Till Death Do Us Part-Part III-The Wedding Part II


Notes: Okay, this is the first part of two cameo centric parts. Everyone you don't recognize is a cameo, that means there's about three cameo's for every HP character...deal with it. Thanks are at the very bottom part, and to awnser a question, YES, Harry and Draco are gay, or at least bi-sexual.
Draco stood in front of the mirror, staring at his black formal robes. He sighed and turned away from his reflection, flopping onto his bed. WHY did he agree to go, he should be curled up into a little ball, hiding away from the world tonight, not preparing to attend his ex-boyfriend's wedding to a girl he couldn't stand. He sighed again and forced himself to stand, to search for the present he had created for them, to wait for Ron to lead him to the apparition point for the wedding...when all he really wanted to do was curl back under the covers.
Mary was all cotton candy and pink champagne. Legs that stretched on for 20 or so miles and a laugh that made you want Christmas as a child. She had a smile, a small tilt of the lips that made men want to lay down their lives in some glorious, ancient battle. Her golden hair was a beacon to the lonely heart. A safe port that was much needed in the troubled time. Percy Weasley had taken one look at her and fell completely and utterly head over heals in love with her. He knew in the first moment she was going to be his wife, and now, five years later she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, even swelled with their first child.

Mary raised her head and smiled at her husband, dishing a bit of triffle onto her plate. Percy smiled back, raising his hand to wave only to have it grabbed by Fred. "Come on brother. Ignore your wife for a moment and come see Gin." Fred dragged the elder Weasley over to the dance floor where their sister was dancing with her father, tears flowing down both their faces.

Percy pulled out his camera and captured the moment forever, wiping a tear from his own eye. He clapped Fred on the shoulder, passing him the camera. "I'm going to go rescue Harry from George and his new girlfriend."

"She's not new Perce," Fred said, taking picture.


Fred nodded. "They've been dating for three years and are now engaged."

"Oh! Guess I should get home more." Percy said, coloring slightly.

Fred smirked at Percy. "With a wife like yours, I'm surprised you ever leave the bedroom!"

Percy slapped Fred upside the head before walking over to where George and his girlfriend, Genevive Pratt, were standing. It was a famous story of how Gen and George had met. Genevive worked as researcher in the Humor Related Magical Artifacts sector of the Ministry, Practical Joke Division. George was down there looking for something new to offer at the shoppe when all of sudden a chocolate he had been eating turned him into a turkey. It took them hours to turn the famous shoppe owner back to normal. After a good chuckle he invited the creator of 'Turkey Treats' out to dinner and the rest was romance history.

Gen was a sweet girl, as normal and down to earth as you could get, which helped balance George out greatly when his head was off spinning with different ideas. Their love for practical jokes had caused Mrs. Weasley to all but strip search them as they arrived at the wedding earlier that day.

"Percy!!" A cheerful voice called and Percy looked up in time to be hugged by a miniature red-head. Becky, Charlie' youngest daughter had attached herself firmly to Percy's left leg, removable only by crowbar or sweets. Charlie laughed as Percy limped over to the group, nodding in greeting to George and Harry, giving the ladies a slight bow. Charlie's wife, Jaques, giggled and pried her daughter from Percy's leg, shoving a toffee into her mouth before she could protest.

"Wasn't the wedding just lovely?" Gen asked, laying her head on George's shoulder as if she would pass out from the romance off it.

"I guess." George said. "If you go in for the mushiness of it."

Gen slapped his arm lightly before turning to Harry. "Where are you going after Hun?"

"Ginny wanted to head over to Paris so we'll fly over that way."

"Sounds lovely Harry." Gen said, grinning at him.

George rolled his eyes and slapped Harry on the back. "Owl us if you ever surface from underneath the romance."

Harry gave him a smirk. "I will, don't worry."
Across the large lawn Ginny was surrounded by her girlfriend, all chattering and twittering as females are wont to do, sounding like a mad crowd of birds. On her right was Madeleine Carey, a friend of Gin's from Hogwarts whom had been her made of honor. On her left, Helen Nightingale, one of the most popular witches of their year despite her slightly plain looks.

Gin kept glancing over their shoulders, trying to spot Harry, but the only person she could see was Draco Malfoy sulking around the edges of her little group. Gin watched Draco as he pulled a silver dagger from his red dress robes. He stared down at the dagger, running his finger over the green head of a snake carved into the handle. He raised the dagger slowly, closing his eyes and plunging it into his gut. Blood spilled out, dark and rich,
staining his green robes a dark black. He dropped to his knees, gaping for
hair, his eyes wide before he fell back, staring sightlessly at the golden
orange sky.

Gin turned to Helen, smiling. "More punch?"
Thanks, Hugs and Schnoggles go to-

Mary-As usual for being my bestest companion and friend. The reason she got the first cameo.

Yael-For giving me an amazing cameo myself and for posting part 10 of "Krum do I love"

Drusilla Chantel-I rather like G/H, it's one of my 'strait' ships, but this isn't their story.

Helmione Nightingranger-We all feel sorry for Draco love, he's been getting the raw end of the deal in this story, but don't worry, it'll get better for him.

Archwiz, and DQmummJo-Thanks for the reviews guys.

And my cameos! Thanks, Schnoggles and hugs go out to-Gen, Helen, Mary, Madeleine, Jaques, Simon, Jamieson, Robyn, Trace, Athena, Oak, Shannon, Georgiana, Alexander, Brian and Daddy Scott.

Saitaina's Diary