Part 1


Angelus let the body of the young child in his arms drop to the ground. The body sprawled out in an odd position by the wall of the alley he stood in. The boy was dead. He figured the child was only two or three years old at the most.

Well… had been.

Angelus grinned as he drew in a big breath. Though vampires didn't need to breathe, they could do so if they wanted to. And this was one of those few moments when Angelus actually wanted to thoroughly enjoy his experience. He inhaled deeply the odor of the boy's freshly spilt blood. He could identify the bittersweet, coppery aroma blindfolded. It exhilarated him.

It aroused him.

It was his favorite scent.

The blood of the innocent. Nothing compares to the exquisite taste.

"No! No! My baby! Please… let me go! SOMEBODY HELP ME! Oh God, please!" A young woman's voice brought him out of his reverie. Angelus turned his head towards the voice. Drusilla stood a couple of feet from him and she held the young woman in front of her. "Please! My little boy?! Is he…? No you… you couldn't… he was just… what are you?" she muttered incoherently. Angelus watched as the realization dawned on her face. "SOMEBODY HELP ME! POLICE! Anyone…" Her broken voice cried out while her eyes darted around for an escape. Of course there was none. Angelus had made sure of that.

He studied what was to be his next kill. The young woman was dark haired and in her late teens. His best guess was that she was most likely a runaway. There was never a shortage of them in Sunnydale as far as Angelus knew. One thing he did know for sure; she was the mother of the boy he just killed… right in front of her. Drusilla had held the woman firmly in place so she had been forced to watch the death of her child.

Angelus slowly walked toward the woman while still wearing his true face. Her eyes were wide with shock. Her face was red and streaked with tears. She trembled with grief… and fear.

Of course… blood laced with fear… comes pretty close.

Angelus gave a glance to Drusilla. She was wearing her true face as well. Her vibrant golden eyes stared eagerly at his. She smiled sadistically.

"Care to share a drink, luv?" Drusilla’s voice purred over the sound of the woman’s choked sobs.

Angelus closed the distance between him and Drusilla, trapping the woman between their bodies. He could feel her squirming and fighting to break free.

"Don't mind if I do." He grabbed the woman by her chin and stared down into her eyes.

"Please… let me go. I didn’t… do anything. If you let me go… I… I won’t tell." She pleaded desperately for her life. Her voice was strained and broken by tears that still flowed down her cheeks.

Angelus let a sly smile crease his features.

I love it when they beg! They taste so much better!

"Of course you won't, dearie. We're going to put out the light." Drusilla playfully whispered into the woman's ear then looked up at Angelus. "Aren't we, Angel?" She cooed in delightful anticipation.

"That's what I like about you, Dru. You can read my mind." Angelus smirked then quickly buried his teeth into the left side of the woman's neck. He heard Drusilla bite into the right side as well.

Angelus relished the moment. Hunting was a great sport. Preying on the innocent was a thrill. Torturing a victim was a pleasure. Yet, the kill… was everything. Taking a life was like putting out a candle. It was easy. It was simple.

It was a power that made him feel like a god.

It was what made his immortal existence worth living. His sire, Darla, had taught him that. The fresh blood of a human satisfied his thirst like nothing else. The blood cleansed him. It washed away his frustrations, his rage, …and the Slayer.

Nothing like innocent blood to get rid of the taste of the Slayer in my mouth.

Angelus pulled his mouth away. He took in another breath to inhale the scent of the woman's blood.

I love it! I can still smell the fear...

Angelus watched as Drusilla lifted her mouth away from the woman's neck. Her lips were smeared with blood. He could feel the limpness of woman's body between them. He took hold of the dead woman's shoulders and shook her a little.

"Jeez, I think we wore her out. Maybe she should rest." Angelus quipped as he gazed at Drusilla. Without looking he casually tossed the dead body away from them.

"The pretty woman tasted nice." Drusilla drawled as she raised her hand and caressed his face. Angelus felt the gentle touch of her fingers as they glided across his vampiric features. He stared into her eyes for a moment. He could smell the blood on her lips and it beckoned to him.

"Yeah… but I taste better." Angelus murmured arrogantly as he pulled her to him. Quickly he leaned in and met his lips with hers. He could taste the blood of their kill as they kissed.

It thrilled him.

Drusilla kissed him back and the kiss became a little rough. After a moment she broke away. She let her face revert back to her human visage.

"I want to play some more. Like we use to." She seductively smiled up at him with her wide dark eyes.

In her eyes Angelus saw the fire of the past.

Their past.

"I remember. How could I ever forget, hmm?" He whispered with desire heavy in his voice. Angelus let his face revert back as well. He started to lean in, as if to kiss her.

Drusilla roughly pushed away from him, still smiling. She very slowly started to back away and as she did her hips swayed in a little dance. Angelus found it very provocative as his eyes swept over her body. He looked up and her hypnotic eyes locked with his. She growled at him.

"Bad dog! You didn’t ask." Drusilla's alluring voice playfully scolded him.

Without warning Angelus forced her back until she hit the wall behind her. He quickly grabbed her hands and held them out to either side. He pressed his body into hers to pin her to the wall. Drusilla managed to utter a sigh mixed of surprise and pleasure before he forced his lips on hers. As they kissed he felt her struggle against him.

It’s our favorite game. Control.

They always vied for domination over the other. It was one of the many things Angelus found enjoyable of Drusilla. It was a turn-on of his. Their passionate kiss quickly grew savage.

Like two mating predators.

Angelus felt Drusilla writhing against him. His lips left hers and traced her chin down to her neck. There he nibbled at her skin. He teased her flesh with his teeth and growled.

"Oh, Angel." Drusilla breathed his name as she urged him on. He bit harder into her skin, not quite enough to draw blood, and heard her moan.

Drusilla suddenly wrenched her hands free of his grasp. It surprised him. Angelus turned his face toward hers so that their eyes could meet. He still kept her pinned to the wall with his body yet his hands remained out to either side for support. With one free hand Drusilla grabbed his chin so she could hold his gaze and the other hand she placed above his heart, which was still since it didn't beat anymore.

"Do you remember the pretty colors I made?" Drusilla's innocent voice questioned as she ran her hand avidly across his bare chest. She took her time with it as her fingers slowly traced invisible patterns. Her sensual touch combined with the look in her eyes brought back the memory immediately.

"Yeah, I do." Angelus' voice revealed his arousal at the remembrance.

He could recall very clearly that long ago night. The night Drusilla had tortured him with holy water. It was another game they use to play… in the old days. He hated the fact that he'd had his soul that night. Had Angelus been there instead of 'Angel' he would’ve enjoyed it thoroughly.

And I would've enjoyed Dru just as well.

Angelus remembered how she’d had his arms tied to the foot of her bedposts. He remembered how enticing she looked as she’d knelt between his legs. He especially remembered the sensual way in which her hands had touched him in between bouts of holy water. ‘Angel’ had felt the heat of their old fire then.

Angelus knew it for a fact.

Drusilla leaned into him and pressed her cheek to his.

"You were a very… naughty daddy then." Drusilla’s voice purred into his ear. "Miss Edith and I were worried. We’d only dreamed that you’d come back to us." She withdrew her cheek then stared up into his eyes. "This time we could take turns… painting." She took hold of either side of his loose shirt and pulled him closer to her.

"Tell you what, Dru… you can play as long as I get… what I want." Angelus' left hand took both of hers and pinned them above her head. He kissed her again, real hard. His right hand caressed her neck then took hold of her chin. He pulled his lips away from hers and let his true face reveal itself. He heard Drusilla give a little gasp as he turned her face to the left exposing her throat to him. His lips briefly touched the flesh of her neck then quickly he bit down.

"Angel…" Drusilla dreamily sighed in his ear.

Angelus drew on her blood languidly. It was thicker and cooler than human blood. He savored the rich flavor of his fledgling. Her blood was his blood. He made her what she was. They shared a connection.

And nothing will ever sever that.

Not my soul… or even death…

Angelus enjoyed himself just a moment longer then he withdrew his mouth. He released her hands as his lips hovered over her wound. After the holes closed he kissed her flesh clean of blood. Angelus smiled as he saw that her skin was bruised and that he'd left a mark on her neck.

A little gift for Spike.

"My turn." He heard Drusilla’s demanding voice in his ear just as he felt her teeth lodge into his neck. He brought his hands down to her waist and embraced her body to his. His skin tingled where her mouth was locked on his throat. He could feel her drawing out his blood. It was painful. The sensation tore through every vein in his body. The realization sent shivers down his spine. Her lips felt hot on his cool skin. His every fiber was aroused. He felt a sudden need for her.

Right here and now.

"Play time's over, Dru." Angelus whispered viciously as he slammed Drusilla back into the wall of the alley. He heard her laugh and whimper at the same time. He pulled away slightly and stared straight into her glowing yellow eyes. A low visceral growl escaped his lips as he saw a lustful grin spread across the features of Drusilla's true face. Quickly his lips crushed hers as his hands lifted her body up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as her arms hugged him to her. His hands searched out to free themselves of any clothing blocking their desire for one another. As their bodies began to meld into each other, Angelus couldn't help but preen.

You’re mine, Dru. All mine.



In the Garden of Evil: Part II

Previous Part

Albrech's Diary