Till Death Do Us Part-Part II-The Wedding I

Chapter Two

Draco puttered around his flat nervously, confused about why he had agreed to attend the wedding. It wasn’t as if some part of him wanted to go, every fiber of his being was dead set against the idea. He supposed it was a good chance to se Harry again. He hadn’t seen him in so long, newspaper clippings not counting of course. It had been eight years since Draco had last kissed him, a soft good-bye to carry with him as Harry walked away, tears streaming down his face. Their had been no heated words, no exchange of curses, just the shattering of fragile hearts. And then Harry had moved on, to little Dennis Creevy and to Seamus Finnagan and then onto the girls, oh so many girls, as if Draco and the rest were just experiments in school.

Draco shook his head, attempting to clear the thoughts from his mind as he slowly gathered up the lunch things from Ron’s visit, being careful not to break the fragile china his mother had left him. That memory, just like the one of Harry’s good-bye was bitterly painful, the wound still fresh and shinny.

Draco watched the water filling the large bath tub, watching it swirl around and around, The bubble bath creating a blanket of foam, hiding the scalding water. He stood and let the green silk robe slide from his body, stepping carefully into the steaming water. As he lay back, closing his eyes he let his mind drift away, past the thoughts of broken hearts and empty kisses and settling on a pair of emerald eyes that still haunted his dreams.

~~~~~~Far Away in the land of Weasley~~~~~~~

"MOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!" Ginny yelled down the stairs. "I can't find my veil!!"

"It's on your vanity!"

"No it isn't!"

Molly Weasley sighed, massaging her temples. "That's where I left it Gin,"

"Then you come up and find it!"

Just then Fred went running through the kitchen, a piece of white lace trailing after him.

"FREDRICK WEASLEY!!" Molly yelled.

Fred slid to a stop, running into the counter, causing Ginny's veil to fall into the water that was currently dying Arthur's white robes black. "Oops..."


Fred slowly backed towards the back door then, remembering he had his apparating license he Apparated back to his and George's shoppe, intent on not facing his mother till the wedding that night.

Molly rescued the mangled veil and with a tap of her wand had it back to it's purest white. She carried it upstairs to Ginny, passing Harry on his way downstairs. Harry yawned, stretching. He headed into the kitchen for an apple, only to run into Arthur.

"Morning Harry."

"Morning Mr. Weasley."

"Come now son, you can call me Arthur."

"Okay then, Arthur." Harry said, testing the unfamiliar name.

"Much better, ready for tonight?"

"Barley." Harry said with a small smile.

Arthur grinned. "Welcome to being a bride-groom Harry, the scariest moment of your life."

"Gee, thanks."

Arthur just smiled at him before waving his breakfast up with a flick of his wand.

~~~~~~Back at Draco's Flat~~~~~~

Draco stood in front of the mirror, staring at his black formal robes. He sighed and turned away from his reflection, flopping onto his bed. WHY did he agree to go, he should be curled up into a little ball, hiding away from the world tonight, not preparing to attend his ex-boyfriend's wedding to a girl he couldn't stand. He sighed again and forced himself to stand, to search for the present he had created for them, to wait for Ron to lead him to the apparition point for the wedding...when all he really wanted to do was curl back under the covers.

Till Death Do Us Part-Part III-The Wedding II