"My Dad's A Vampire- Part II: I Will Remember You"

Summary: After Cordelia lands in the hospital, Clover is determined to kill Patrick. But Alicia Price and Dustin don't think she can.

Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own any of the characters from Buffy or Angel, they are from Joss Wedon's mind. The other characters are from my own strange warped mind though.

Spoilers: Season 1 of Buffy, Season 1 of Angel, and all other Clover: The Future Vampire Slayer stories. ( If I were you, I'd read the first four first.)

Clover Chase sat in the hospital waiting room. The ambulance had brought Cordelia to the emergency room over two hours ago. Her right ankle was broken, her head had lumps, she had a broken rib, and she had lost almost all her blood. If Clover's dead father would have put his blood in her mouth, Cordelia would be a vampire at that moment. Clover shivered to think about that.

The Slayer looked up from the floor to see her Watcher and principal, Dustin Rogers, and his girlfriend, Alicia Price, a horror writer from New Orleans and new creative writing teacher at SunnyDale High. Clover had called them when she got to the hospital and her mom was in surgery. They both looked so clean and problem free.

Dustin was in his usual black slack pants, green short sleeve shirt, black blazer, and black shoes. His hair wasn't slicked back for a change. Alicia Price's hair was down over her shoulders. She wore a long black shirt with little purple flowers on it, as stripped black shirt with a small black see through top with purple flowers on it as well, and three inch heels.

Alicia took a seat next to Clover, and Dustin kneeled down in front of her. He took her hands in his.

"Are you okay?" How is your mother?" There was deep concern in his eyes and voice.

Clover had told them about Patrick, and they had sounded and looked just as shocked as she had been over the phone screen. Clover wished it wasn't her father's body the demon was in. Even though she had never met him, he was still her father and the man her mother had once loved.

She took her hands back. "Mom is in surgery, has been for two hours. And how do you think I feel? My dad's a vampire!" The Slayer jumped up knocking Dustin down. Alicia got up and helped him up. When they were both righted, they found Clover gone.

Dustin and Alicia sat waiting to hear something about Cordelia Chase's condition. They held hands tightly. Clover was taking this badly, and they both felt sorry for her, but they also both knew that she was the Slayer and would have to dust Patrick. Dustin only hoped she wouldn't do it in the heat of anger and get herself killed.

Alicia looked over at Dustin; she could feel he was worried. "That was a new cross Clover was wearing. You don't think Spike gave it to her? I hope they're not getting too close. As soon as this whole 'mating' thing is over, I don't think Spike will want to help Clover anymore. In fact, I think the first thing he'll do when he knows the world won't end is kill her."

"And if she likes him?" Dustin finished her thoughts looking worried. "This is awful. First the mating, then Spike, now this. Clover should never have come to SunnyDale. You may be right about Spike. If she starts to like him, she may forget that he's a soulless vampire capable of murder or worse. Timing is so difficult. I was going to tell Clover about the mating in school Monday, and now it will have to wait. Again."

Alicia grabbed his hand tighter and turned in her chair to face him better. A month ago, when she and Dustin had kissed, they had started dating directly afterwards much to the amusement of the entire school, and the scandal of the teachers. Though their relationship was littered with dates consisting of demon and vampire hunting, they still found time to spend with each other. She was going to tell him everything was going to be all right when Clover and a middle aged doctor walked through the door. They stopped a few feet away and started talking.

Clover looked relieved and worried at the same time, but then that was a Slayer's life. Always worrying about and protecting her people, but having no one to do that for you.

Clover tried to concentrate on what the doctor was saying. Something about Cordelia blood type and how it was AB and what was Clovers. She told the doctor her type was also AB.

She was taken to a room where she gave all the blood she was allowed. Then she was given juice and cookies and told to lay down. The doctor and nurse left her alone. As soon as they were far enough away, Clover got out of bed and went to find Dustin and Miss Price to tell them what she had learned about Cordelia's condition.

Dustin spotted Clover walking toward him and Alicia . She walked solemnly over to them and flopped into a seat.

"Clover?" Alicia asked worriedly.

Clover shook her head. She looked down at the scars on her right arm and said in barely a whisper, "Mom is in a coma. I gave her all the blood they'd let me. One rib is broken and one of her ankles too. Those will heal, but when she wakes up, the emotional scars may not. Like the ones on my right arm."

Alicia put her hand on Clover's shoulder and Dustin took a seat on Clover's other side. They sat like that for a few minutes, until finally Alicia spoke.

"Clover, this may seem bad now, but Cordelia is strong, you'll be okay." The horror writer looked over Clover's head at Dustin. "I'm going to make a call, I'll be right back." She got up and walked through the double doors.

Dustin looked after her, but Clover didn't look up. "You know Clover, I think your mum is a strong woman. And you're right, the emotional scars will take a very long time to heal, but she'll have you to help her." The Watcher took his Slayer's chin in his hand and held her head up to face him. "Promise me you won't do something stupid like trying to slay Patrick. I don't think your mother could bear it. And Gavin, Rai, Alicia and I couldn't either."

Clover glanced away and stood up over Dustin. "He nearly killed my mother Dustin! What do you want me to do? Go find Patrick, hug him, and tell him its okay he's a vampire, or should I take him on Jerry Springer Jr? You're supposed to be my Watcher and friend, you should tell me ' he almost killed your mother, you want to dust him? Go for it. The sooner the better.' But no...you're twenty-five, act like it sometimes! God, Spike was right, you are a wanker!" She turned sharply on her heel and wlaked in a huff through the double doors leaving Dustin dumbfounded alone, and worried for not the first time or last.

Alicia Price was searching for a phone, but instead she found Spike waiting for someone in the first floor gift shop. She watched as he bought a pack of cigarettes. The vampire turned around and gave the southern woman a wink. He slowly walked over to her.

She shook her head in disbelief and grabbed his arm. She lead him outside the shop. " We need to talk," she announced angrily. "First of all, why are you here? Second, what do you mean giving Clover a gift? I told you to watch her, not buy her gifts! Is it a sick joke? Or a plan? I thought you were worried about Kelmarc and the mating? Have you really found time to flirt with a Slayer ? Or have you forgotten her oath is to kill your kind, not develop a crush on one? And just what about Dru?" she finished as she crossed her arms over her chest and took a deep breath.

Spike looked at her stunned. He had no idea she could say so much in one breath, or so fast. But then again, Alicia never stopped amazing him.

"Me? Flirt with Clover, please." Spike let out a laugh. "First answer, I'm here to make sure Cordelia's okay and make sure Clover is too." He noticed Alicia's look. "Me and Cordelia go way back," he filled in with a sigh. "Second answer, I didn't think she trust me. Now how on earth can I protect someone who doesn't trust me? Okay, I may have done it for a few of my own reasons. After the mating. And of course I love Dru, she's my afterlife. Even though Clover isn't a Barbie, she still is nice looking." Spike got out a cigarette, lit it, and walked past Alicia to the stairs.

Alicia walked after him, but by the time she got to the door to the stairs, Spike was gone.

Clover walked slowly into her mother's room. She took a seat by the bed, and tightly took her mother's hand. She started to cry softly and gulped down large sobs. "Mommy, I know I let you down. I didn't dust Patrick. you could have dies tonight, and it's my fault! If I hadn't been all selfish just because my plans changed, I could have staked him and you would have never had to know. Now you'll have these scars! Don't worry, I'll kill him for you. And I'll make it hurt. A lot."

Clover kissed her mother softly on the forehead. She walked over to the door and left. She didn't look back.

Clover found Alicia and Dustin were she had left them. She went over to them; a girl on a mission. "Don't say anything. Let me speak. I'm going to find Patrick, and I'm going to dust him. If you help me fine, if not, don't get in my way or I'll hurt you."

Alicia and Dustin looked at each other, then back at the Slayer standing in front of them. Dustin could tell Alicia was nervous, and Alicia could tell Dustin was worried. If Clover went out angry, she could get herself hurt or worse. The Watcher glanced at the huge clock on the wall to the right of him. It said the time was 2:15. Even though the sun would not rise for several more hours, Clover would never find him. For all they knew, he was in the hospital with them.

Dustin got up and gave his Slayer a concerned look. He put his had on her shoulders. "Look Clover, I know you are upset. We all are about Cordelia, but going after Patrick is not going to solve anything."

Clover threw his hand off of her. "Damn you Dustin! My mom's is all I got. I if she dies, I'll be all alone! You don't know what that's like to be fully alone with no-one to turn to if something goes wrong."

Alicia stood up like a bolt of lightning. " Clover! I'm shocked at your behavior. You're tired, you don't know what your saying. Go home and get some rest."

Clover gave the woman a scoff. "I see you two stick together on this. I'm disappointed in your behavior. I am going, and you can't stop me!" She stormed off, threw the doors open, and left them again.

Dustin started to go after the Chosen One, but Alicia held him back. "She needs to do this. Besides, I think she'll have help."

Clover took out the piece of paper Spike had given her early that night. She dialed the number at a payphone. She let it ring five times before hanging up. "Probably out getting someone to eat. He's lucky I'm not out there."

She started to dial the operator to find out if they could trace the vampire's number, when somebody hung up the phone. She turned to find Spike standing behind her smiling.

"Ready to go?" he asked her as if they were a married couple.

"Go where? she asked him suspiciously not for the first time that night.

He took a cigarette out and lit it. "Dust Patrick, of course. But first beat him to a bloody pulp."

Clover gave the vampire a wicked smile. "Okay, let's go, but I've got to change first. Come on."

She gestured to the door, and they walked out together. Their alliance now formed.

The End of Part II

My Dad's a Vampire-Part III:"The Showdown"

Oak's Diary