
Rafe looked at her lovingly, "When I do what, my love?" He asked, and then he raised his head suddenly, and saw Giles enter the room. The Watcher was just standing there. Sleep little Rupert, sleep like a good Watcher. Rafe thought, watching Giles fall heavily asleep. He turned back to Buffy, "Now what is it that I do?"

Giles fell into a deep sleep and collapsed on the floor.

Buffy opened her mouth to reply but a wave of tiredness hit her. "You can see what I think and it's almost you can control me." she forced herself to say. She staggered weakly as she struggled to stay awake. "I'm so tired...I wonder why?" she said sleepily. Her eyes gently closed but she snapped them open again. She made one last struggle against her sleepiness and her last few thoughts turned to Angel as she became weaker. Oh Angel...if only we could be together again... she thought. Her pupils began to dilate as she whispered Angel's name. ""she fell asleep before she could finish her statement.

Rafe laid Buffy gently down on the floor, "And in sleep she shall tell her true loves name, " Rafe said, silently cursing himself for ever loving again. "Sleep my precious, for in sleep do only your dreams come true. He softly kissed her sleeping lips, and sat down beside her stroking her hair. *yawn* "Buffy belive me when I say I didnt' do this to hurt you, *yawn again* I only did this so that I could have Morgrain back. Oh, Morgraine, how I miss you, so much" And with that thought still on his mind Rafe fell into a deep sleep.

"Buffy..." Angel fell into a hole of darkness her name still on his lips. Then all of a sudden the darkness vanished. He cried out as he fell into something hard...the ground? He slowly got up and gazed around him. He was still at The Bronze but there was something slightly off-kilter about the place. He made a slow circle looking around the club and his gaze fell on her. "Buffy." her name was startled from his lips. She was dressed in a plain white lace dress and her hair fell softly around her shoulders and her eyes glowed like gems. He could only stare at her. She looked so beautiful that his heart ached. He reached out then drew his hand back afraid of rejection. "Angel. Don't be afraid. I'm here and I love you." came her soft voice as she walked slowly towards him. She glided into his arms and lifted her face up to his kiss. He lowered his lips down to meet hers and they kissed passionately. 'Something's wrong here!'something inside him screamed. But he ignored it and continued to kiss her. This was his fantasy come true and he never wanted it to end....

"Hey, England, wake up!" a voice called through the darkness that had engulfed Giles. "What, hmmm, oh, I must have fallen asleep sorry Buffy," Giles said slowly opening his eyes. But it wasn't Buffy standing over him, insead he saw the smiling face of Jenny Calander. "Sorry to disapoint you Rupert, but it's me." She said holding out his hand to help him up. "Jenny?" Giles said, not really wanting to belive it was her, but also wanting to believe with all of his heart. "Of course silly, who else would it be?" She said laughing airly. Come on England, let's dance." And with that they danced away, as Giles had always fantasized about.

Xander heard a gentle voice calling him. "Xander. Xander!" the voice said. He opened his eyes and he saw Willow standing beside him looking breathtakingly beautiful. He got up quickly and ran a through his messy hair self-consciously. She stood there giving him a sweet smile and then opened her mouth and said. "I love you Xander." he stopped and turned to stare at her. She pulled on him and his lips met hers for a long, sweet kiss. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder and he pulled away from Will. He turned to face..... Cordy. He blinked and ran his eyes down her body. She looked as stunning as always. "Xander." she said in a sexy voice. "Come here and kiss me." He looked from Will to Cordy a bewildered look on his face. "You don't mind Will?" he asked timidly. "No I don't mind. I'd rather share you with Cordelia than not have you at all." she answered. His heart leaped as he kissed Cordy passionately. The two women he loved wanting to be with him and not making him choose. It was like a dream.......

Oz felt a hand running through his hair, he reached up a hand to bat it away, but the other hand grabbed a hold of his. He slowly opened up his eyes and saw Willow standing there in a long green dress. "Well, look who finally woke up." she said bending down to give him a kiss. He looked around, a little dazed, they were the only ones in the Bronze. "Where's Xander?" He asked. "What does he matter?" She said sitting down on his lap. "Well, he's never far from your side." Oz said matter a factly. "Don't worry about him Oz, he won't be part of ourlife, any longer." Willow said kissing him with each word. "You mean it, no more shared glances, no more wishful thinking, no more anything." Willow shook her head and kissed him some more. Oz smiled, the day he had dreamed about was finally here.

Cordelia stirred slightly as an insistent voice at her ear called her name. She opened her eyes and saw Xander. She immediately averted her gaze and instead looked at her clothes. "Good god!" she yelped as she took in her state of disarray. "MY clothes are all wrinkled up and oh my hair!" she cried out as she lifted her hand to her mussed up hair. She turned angry accusing eyes on Xander. "You had something to do with this didn't you?" she said. "No but I'd like to." Xander said in a seductive voice. Despite herself Cordelia began to melt a little. She pushed it away. "Well where's your beloved Willow?" she asked snidely. "Far from here." he replied. "I thought you loved her? Why aren't you with her? You cheated on my with her. You-" she was cut off when Xander yanked her to him and kissed her deeply. "Shut up and kiss me." he said against her lips. Cordelia was more than happy to oblige. This was what she had wished for in a long time.......


Buffy opened her eyes against the bright light shining against it. Suddenly the light was shadowed and she found herself looking up into Angel's face. "Angel!" she said, surprised. "I...what are you doing here?"

Angel looked at her his eyes burning with wanting and love. "Buffy I know I've hurt you in the past but I'd just like you to know that I love you. I've always loved you and I will never ever let you go." he said in a low voice. Buffy felt overwhelmed. "Angel I-I" her voice cracked on the words. His mouth covered hers and there was no time to continue. She was swept up in the intensity of their kiss but deep inside her it felt wrong strangely wrong. It was like it wasn't Angel she was kissing. It wasn't HER Angel she was kissing. She pushed it away and concentrated on their kiss. After all this was something she had been longing for......

Willow opened her eyes slowly, she hear people talking and then some one laughing. "oh, I can't beleve I fell asleep at the Bron..." She trailed of when she saw Oz and Xander sitting in front of her. She looked around and relized that they were the only ones in there. "Oz, Xander?" "Yes, Willow." they said together. "What's going on?" "Were here for our date," Oz said giving her a kiss. "And ours," said Xander also giving her a kiss. "Together?" Willow said, shocked. "Well, we relized that it wasnt' fair to make you choose, so we decided that if you were happy, we were happy." Oz said, smiling. Together...Willow thought, I never thought my dream would come true.

Fantasys Part V