" My Dad's A Vampire Part I"

Summary: Cordelia misses her dead fiancee Patrick. He was killed by a vampire, but she soon finds out that he is one himself. Between Clover and Spike, they start to become "friends", or to understand each other.

Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own any of the characters from Buffy or Angel, they are from Joss Wedon's mind. The other characters are from my own strange warped mind though.

Spoilers: Season 1 of Buffy, Season 1 of Angel, and all other Clover: The Future Vampire Slayer stories. ( If I were you, I'd read the first four first.)

Cordelia Chase lay in her king size bed and looked over at her nightstand. There, a picture of a man in his mid-twenties with curly blond hair, forest green eyes, broad shoulders and tanned skin stared back at her. His name had been Pactrick O'Riely, and he had died only three weeks before their wedding day. She had only been one week pregnant with Clover at the time.

"Knock, knock," said a voice in the doorway. Cordelia looked over to see Clover standing there wearing a white strapless shirt, a long pink skirt with a slit on the left side, and two inch white heeled shoes. Her hair was curled and fell around her shoulders. In her hands was a tray piled with toast, juice and a single red rose.

Corelia sat up in bed and smiled at her daughter's thoughtfulness. "You brought me breakfast in bed, how sweet. What do you want?"

Clover looked at her mother with big innocent eyes. She placed the tray on the bed, then sat herself on the edge next to her mother. "Who? Me? Can't a girl just give her mother a nice breakfast in bed?"

Cordelia answered, "No, not unless she wants something. Well?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to bring you breakfast, it's not like I want anything," Clover replied smiling.

"Of course you don't," Cordelia answered buttering a piece of toast, " so make it easier on both of us and spill it."

"Well, it's like this Mom," Clover began, " Dustin's ben making me train and work out a lot lately. I don't know why, it's not like the Apocalypse or something is coming. And, well, I thought tonight I could go somewhere away from Dustin and sweaty training sessions."

"And where would this place be?"

Clover absently picked at a stray tread of her mother's silk covers. "Movie. Rated R. Need parent permission," she said quickly.

"Name of movie. Who would you go with? Where? Time there and back? I'm a parent, I need to know these things," Cordelia countered.

"Well mommy, my favorite. The Portrait is this movie about a painter and his, umm, relationships. Very intellectual. And Gavin and Rai would be coming around eightish, and since I'll patrol afterward, I should be back around one, two, three, possibly three at the latest."

Cordelia sighed. "I suppose it's better me giving you my permission than having you brought home by a cop or something else. How would that look? Cordelia Chase's daughter brought home... but go have fun."

"Thank you!" Clover cried kissing her mother on the cheek. "You're the greatest!" The girl headed towards the door. "By the way," she said as she opened it, " it's almost noon, shouldn't you be up by now?"

Clover walked out the door leaving Cordelia alone to turn back to the picture. "If only you could see her Patrick, you'd love her so much. She's the Slayer , you know. A very brave girl our Clover." Cordelia rolled over and went back to sleep.

Around seven thirty that night, Clover's cell phone rang . "Hello?" Clover answered into it. "Oh, hey Gav, what's the 99? What do you mean!" The Chosen One grabbed the cell phone so hard it nearly broke. "Well, it's,great, but now what am I supposed to do? Yeah, like I don't do that every night. Yeah, okay, bye."

Clover tiptoed quietly to her mom's bedroom door and slowly opened it a crack. Cordelia lay asleep peacefully in her bed. Clover shut the door and crept back into her room. She put her cross on and her leather jacket. She grabbed a few stakes and hid them in various places. She slowly walked out the front door.

A man watched from the bushes, then started following her.

Cordelia awoke from a dream. She had been dreaming that she, Patrick, and Clover were on a picnic. the ex-cheerleader and May Queen got up and walked over to the window.

"We would have been married a month ago, but you had to go and get killed. It's ironic. Clover's the Slayer, and a vampire killed you. Why? I thought it was all over after college, but no, it had only really begun."

She walked down stairs and into the kitchen. She made herself a sandwich and sat on a bar stool. She heard a noise outside. Cordelia grabbed the first thing that came into her hand, a spoon, and slowly opened the back door.

She looked around outside, but saw nothing. Cordelia turned back to the door; her breath caught in her throat.

"Patrick?" she managed to whisper.

"Yes, sweet, it is," he replied as his face changed into demon form.

Clover sat on a swing in SunnyDale Park, she knew a vampire had followed her here. She waited for it to show itself, and as she waited, she thought about everything that had happened that night.

Gavin's band, Unica, had gotten a gig out of town at the last minute; a sweet sixteen party, and Rai's dad was driving the equipment, so Rai had gone too. They hadn't invited her because there was no room in the two cars. So the Slayer was stuck all dressed up and no place to go.

As for Cordelia, she was just getting more and more depressed; she missed Clover's father.

"Fee, fi, foe, fum, I smell the blood of a... Slayer." Clover knew that voice, it belonged to Spike.

Clover swung the swing around to face him. His face was that of a human's, but he wasn't one, he was a vampire. The British vampire wore tight, faded jean pants, black boots, a matching shirt, and a long black duster.

The vampire walked over to her swing, and grabbed the chains in his hands. Spike bent down to be face level with her.

But Clover spoke first. "Spike, haven't seen you in a week..."

"Or two," Spike thought outloud.

"Yeah, or two. Not since we killed that demon. Been up to your old tricks?"

Spike gave her an innocent school boy look. "Who me?" he asked putting his hand over his unbeating heart. "Slayer, you sure can bring a demon down. I've been good as gold, and been having a bloody good time hitting old my old haunts."

The Chose One smiled at the vampire with laughter on her lips. She cocked her head to one side and looked at him. "So I've heard. Dustin told me all about you and everything you did the first time you 'teamed up' with a Slayer. Guess I'm in for a hell of a ride, huh?"

Spike let out a laugh. "Please, your Watcher, and I use the term loosely, is a wanker. He's stupid."

Clover could feel her blood rise. She turned the swing back the right way, and faced Spike. the only thing between them was the swing itself. "Dustin is not a wanker, and he's not stupid. Okay, he may need things explained to him in a crisis, but when it counts, he comes through!"

Spike loved it when Slayers got mad it gave them such fire. He smiled at the young Slayer and cocked his head to one side as well. "Come on, let's go patrol or whatever you call it." He started walking.

Clover looked after him dumbfounded. "Wait," she called after him. He turned around and looked at her with a smile on his face. "How do I know it's not a trap?" she questioned growing tense.

He held up his hands in peace. " It's not," he assured her. " We patrol, and maybe I'll buy you a drink." He saw the look she gave him. "Don't worry, it's not a come on. Are you coming or not?"

Clover shrugged, let out a sigh, and started walking with Spike. Both keep their distances from the other.

Cordelia was shocked to say the least. She had to force herself not to faint. She swallowed hard, raised her spoon up, and as calmly as she could asked, "How can this be? I made sure you didn't rise out of your grave, and now you're here." She backed away from them ready to run.

"True," Patrick answered with a sly grin. "But I rose right when the sun went down, and you came half an hour later. I made it look like I had never risen. I would have turned you right then, but I knew you were carrying our child."

"How did you know? I didn't," Cordelia asked in a whisper moving farther away.

"We vampires know these things. It was going to be perfect. You'd have our child and one day I'd make the both of you vampire, but now that won't happen because our kid's the Slayer! So, I guess I'll have to kill her."

Tears started falling from Cordelia's cheeks. "No!" she screamed as she jumped on her dead fiancee's body and started hitting it with the spoon.

Patrick threw her off. Cordelia landed hard on the ground. She tried to stand, but her ankle hurt too much. She started crawling backwards.

"You know," Patrick started as he closed in on her, " it's kind of nice how you named her Clover after the four leaf clovers my people believe bring good luck."

He leaned in and Cordelia raised her good leg and knocked him hard. 'Guess I learned something from Buffy,' she thought as she made a limping dash to the back door.

She was almost there when her ankle gave out. She fell again. Cordelia looked behind her, and she saw Patrick getting up.

Spike and Clover walked along the street by the Bronze. A band played one of Clover's favorite songs inside; she wished she was in there instead of outside. The Chosen One looked over at Spike. His eyes were staring straight ahead. She cleared her throat and looked over at him and this time he looked back.

"What?" he asked looking around.

Clover sighed and rolled her eyes at him. Why was she even patrolling with him? Sure, he had helped her and saved her life, but he was still a soulless vampire. " I think we should go into the Bronze and make sure no vampires are in there," Clover said hopefully.

Spike shook his head and sighed in annoyance. "God, all you Slayers are alike. Let's go."

They started walking to the Bronze, but suddenly Spike stopped Clover and handed her a small box.

"What's this?" she asked suspiciously.

Spike shrugged. " I thought all vampires that worked with Slayers were supposed to give them a bloody gift. But just 'cause I give you a a gift doesn't mean we're mates or anything," Spike warned as he started walking again.

Clover opened it and found an old looking huge silver cross on a chain. She had seen one liked that in a picture her mom had of her and her friends. Buffy Summers, her hero, had owned one like that. She smiled as she put it on and ran to catch up with Spike.

Patrick got up and slowly walked over to Cordelia who was frozen in place. Cordelia tried to move to the door, but couldn't. "Maybe we can kill Clover together?" Patrick suggested as he leaned his face inches from her neck. "Don't worry,' he assured her, " we'll adopt other children sweetheart."

Cordelia started crying again. After everything she'd been through since finding out Buffy Summers was the Slayer, then finding out Clover was one, this was how she was going to die. She would have never guessed it would be this way.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt," Patrick whispered as he reached down and grabbed Cordelia. He lowered his face to her neck.

"Well, that was a bloody waste of time," Spike announced as he and Clover left the Bronze.

The Slayer looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. "You like to say 'bloody' a lot don't you? William the Bloody."

Spike gave her a hard look; he hated it when people called him that name. "I feel it gets the point across," he answered.

Clover looked at her watch nervously. "Oh, look, it's eleven, and I should go and check on Mom. She hasn't been herself for a month." The vampire gave the Slayer a sorry look. This took her back a bit, but she recovered quickly. "I got to go. See you around Spike."

"Wait," Spike called after her. "If you need me for anything, call this number." He handed her a piece of paper and walked away.

Cordelia felt his face by her neck. He leaned in and bit her. She could feel her skin break. It felt like that time when she had wished Buffy had never come to SunnyDale, and Xander and Williow had killed her. Her eyes widened, and she could feel her blood leaving her body. Her eyes started to loose their sight, and she found the light dying. Cordelia saw blackness, and then a light.

****** The Chosen One walked into her front door. She heard a noise, quietly pulled out a stake from her skirt, and crept into the kitchen, There, standing just outside the door, was her mother and a vampire sucking her life away.

Clover ran straight for the vampire and knocked him to the ground. Cordelia went flying; her head landed on the back porch an inch away from the door. Clover looked down at the vampire. She knew that face; it was her father! She took her stake and raised it above his heart. "Good night Dad. Guess you lose."

Patrick let out a laugh and threw her off of him. "you know, you really shouldn't dress up to go kill vampires me dear," he commented as she got up from the bushes.

Clover raced for her mother, picked her up, and ran into the house before Patrick could say ' me dear' again. The Slayer threw everything off the bar and placed Cordelia there. She grabbed her cell phone from her jacket and dialed 911. As she waited for an operator to pick up, she tossed her stake at Patrick who waited outside the door, but he just missed the heart.

"Damn," Clover cursed under her breath as she Patrick make a run for it into the night. Finally someone answered. "Hell, I need an ambulance. My mom's lost a lot of blood, and she's unconscious. I think she's almost dead." Clover looked over at her mother and took her hand. "It's going to be okay mommy, hold on. Please hold on," Clover whispered through her tears. "I won't let daddy hurt you."

Then it hit Clover. "Oh my God! My dad's a vampire!" Clover grabbed her mother's hand tighter.

The End of Part I

My Dad's a Vampire-Part II-"I Will Remember You"

Oak's Diary