She walked slowly toward the bushes slipping a stake from her hand and grateful she had worn her sneakers and their padded sneaking ability.

Suddenly, and without warning, it jumped out at her with a loud primal growl issuing deep from within its throat. Clover got one quick look at the demon before the fight began, and it disgusted her. Scaly, brown armor covered every part of the thick waisted bald humaniod-like creature, and when it opened its jaws wider than Clover dreamed possible it revealed row after row of sharpened teeth.

" I don't have any time to play little girl. I must retrieve the Burning Cross for Kelmarc," he said as he grabbed her and threw her firmly against a brick wall trying to pin her.

Clover got up quickly and rolled her neck back and forth to get the knots out. She looked around, but the demon was gone. The Slayer started walking then felt a burning sensation in the back of her right leg. Looking down , she saw a huge gash running down her leg. "Dammit," she mummered. She started home to get patched up and grab that old knife Dustin had lent her to kill the Celdar with. For some reason, she felt she would need it.

Clover entered her house and immediately felt a strange presence. She limped up the stairs and into the bathroom. She found the first-aid kit and walked into her bedroom thankful her mother was still doing late work at the office.

Clover opened the kit and took out a large sterile bandage. Leaning down and propping her leg on the edge of her bed, she ripped the remaining leg of her pants open and began cleaning the wound all the time conscious of the strange feeling that someone of the undead variety was around.

The feeling began to get stronger, and she tensed as she heard an unfamiliar, heavy accented, British punk voice speaking behind her in a rather slurred manner. " ' Clover, came home early so I thought I'd rent a movie for us and get some ice cream. Love Mom. P.S., I brought a stake with me, don't worry. Dinner's in the oven' ."

Clover turned sharply and stared at the man framed in the shadows of her doorway. He was dressed in black pants with matching boots, a red silk shirt and a black leather jacket. His hair was colored a startlingly blond platinum and was cut short in a rocker look that accented his high cheekbones. He was tall, lanky, and was holding a note obviously written by Clover's mom between two of his long fingers.

"Who are you?" Clover questioned angrily at his invasion of her home.

"Spike," he answered looking up from the note as if she should already know the answer. "And you're the Slayer, Clover Chase."

Quickly grabbing a stake, Clover changed her manner from tense to a fighting stance. "How did you get in here vampire? I'm pretty sure my mom didn't invite you in," she added.

"Actually, no," Spike replied not in the least bit alarmed. "Let's do a little Slayer genealogy here. Former Slayer Buffy Summers invited me. Hot, little chick; she went for those soul having toes though."

"Well I didn't invite you, so why don't you get the hell out of my house demon before you end up fitting inside of an ashtray!"

"Tsk, tsk Slayer, being rude to your guest," Spike warned with a wagging finger.

Clover's angry retort was cut short by the front door slamming shut and her mother's voice yelling up the stairs, " Clover, are you here? I got the movie and chocolate ice cream, your favorite. Clover?" Cordelia's heels tapped up the carpeted stairs, and both Spike and Clover watched as she stopped at the landing gazing at her daughter's doorway and the two figures seen within.

To Clover's surprise, Cordelia looked calmly at the vampire and said simply, "Spike. What are you doing here?"

"Hello Cordelia," he replied leaning in the doorway.

"Wait, wait, hold up a minute," Clover cried, " you two know each other? Mother, just how many vampires do you know in case they came visiting. I can invite them in too."

"Now listen here young lady," Cordelia warned, "I only knew... a few, and anyway, what I did in my youth really isn't any of your business." She then turned to Spike. "And what are you doing in my house?"

"I'm looking for a woman."

"Well, aren't we all," Clover said sarcastically, " but I really don't think you're gonna find one here."

"Listen here Slayer, that's not what I meant. I'm looking for a woman, a writer from New Orleans. She slipped out on me, I was only gone a year, or two. I don't really remember. She was supposed to finish my autobiography, and she skipped out ton me the little bitch. She'll be lucky if I don't decide to kill her anyway when I find her," Spike explained anger growing with each sentence until Clover tensed again and Cordelia backed up a few steps.

"And you thought you'd find her here?" Clover asked puzzled.

"No, I was a little hungry," he admitted with a smile, " and since I was once invited and all, thought I could use a free meal. But since another bloody Slayer lives here," he said with a gesture to Clover, "I suppose that cancels that."

"Damn right!" Clover growled. "Now why don't you get the hell outta here before I help you along."

"Fine," Spike said walking past her and towards her opened window, " but remember," he called as he jumped out, "I'm still invited."

Hold up Mom," Clover said walking past her mother to the phone in the hall, " you can yell at me for cussing in a minute."

She reached in her jean pocket, pulled out a crumbled piece of notebook paper, and began dialing the number Dustin had given her that afternoon before she had left for her patrol.

Dustin Rogers sat on the couch while Alicia Price poured him another cup of tea as they waited for the crawfish to finish simmering. "When you asked me for dinner," Dustin said after taking a drink, "I never dreamed you'd be cooking."

"Do you think there are any authentic seafood restaurants with Cajun items on the menu in California?" she questioned sitting down next to him. Alicia then gave him a strange look.

"What?" he questioned nervously.

"Look," she began setting down her cup, " please don't think me rude Dustin, but do you ever wear anything except black slacks, a green shirt and blazer?"

"Um,yes,well," Dustin said with slight couch, " you see, the thing is I am rather young for my office as principal you see, and well, I suppose, that is I thought this outfit would make me appear more mature and authortive towards the student body."

"Yes, and just the other day someone came up to me on the field trip and said just how mature Mr. Rogers looked," Alicia replied holding back a laugh.

"You don't have to lie to me Alicia," Dustin said as he started to laugh with her, when a moment later the phone rang.

"Will you excuse me for a moment," she said picking up the cordless phone on the coffetable. "Hello? Um, yes he's here. Just a second." Alicia placed her hand over the reciever and looked at Dustin curiously. "It's for you, it's Clover Chase. Is there any particular reason one of your students is tracking you down that I should know about Dustin?"

"No, of course not," Dustin said taking the phone from her and looking around for someplace else to take the call.The simple loft apartment consisted of a connecting living, kitchen and dinning room, a bedroom only a few steps above and the bathroom. He placed the phone to his ear. "Hello. Oh, it's quite alright. Alright. The what? I don't believe I've ever heard of that one. Yes, I'm sure they will. Who? Yes I know who he is, not very old. I could tell you the age, but not right now." For some reason Dustin turned to Alicia and raised a dark eyebrow. "Are you sure?" he questioned into the phone. "Okay, I'll research it after school. Perhaps you should bring along your mother. Alright, I'll see you there. Thank you, I am too." Dustin slowly put down the phone and sat back without looking at Alicia.

"Is something wrong?" she questioned with concern.

Dustin folded his hands together and questioned without emotion, "Do you know Spike?"

Alicia looked away as if she didn't know what to say then stammered out, "Dustin you see I was, and he was, and we, but then...."

"I see," he said rising off the couch before she could finish and taking up his jacket. "Well, goodnight Miss Price." Before she could respond, he had opened the door and left her standing there with the timer in the background and a few tears in her eyes.

"I don't believe it," Rai said as she and Clover walked through the quad the next day at school. "Miss Price? How did Rogers take it?"

Clover shrugged. "Don't know. He sounded betrayed on the phone though. I guess their dinner was cut short. But that's not the weirdest part. Buffy Summers invited Spike into our house. He's probably been in our room before too. Eww! And that demon who was looking for the Burning Cross for K-mart."

"I didn't know K-Mart carried burning crosses," Rai said with a wry smile.

Clover pushed her friend lightly. " Ha, ha very funny Rai. I was being thrown against a wall, I may have gotten the name a little confused."

Rai pushed Clover back. "Sure Clove, or maybe you just need a hearing aid."

Their conversation was cut short when they heard a male voice behind them. "Rai, Chase, wait up." The girls turned to see a tall, thin seventeen year old junior behind them. His blue eyes looked like they were always sad and a bush of brown hair on his head.

"Hey Nick," both girls said at once.

Nick started walking with them. "I come with a message from Gavin. He told me that he can't make that thing after school today." The girls looked at him for more information. "Oh right, band meeting. Coal dyed his hair black! The whole thing with the band was that it was three brunettes who are tall, lanky and only wore bowling shirts and baggy pants. He broke the rules! Man!" Nick kicked a trash can. "But, got to go girls late for class."

The girls turned and watched him go, then turned back to each other.

"Wow, and I thought I had big problems," Clover said.

"Well, that's Nick Green for you, always blowing things out of proportion."

"Glad he doesn't know I'm the Slayer. He'd die of worrying in two days."

After the end of the school day, Dustin ,Clover, Rai and Cordelia gathered in the underground to discuss certain aspects of last night.

"I have been researching the Burning Cross," Dustin began as everyone sat down in their usual places around the table, They all turned to look at him expectantly. ""It seems to reefer to a knife from what I gather," he said opening a book and showing them a small black and white drawing.

"Wait a second, "Clover said turning the book towards her and looking more closely, " that's the knife I used to kill the Celdar with. Right at this moment it's sitting on my dresser next to my Winnie the Pooh bear."

"Why did you keep the knife?" Cordelia questioned.

Clover shrugged. "Just forgot about it."

"Well, I suggest you get it back here right away," Dustin told her.

"Wait, what I don't understand," Rai said, " is why this demon would want Clover, Dustin's knife anyway."

Dustin grabbed back the book and started paraprashing. "All it says here is that it's used for some ritual. That's the only reference in my entire collection."

"And what about that demon who was after it?" questioned Rai. "I really don't see a demon going up to the customer services desk at K-Mart and asking if this knife is included on the blue light special."

"Kelmarc," Dustin corrected absently picking up another book and turning away from the group to sit on the staircase. "From what I can gather he is some form of demon, albeit stronger than most."

Clover watched him with his lack of information, and just checked it off as emotions from what he had found out last night explaining his unusual behavior today. Dustin then got up and began making his way down the stairs to the lower level when the voice of Alicia Price drifted down the stairs from Dustin's office. "Dustin? Look, I know you're down there so it will be no use hiding, I need to talk to you."

The group watched stunned as Alicia walked down the stairs and stood at the end gazing at the group itself. Dustin, who had turned sharply at her voice, came back up the stairs and stood there looking at her as well with an unemotional mask.

Cordelia was the first to make any move. She walked over calmly to Alicia and held out her hand. "Hello, I'm Cordelia Chase, Clover's mother," she said breezily as the two shook hands.

"Um, hello," Alicia answered, "I'm Alicia Price."

Cordelia looked at her with interest, turned to look at Dustin, then directed her question to the writer. "Are you and Dustin dating? " Before Alicia could answer, Cordelia said to her daughter, "Clover, dear, never date a vampire with a soul or Miss Price here will wind up dead. Trust me, I've had experience with these things."

"Sure Mom," Clover said shaking her head as her mother sat back down, " whatever you say. I'll make a note of it on my calendar."

"This isn't what it looks like," Rai spoke up not knowing what else to say after a look to Dustin.

"Of course it is," Alicia replied with a small smile. "Clover is the Slayer, Dustin is her Watcher. I've been following her on patrols every night since I got here." "I knew I felt a presence on patrol the other night," Clover said as if she had just found the answer to a math problem.

"Again you betray me!" Dustin cried throwing the book he had been holding on the table causing Rai and Cordelia to jump. "I'm betting Alicia Price isn't even your real name," he accused.

Alicia snorted. "Of course it is. Listen, it's really simple. Spike found me in New Orleans, and he knew I was a horror writer. He told me he'd kill me if I didn't write his autobiography. So I really had no course. But then he left. He had said SunnyDale was on a Hellmouth and Slayers sometimes lived here. So, I thought I'd see for myself. Look, I know it sounds weird, but I think Spike has come back looking for me to finish the book. Trust me, his ego is worse than his bite so to speak."

Clover glanced at her. "You're right, he is in town."

Alicia walked over to the table and took a seat next to Cordelia. Dustin also took a seat only next to Clover. "Let's not worry about Spike right now," the Watcher told them. "Now we have to worry about this Kelmarc and Burning Cross. Rai, could you get on the Internet and see what you can find. Clover, you'll have to go home and get that knife before someone else does. Alicia, Cordelia, and I will look in the books."

"Hey, wait a minute, we're just going to trust her?" Clover asked with an alarmed finger pointing at Alicia.

"We have no choice. Alicia knows too much as it is. Besides, I'd rather have her on our side," Dustin replied without looking at Alicia across the table.

"Okay," Clover answered getting up out of her chair. "I'll be back in a bit." She gave Alicia a dangerous look before going up the stairs.

"Be careful," Cordelia, Dustin and Rai called after her at the same time.

Clover walked briskly down her street when suddenly she felt a hand brush against her right arm. She turned sharply and saw a grinning Gavin on his skateboard behind her holding up his hands in a gesture of peace.

"Whoa, alittle too much caffeine for the Clove," he responded to her quick reflexes.

"Sorry," she sighed. " I really have to get home. I gotta get this knife. There's some demon in town who's working for this other demon named Kelmarc."

"No prob Miss Slayer baby, I'll help," Gavin spoke up and gestured down at his skateboard. "We can use my wheels here."

Clover laughed at his words. "This demon is really big, really strong, and could catch you off guard. If I wasn't the Slayer I would have been killed the other night, " Clover admitted. "And I don't want anything to happen to you Gavin."

She put her hand on his shoulder, and he reached down to clasp her other inhis. they stood that way for a few moments until Clover took her hands away gently and said cheerily, "Well, I've gotta go. See you in school tomorrow."

She took off down the street at a jog while Gavin watched a moment and took off in the direction of his own home to ponder what had just happened.

After Clover had left, Rai and Cordelia situated themselves on the first level of the "Batcave" while Dustin and Alicia, thorough some unvoiced agreement, had gone below to search through the Watcher's volumes.

Alicia, who was seated cross-legged on the floor with a book in her lap, leaned back to the wall and yawned. "I really don't think we're getting anywhere here Dustin," she called to the Watcher who has hidden from her view behind a row of books. "Dustin?" she questioned after not getting an answer. She got off from the floor and found him between two rows of books with a worried frown.

"I've found it," he whispered to himself not knowing she was behind him.

"Found what?" Alicia questioned coming to peer over his shoulder.

Dustin turned around startled. "Nothing, nothing at all," he replied quickly clutching the book and trying to pass her.

"Come on, let me see," Alicia demanded trying to pry the book out of his hands. Finally, after much struggling, Alicia managed to wrestle the book away from him and read the page he had been hiding from her. " The 'mating' ? So this Kelmarc guy needs Clover's knife for a ritual called the 'mating' ."

"Yes, actually the demon Kelmarc and her missing Watcher Chris Barron are one in the same. He has been watching her since before she became a Slayer. Only the most powerful demons in the world work for him. Clover is in great danger, and though I'm not entirely sure what part this knife plays, with or without it, he will still come for her."

"Did you tell her?" Alicia asked and watched the guilty look come over him.

"No," he said quietly, "I just never got around to it. Faith, a girl who was once a Slayer, told me to warn her, but I never did. Kelmarc wanted her alive to tell his message," Dustin added softly, " imagine what he can do to Clover."

"Considering the details and name of this ritual," Alicia replied laying a hand on Dustin's arm, "I don't think he wants to kill Clover, Dustin. I think he wants a child from her. Think of it, half demon, half Slayer, who could stop it?"

Alicia followed Dustin as he slowly sat almost dazed on the last step of the stairs. She sat down quietly next to him and waited. "There's an ancient propchey," he began in monotone.

"Isn't there always?"

Dustin gave her a grateful smile and continued. "It speaks of a Slayer bearing a demon's child, so powerful that no-one will be able to stop its evil, and so the Apocalypse will begin and humanity will truly end signaling the return of the old ones."

Alicia put a comforting hand over his own. "It's risky," she told him as he turned to look at her, " but I think Spike can help us." Dustin jerked back in alarm and tried to shake his head. "Think about it," she continued, " he's a vampire. He can get his hands on things that may have a way to stop the 'mating' from happening. Plus, if all ofKelmarc's demons are so tough, he may be able to help Clover defeat them, She's just a little girl," she added sorrowfully, " she tries to act tough, hardened, but she's not really."

"Why would Spike help us?" Dustin questioned in a tired voice.

"Sure, he's a vampire, but do you think he really wants the world to end? Billions and billions of people to feed off of, where would he go for dinner if no-one was here? Besides, he once told me he missed having someone worthy to fight; he wanted to add another Slayer to his total."

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer eh?" he smiled. "I suppose its the best we can come up with lov. Find him,and tell him if he lays a hand on her, I'll kill him myself."

"You really care about these kids don't you," Alicia stated after squeezing his hand once then starting up the stairs.

He listened as she climbed the stairs. Only then did he whisper, " Yes, yes I do."

Once she reached the first level, Cordelia turned to her with alarm in her eyes. "I hope Clover's alright. She's been gone a long time."

"Don't worry," Alicia replied, "I'm going to get help. I hope," she whispered the last to herself.

Alicia found Spike feeding off a young girl outside of a place called The Fish Tank. When he saw her, he dropped the body and gave her a wicked grin. "Writer." There was laughter in his voice. "So you come looking for me. It is a twist."

Alicia looked at him with a hardened frown on her lips. "I don't have time Spike, so listen up and shut up for a change. The Slayer's in trouble, and she needs your help."

"Why would I help her?" Spike questioned laughing.

The young horror writer swallowed hard. "Because William. if you don't the knife will be taken,and the mating will take place. Kelmarc's not messing around. Besides, I thought you wanted to kill another Slayer."

Spike gazed at the writer with horror in his eyes. When he had heard the word 'mating' and Kelmarc, his face had changed from a demon's to that of a handsome man. Alicia could tell he was scared. "What would I have to do?" he asked still trying to sound tough.

"Get books for Dustin and help Clover kill any of Kelmarc's other minions that show up. And when it's done, I'll finish your story and you can leave town."

Spike gave her another smile. "And what makes you think I'll leave? I think I'll stay on a while. Me and Dru are spending a decade apart like we do every sixty years or so. Could use the single life a bit, Besides, I miss fighting a Slayer. She's got fire,and she's hot. Younger, blonder, more taller and tonned version of her mum. By the way, where is the little bitch?"

Alicia gave him a disgusted look. "That's just sick. But she's at her house. Hurry."

Spike nodded as his face changed, lit a cigarette and jumped in his car. He sped away toward the Chase home while Alicia prayed for Clover's safety.

Clover ran into her house, up the stairs, into her room and over to her dresser on the left side of her door. The Slayer ran back down the stairs. She was only two steps to the bottom when she saw it again; the demon who had ripped her leg with its armor. She quickly put the knife in her back pocket, but not fast enough since the demon's eyes lit up as it recognized it.

"Give me the Burning Cross little girl," it growled at her.

"Say please," Clover taunted trying not to be afraid.

It let out a loud snarl and plunged itself at her. It had her pinned down again. clover braced herself for the end. No, she told herself, I won't give up that easily. I'm the Slayer, it's up to me. Clover looked over the armor and noticed that its groin was not protected. So, without hesitating, she kicked him there. The demon howled out in pain and staggered backwards.

That gave Clover time to vault over the railing and make dash to the back door. She ran outside knowing the demon was right behind her. She also knew she had to get it away from people that might be on the streets. She made a mad sprint for SunnyDale Park.

Once at the park, Clover had barely enough time to hide. She climbed an old oak tree and waited for the demon to come to her. She didn't have to wait long.

Clover watched as a figure emerged from the trees in front of her. She could tell in the moonlight his hair was white. She watched astonished as the vampire idly tapped the approaching demon on the scaly shoulder.

"Excuse me mate," he said as the demon turned around and met Spike's fist.

"Well, I'll be damned," Clover muttered, " there's a vampire attacking a demon for me. What is the Hellmouth coming to?" She gazed for a few seconds as Spike and the demon fought, then grabbed the knife. "I suppose I'll have to help him," she sighed, then jumped out in between the demon and vampire. "I believe you're looking for me," she announced with her hand on her hip.

"I can handle this Slayer," Spike rumbled.

"Sorry Spike, but my knife, my demon, my fight."

"I don't bloody believe this!" he cried trying to push her to the side. At that moment, the demon decided there had been enough taking and made a grab for the knife.

"I don't think so," Clover said pushing Spike out of the way and grappling for the weapon with the demon.

Spike choose that distraction to attack the demon from the side flinging him to the ground causing the knife to be flung in the air and land a few feet away. The demon barely spared a glance for Spike and Clover, and rolled for the knife, but Clover got there first and held the knife above the demon.

"Get him while he's down!" Spike yelled at her from the sidelines.

Clover hesitated for a split second, then with a decisive flick of her wrist, slit the demon's throat, The armored body lay still.

"Ironic, don't you think," she said to the unmoving demon as the knife dribbled a few drops of blood on the ground.

The sound of slow clapping echoed in the still night. Clover turned to face Spike. "Well, done Slayer, well done indeed."

"Thanks, but I could've done it without your help. We make a strange team," she added wiping the blade on the grass and placing in back behind her pants.

"Yeah, worked with Slayers before," he answered with a mocking smile, " suppose I'm going to have to again."

"What do you mean?" she questioned alarmed.

"You'll see," he replied. "Good night Slayer, sleep tight, don't let the vampires bite," Spike called in a singsong voice as he turned to stroll down the street away from the park.

Clover looked after him in confusion. "What the hell was that all about?" she questioned out loud, then turned herself with a wide smile and began to make her way home.

"So everything's okay then?" Rai asked as she took a seat next to Clover and pushed some dirt off her light blue dress.

"Yeah," Gavin answered sticking a piece of gum in his mouth. "Coal said it would be cool if we had a different color hair theme. So Nick's dying his red, or blond, or maybe both. I'm not sure. But we're all going to still wear bowling shirts."

"Well that's great. But you have to admit that wasn't that big of a deal like Nick made it out to be." Rai shook her head in disbelief.

"Gavin, Rai, there you two are. Have you seen Clover this morning? Miss Price and I have something to ask her," Dustin asked as he and Miss Price popped up to the right of them.

"God," Gavin said with a small jump. "Now he's got her doing it too. Warn people when you do that!"

"Sorry, it's just we are in kind of a hurry," Dustin said.

"Guys!" a voice called from behind them. They all turned to see Clover walking toward them. Her hair spread over her shoulders, she wore a red short sleeve shirt with a cross on the front, a pair of brown pants, and matching ankle high brown boots. "Guess what," she said as she squeezed in between Rai and Gavin on the bench. "I killed the demon with the help of Spike. Yeah for me."

Rai and Gavin turned to look at her as if she had just said all cows were purple. "What?" she asked the both of them. "He's not that bad. I couldn't have done it without him."

"Are you crazy?" Gavin demanded angrily jumping up and turning on the Slayer.

"No," Clover said rolling her eyes. "He saved me. I couldn't have done it without him. Besides, it's not like he's going to do it again. Right Dustin?" she directed the last to her Watcher.

"Um, I don't know. Miss Price, would you look at the time, shouldn't we go?" he asked nervously.

"Oh yes, I'm late for class," she answered as she grabbed her arm. The pair walked to the stairs together in a hurry.

"What's up with them?" Clover asked as she forced Gavin to sit back down.

"They know Slayers shouldn't play with vampires," Gavin answered folding his arms and turning away from the girls like a child who hadn't gotten his way.

The girls gave him looks, then turned to each other. "I think they're just being grownups," Rai guessed.

Clover shrugged. "I just hope I never become like that."

Gavin turned back to them with a smile. "Right there with you Clove."

"Me too," Rai nodded.

Dustin walked Alicia to her class. She stood there in the doorway. "Why didn't you tell her?"

Dustin looked away. "It wasn't a good time, I doubt it will ever be."

The writer looked down sheepishly. "Dustin, do you think... do you think she's forgiven me?"

The Watcher gave her a smile. "I have, haven't I?" Before Alicia could answer, Dustin grabbed her, wrapped her in his arms, and gave her a long kiss.

Somewhere on the other side of town, Spike had set up house. He had ordered flowers and expected the delivery person to be there any minute.

He thought about last night. Again he had helped a Slayer. Again he had enjoyed kicking the crap out of a bad guy. Spike knew it was wrong, but her truly didn't want Kelmarc to get the Slayer and the world.

There was a knock at the door. Spike's face changed into its true form. He opened the door and pulled the young man in. the vampire stuck his fangs into the man's neck. When he had sucked him dry, Spike dropped the body to the floor.

"It's good to be home," he said with a wicked smile.

The End

Oak's Diary