"My Dad's A Vampire : Part III :The Showdown"

Summary: Clover turns to Spike to help her kill Patrick for hurting Cordelia.

Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own any of the characters from Buffy or Angel, they are from Joss Wedon's mind. The other characters are from my own strange warped mind though.

Spoolers : Season 1 of Buffy, Season 1 of Angel, and all other Clover : The Future Vampire Slayer stories. ( If I were you, I'd read the first four first.)

Send comments and questions to Oak14177@AOL.com PLease, please, please I love to hear from people!

Clover got dresses faster then she had ever before. She put on her red short sleeve shirt with a cross on it, brown pants, and comfy brown boots. She quickly put her hair on top of her head in a ponytail. She put on her leather jacket and put as many stakes as she could find on her person. Clover grabbed some garlic and rubbed it on her neck just in case.

The Slayer opened her door and found Spike right where she had left him, leaning against the wall across from her room.

"Let's go," she told him as she started to walk down the stairs.

Spike saluted her and followed her down. "What ever you say, Slayer."

Once outside, they jumped in his car and headed for the school.

Clover got out of the car and slammed the door. "Stay here," she told him, " and don't ditch me," she added. She ran across the quad and up the stairs. Once at Dustin's office, Clover tried to open the door, found it locked, so she broke it open. She checked her watch; 2:45. ' Hurry,' she thought to herself as she pressed the button to the "Batcave".

Clover raced down the stairs and found where the weapons where. She grabbed the crossbow, and with a second thought, something for Spike. She ran up the stairs to the office, down some more stairs and throughout the quad. When she got to the car, Spike was waiting outside. She tossed him a knuckle brass.

Spike looked down at it and gave the vampire slayer a wink. "Maybe someday I'll use this on you," he stated.

The girl gave him a look as she through her five arrows and crossbow in the back-seat. "Let's go," she answered as they got into the car. All the time each one wondering why they were trusting the other.

Alicia and Dustin sat in the hospital. After Clover had left, Alicia had told Dustin about Spike which had made him worry even more. A doctor had come by earlier and told them Cordelia was still unconscious and that she might not make it through the night. Which made the evening even worse.

It had started like most of Dustin's night these days. He and Alicia had gotten together to research Kelmarc or Chris Barron, Clover's missing Watcher and the mating. Then Clover had called. Dustin remembered that she had looked so nice, but she was trying hard not to cry. They had both rushed over. The Watcher looked over at the clock again. He held Alicia Price's hand tighter.

Spike and Clover drove around SunnyDale; they had only three hours till sunrise, and neither one knew where to find Patrick. Spike sniffed the air. He looked over at Clover and sniffed again.

"'You have garlic on your neck," he commented as he turned his eyes back to the road. "You shouldn't wear it. I'm not going to try to bite you. Besides, it covers up your natural smell."

"And what's that?" Clover retorted.

Spike smiled as if remembering a far off memory. "Roses," his answer was simple and yet Clover couldn't help but think he was flirting with her a little.

The Slayer was about to answer with a smart remark, when suddenly she felt a tingle all over her body. Patrick was close by.

Spike looked at his surroundings as he stopped the car. They were across the street from a graveyard. He watched as Clover ran out of the car toward a crypt. He knew that crypt. It led to the Master's old lair. The British vampire got out of the car and caught up with Clover.

Inside the crypt it was dark. So dark the strange team could barely see anything. So, Spike took out his lighter and popped it open.It casted an errie glow around them. There directly across from them was an iron door. Clover tried to open it, but it , like the office door, was locked. At this rate, Clover would have to face Patrick without Spike's help. And if he had friends with him? Clover shivered to think about this. She knew her weaknesses. She couldn't handle more than seven vampires and her father's presence at a time, and if there were demons? She could only take on one powerful one at a time and two not so powerful.

She looked over at Spike. ' Why is he helping me?' she thought to herself not for the first time since they had met, and he had saved her from the demon looking for a knife. Outloud she asked, "Is there a key or something you vampires only know about?"

Spike shook his head slightly. "Break it down," he told her matter-of-factly.

Clover did as she was told. She kicked the door open and walked carefully with all her senses on full blast. Spike walked in after her. As soon as he got in, his lighter flickered off.

"If we walk east toward the school, we can find them. That's where most go down here," Spike's voice was barely a whisper. He crept closer to her as they headed that way.

Clover moved away from him awkwardly. "How do you know?" she asked again in a whisper. Then, as an after thought, "Spike, this may be stupid, but are you scared?"

Spike noticed as the Chosen One moved away from him. He didn't know why, but he had a strange feeling he hadn't felt in almost three hundred years. He was sad about her not trusting him. When Drusilla had left him twenty-one years ago because he had teamed up with Buffy to defeat Angel, he had been sad but more angry. Now he was just sad. The vampire let out a scoff. "Me, scared? Please! I can handle a little sixteen year old vampire. Don't worry." He didn't even notice as he put his hand in hers.

Clover felt his hand inches from her. "Spike, are you becoming soul-having on me?" she laughed a little. It had been a joke, but she looked back at Spike. She saw his eyes glowing yellow. The Slayer held tighter to her crossbow and let go of his hand.

"Me?" Spike asked with a laugh. "Do an Angel? Never!"

Clover sucked her breath in. In front of them, was a dozen shadowy figures with glowing eyes. Patrick stepped out in front of them and smiled at his daughter.

"I knew you would come," he said simply.

"What can I say," Clover shot back, "I never could miss a party." She gestured to Spike as she held up the crossbow, "Hope you don't mind, I invited friends."

A doctor and nurse approached Dustin and Alicia. The Watcher and horror writer stood up as if on cue.

The doctor spoke to his nurse first. "Mark the time and date as," he stopped and looked at his wristwatch, "4 :00 a.m., Sunday the 21st of March 2019." The nurse nodded and walked away, and he turned to Dustin and Alicia. "I had hoped Ms. Chase's daughter would be here. Ms. Chase has woken up and is asking for her."

Dustin and Alicia both let out large sighs. "Thank God," Dustin said at the same time Alicia said, "She's gone home to rest. May we see her?"

The doctor gave the two a suspicious look. "I'm afraid only family is allowed in. And how are you two related to Ms. Chase?"

Alicia thought fast hoping Cordelia wouldn't question it if asked. " I'm her younger sister, Clover's aunt, and this is my husband, Dustin." The lie was a good one. And why not? Alicia was a writer.

The doctor smiled at them. "Yes, well, if you will follow me please."

Clover raised the crossbow and took aim at one of the vampires behind Patrick. Direct it, and it exploded into dust. Its last scream echoed through the tunnels over the dripping of water.

Clover looked smugly at Patrick, but her joy was short lived. Another half dozen vampires blocked the way they had come.

"Christ," Spike muttered under his breath. There was no telling how many more vampires were hidden in these tunnels. They had no other choice, they ran.

Dustin Rogers and Alicia Price walked into Cordelia Chase's room. She turned toward them. She looked small, weak, and older. Tubes where in her nose ,and she was hooked up to an iv unit. The both smiled at her, but their real feelings showed plainly on their faces. Alicia took the seat next to Cordelia's bed and Dustin stood behind her.

Dustin cleared his throat and said softly. "Clover's not here. She has gone to kill Patrick." Dustin stopped when he saw Cordelia's face. "Listen to me Cordelia, Patrick is a vampire now. Your Patrick is dead."

“It's not that," Cordelia answered with a hard cracked voice. "Clover may not be able to handle Patrick, he always went all out on this kind of thing."

Alicia put her right hand on Cordelia's bed and her left hand in Dustin's. "Cordelia, this may be of no comfort, but Clover isn't alone. I have a feeling Spike is helping her."

The Slayer's mother gave Alicia a shocked look. "Why would Spike do that?" There was a hint of horror in her voice.

Dustin and Alicia looked at each other, then back at the figure on the bed. They knew they had to tell her about the mating and Kelmarc but not then. She had too many things on her mind already.

"He wants to kill her," Dustin said with a half-truth, "Himself. And Patrick poses a threat to that."

Cordelia gazed at the Watcher and her old high school self came back. "That makes me feel better. God, Watcher's can be so insensitive." She directed her next question to Alicia. "How can you date him?"

Alicia shrugged as she tried not to laugh. Dutin looked away sheepishly, and Cordelia prayed for her daughter.

Spike and Clover could hear the vampires behind them. They had managed to dodge most to the vampires, and had gotten a bit ahead in the tunnel.

Taking out his lighter he demanded, "Stake," as he held out his hand.

Clover shifted the weight of the crossbow, reached into one of her pockets, and handed it to the vampire as she covered their rear.

Spike grabbed it from her, ripped the hem of his shirt, wrapped it around the stake and proceeded to set the whole makeshift torch on fire.

"This is only our first date," Clover told Spike as he had ripped the shirt, " and you're already going a bit fast aren't you?"

"Funny Slayer," he answered flinging the torch at the advancing vampires who screamed. "Now run!"

The screams of the exploding vampires followed them throughout the tunnels as the two ran.

"I'm still alive sweetie," Patrick called from behind his exploding minions and those in front of him who were still unburnt. "And it won't be long now until I have my hands around your neck choking the life out of your pathetic body."

"Not if I kill you first," Clover called back over her shoulder.

"Shut up and run!"Spike screamed at her pulling her along with one arm. "There will be time for immature behavior later when we kick his ass just as soon as we get out of these tunnels!"

Clover turned sharply and fired once with the crossbow and was satisfied to hear a loud shriek and the end of an undead demon. "Now, don't tell me to shut up vampire. We've got to get out of here and into the open ground so I can finish this."

"Let's go," Spike said pointing to a branching tunnel to the left. Clover nodded her agreement, and they found themselves with a ladder leading to the street in front of them.

Clover began to climb, but noticed Spike hesitating behind her. "Come on," she said to him pausing, " what are you waiting for?"

Spike pointed in the direction of the surface. "It could be sunrise up there."

Clover quickly glanced at her watch. "5 :15, about another hour. Now come on!"

The two climbed towards the surface with Spike following closely. "Umm, nice view from here," he called to the Chosen One.

"Don't annoy the Slayer Spike," she replied with tiredness in her voice, " not when she hasn't slept in twenty-four hours." She reached up and pushed the manhole cover off, and the two crawled up onto a deserted street. Clover leaned back down to hear the sounds that signaled the approach of the other vampires.

Spike smiled at the sound and placed the brass knuckles on his right hand. "Now we're in business," he told her watching as she readied her last three arrows and stakes. Then the two stood back and waited.

Ten vampires, not including Patrick who hung back with a satisfied smile at the outnumbered Slayer and her ally, piled out of the sewers and launched their attack.

"Remember Spike," she called flinging herself into the fight, "Patrick is mine!"

With her last three arrows from her crossbow, Clover took out three of the nearby vampires with ease. She took a minute to glance over at Spike and saw he had just took out two himself. "Six vampires remaining," Clover called out to him, " besides daddy dear. You take the ugly ones."

"Which ones are the ugly ones?" he questioned with a smirk.

Clover's reply was lost as she took a punch to her lower jaw. "Now that really wasn't nice," she told the vampire before she staked him. "There went my record for the night for not being hit all night."

Another vampire didn't wait long before going after her. Clover used the empty crossbow to knock the vampire, then rammed the wooden handle into its heart.

Spike was having a wonderful time as four vampires decided to attack him all at once. Punching one, while kicking another, Spike saw them fall on top of each other as he elbowed the third. While they were down, with his only stake, he quickly took care of all four with a spinning motion and ending with a backward stake to the vampire he had elbowed.

Patrick, who had been sitting back all during the fight, began to get a worried look as every one of his people exploded into dust before his eyes.

Spike walked over to Clover. "Well, I'm done."

"And I still have some business to take care of," she told him grabbing the stake from his hand.

She walked over to Patrick and gave him a backslap across the face. "Dad, I think I'm rebelling," she told him as he rose to his feet, and she roundhouse kicked him in the stomach.

Patrick recovered fast for a young vampire, and his face changed to its true form. He deflected her next blow with a sneer and, getting through her defenses, punched her hard in the face.

Staggering back a step, Clover managed to regain herself. “Now, now, daddy, wouldn't want me to call child protection services."

Patrick refrained from replying, and the two met head on in a fury of punches and kicks. Finally, Patrick got through her defenses once again and, grabbing her by the neck, threw her against a tree where she crumbled. The vampire fixed her with a contemptuous stare. "This is getting old and childish," he told her as she got up, " and I'm going to need a bite to eat soon. Besides," he smiled sickly at her, " your mother is till waiting for me to finish what we started earlier tonight."

"You know," Clover replied refusing to rise to the bait, "I had other plans tonight, but they were canceled. And even though I wanted to mope, you had to come and ruin everything by attacking mom."

Patrick reached for her neck again, but this time Clover easily dodged him and looked for the stake that had fallen out of her hand when he had thrown her.

"Spike, I need a stake now," she cried over she shoulder hoping the vampire hadn't wandered off.

Spike, who had been leaning against a tree the whole time with an interested look, tossed a stake to her lazily. "You're doing great!" he called as he settled back to watch. At first, he had been concerned that this petty sixteen year old vampire would rob him of killing another Slayer, but Clover had straightened out her defenses in the end.

Patrick, who in the meantime, had come at Clover with snarl, looked down and found a wooden stake sticking out of his heart. He had time for a surprised gasp before he scattered to dust at her feet.

"Hah, you lose," she said stomping on the dust. "And that's for never buying me a pony," she added grinding her heel into the ground.

She turned to grudgingly thank Spike for his help, but found him gone and silence behind her. "God, I really hate that! He is always disappearing on people!"

Outside of Cordelia Chase's room, Clover peeked through the glass and saw her Watcher and Alicia seated next to her mother's bed. Clover could tell her mother had been waiting for her since the moment she opened the door, Cordelia breathed a sigh of relief.

"Could my mom and I have a few moments alone?" Clover asked the others not taking her eyes off her mother propped up in the bed.

"Of course," Dustin said as they stood up. The Watcher paused for a second next to Clover, but left the room silently after Alicia.

Clover sat in the chair next to her mother's bed and took her hand. "Mom," she began not looking her in the eyes, "I'm sorry, but I had to stake him. I'm sorry."

"Your father died sixteen years ago," Cordelia responded making Clover look at her. "Did I ever tell you about how we met?"

"No," Clover said surprised at her mother's changed in topic so quickly.

"Well, it was when I was in Los Angeles...."

The End

Oak's Diary