Part 2


Spike was not in the best of moods. He was pacing inside the mansion and his wheelchair sat abandoned a few feet from him. He hated the thing. With a passion.

Stupid metal contraption!

It only served to remind him of everything he’d lost in Sunnydale. When the Slayer injured him he lost all respect he’d had from his minions. When Angelus returned he lost what leadership he’d managed to maintain. And now he was losing Drusilla… to Angelus. Ever since the night ‘Angel’ lost his soul, Angelus had picked up his relationship with Drusilla where he’d left it off a century ago.

Blimey! They act as if nothing’s bloody well happened in the last hundred years!

Angelus constantly flaunted his intimacy with Drusilla in front of Spike’s face. It was to a point now that Spike could hardly stand it. It was bad enough back in the old days. He’d known then what the two of them did behind his back. But, at least then, he could get in Angelus’ face and fight him off. He didn’t even have that much now. Especially while he was stuck in his wheelchair. Angelus had the upper hand and Spike could do little about it.

The damned bastard! They should bloody well be back by now! If anything’s happened to my Dru, I’ll tear his throat out! After I break every bone in his body!

Spike was about to cross the room again when he heard Drusilla’s laughter out in the garden. Quickly he ran back to his wheelchair and seated himself. He drew in a breath to collect his thoughts.

Time to play charades. Let Angelus think I’m still the "weaker" vampire. The idiot won’t know what hit him when I have my coming out party!

All Spike needed was the right opportunity to reveal the fact he wasn't injured anymore. He knew that the right moment would present itself.

It’ll be the moment I can hurt Angelus the most. Maybe even put him in the ground. Then I’ll have Dru all to myself again. It’ll be like it used to.

That thought made him smile. He started to wheel over to the garden entrance.

"I wanted to have a try at it." Drusilla’s pouting voice preceded her as she entered the mansion. Angelus followed closely behind with both of his hands hidden behind his back.

"There's always next time, Dru." As Angelus strolled in his eyes found Spike and he smiled. "Well! What a surprise! Look who waited up for us!" He walked up to Spike and leaned down real close. "Did ya miss us much?" His face took on a serious expression. He brought his left hand forward and placed it on the armrest of Spike's wheelchair. "I guess we just missed the party, huh?" He briefly glanced around the mansion. "Course you did tidy the place up real nice." His gaze fell back on Spike. "Though I can't imagine how you got those hard to reach places…" his eyes gestured down at Spike's lap "…above your wheels. Must've been tough." Angelus whispered sarcastically then straightened up. He still kept his right arm behind him as he stared down at Spike.

"Very funny, mate." Spike mumbled under his breath as he lost his smile. "It took you long enough. Did you get lost? Have trouble finding our lovely new home?" His voice revealed the irritation he felt.

"Well, what can I say, hmm? I picked up a gift for ya on the way in. Just to show ya how much I still care." Angelus brought his right hand from behind his back into view. In his hand he held The Club. It was chrome plated with red accents and it had a key lock in the center of it. Angelus set it across Spike's lap. "It would kinda make me feel better knowin' you were safe when Dru and I go out." Angelus smirked as he turned and sauntered across the room.

Spike exhaled a breath so he could focus. He clenched his jaw in an effort to keep his temper in check. It wouldn't do any good to get into an argument just yet. He still wanted to know what took them so long.

As if I don't already know…

He took The Club and tossed it on the ground next to his wheelchair. He then turned in the direction that Angelus had gone.

"You’re supposed to have her home by curfew, mate." He gritted between closed teeth. "It’s nearly sunrise! I was worried."

"For little ol' me? Gosh, Spike, I'm flattered!" Angelus made a face as he feigned surprise. "I'll try and remember that next time. Course, you know how Dru gets when she's… hungry." Angelus casually leaned up against the wall by the fireplace and crossed his arms.

Spike turned and wheeled toward Drusilla. He decided it would be better to just ignore Angelus rather then get into yet another verbal fencing match with him.

"Dru? Sweetheart?" Spike tried to get her attention as he watched her dance in the open area that was the living room. "What kept you, pet?" Spike waited for a response then sighed with impatience when he didn't get one. "This bloody town certainly doesn't lack for a bite to eat." He glared over at Angelus. "I'd hate to imagine what took so long." He muttered under his breath.

Spike felt his anger rise as Angelus smiled at him.

"Angel and I were hunting. That’s all, luv." Drusilla paused for emphasis then merrily continued. "There once was a little boy and his mummy. One night the poor dears were lost and afraid. Then… an Angel appeared and helped them find their way home." She giggled and smiled evilly. "Mummy tasted nice. Didn’t she, Angel?" Drusilla stopped turning circles and stared over at Angelus. Her back was to Spike so he couldn’t see her expression. But he could see Angelus’ face and that was enough.

"Yeah, baby. She did." Angelus leered at Drusilla as a smug grin creased his lips.

It infuriated Spike in the worst way.

If I could get out of this damn chair I’d smack that bloody grin off your face so hard your next of kin would feel it! How bloody tempting… I’d love to see the shock on your face right before I beat it to a bloody pulp!

Spike knew that now wasn’t the time or place. He would have to wait.

No matter how he hated it.

He drew another breath to vent some of his rage.

"You shouldn't stay out so late, pet. I don't care if you play with your food. We'll order take out if you’d like. I just wish you'd be more careful, is all." Spike reprimanded Drusilla as he watched her dance to music only she could hear. He couldn’t hide the harshness in his voice and as such Drusilla danced for a moment longer before she spoke.

"It's alright, Spike. Angel brought me home before the harmful sun came out. You shouldn't worry so much, my sweet. Besides… the moon was whispering to me tonight." She made little buzzing noises. "It was sad and jealous. It was going away. It's lonely, you know." Drusilla's dance came to a halt not too far from Angelus. She had her back to him. "I can still hear it…" Her eyes dreamily gazed upward while her head tilted slightly. "Whispering… while it sleeps." She seemed as if she were listening to something.

"Can you now?" Angelus questioned as he walked toward Drusilla. Spike was forced to watch as Angelus came up behind her, rather intimately, and growled next to her cheek. "You never cease to amaze me, Dru." He whispered it so softly in her ear that Spike almost didn’t hear it.

"Angel…" Drusilla murmured as she closed her eyes.

Angel! Angel! Always bloody Angel! I swear you’d think the bloody universe revolved around the bastard as much as she says his bloody name!

Spike could feel all the muscles in his body tighten as he saw the familiar way in which Angelus moved his hands over Drusilla's body. Angelus casually ran his fingers up Drusilla's arm then pulled the left side of her long hair back. It exposed her bare throat. Spike suddenly caught a glimpse of something odd. There was a faint discoloration to her skin that was shaped in a semi-circle. He looked closer at Drusilla's neck.

There, he saw it.

Like a neon sign.

A bite mark! The bloke is biting on my Dru!

"What's that on your neck, love?" Spike scowled. He was playing the idiot. He wanted to know how she would explain herself. "I hope it wasn't dinner. I'd hate to think it had teeth." He was trying to keep a level head in this game that Angelus insisted on playing with him, but it was a losing battle.

He'd little patience for games.

At least when it comes to my Dru…

Drusilla shook her finger at Angelus as she pulled her hair back into place. She then leaned slightly back into him as she turned her gaze on Spike. He felt a sudden surge of jealousy run through him. She looked entirely too comfortable in Angelus’ arms.

"A bad dog… bit me. But don't worry, luv. I bit him back." Drusilla innocently smiled then growled and snapped her jaw at him.

Spike saw a wicked grin spread across Angelus' face. Their eyes locked on each other.

"I'd be careful, pet. You might catch rabies. No tellin' where the mut's been lately. What, with the Slayer and all." Spike narrowed his eyes. "Might be good to put him on a leash." He wheeled closer to Drusilla.

If he knows what's good for him, he bloody well better lay off Dru… now!

Angelus evenly met his glare.

"Too bad you couldn't come with, Spikey." Angelus momentarily leered at Drusilla as he pulled her closer and wrapped an arm around her waist. "I’d hate to think you feel left out, buddy. But… we had a lotta fun. Didn't we, Dru?" He smiled back at Spike as he rested his chin on her shoulder and leaned his cheek against hers. Drusilla cooed with delight.

Okay! That’s it! I’ve bloody well had enough for tonight!

Spike could feel the veins in his forehead stick out.

"You'd do well to let me take care of Dru. You still bloody well haven't taken care of that bitch you’re tramping around with. I don’t suppose killing the Slayer was on your to do list tonight was it, mate?" Spike rolled closer to Drusilla so that he was only a couple of feet away. "I guess that’s asking to much. I’m beginning to think you don’t have it in you." He stated bitterly.

Angelus’ smile faded instantly. He straightened and drew back a little, yet kept his arm around Drusilla.

"I could take the Slayer any given moment. But ya know what, Spike? I don’t want to. You still don’t get it, do ya? I’m gonna make sure she pays for what she did to me. She dies when I say it’s time. Not before." Angelus angrily replied. Spike could see the rage in Angelus' eyes from where he sat.

Well… that struck a nerve. I just need to work it now.

Drusilla looked down at Spike and smiled. She slipped out of Angelus' embrace and walked over to him.

"Don't fret, Spike. Angel will take care of the Slayer." Drusilla floated down into his lap and sat with her arm draped around his shoulder. "He’s just making her suffer first. Now then, let’s all play nice." Her hypnotic eyes looked deeply into his.

Those lovely dark eyes… I could lose myself in them.

Yet… Spike was not to be deterred. Angelus was enjoying himself a little too much of late.

I refuse to let an opportunity to needle Angelus go by.

"Well that's all fine and good, pet. But Angel here just doesn't have a winning history with the ladies." Spike stared up at Angelus. "I wouldn't spend too much time around him. He makes girlfriends out of Slayers, nearly gets you killed, and last I recall, he staked his own sire. I just don't want anything happening to you, Dru." Spike smirked as Angelus flared up indignantly and walked up to him.

"Listen, Short Bus, you'd do well to leave Darla outta this!" Angelus sneered. "Cause right now I don't think you want to go toe to toe..." He glanced down at Spike’s wheelchair "well, wheel to toe... with me." He smiled faintly. "So why don't you just roll over to your Special Needs Corner, before I put you there, and take five, hmm?" He lost his light-heartedness and looked down at Spike menacingly.

Oh… that got him! About damn time!

"Yeah, well… aren’t you one to talk, mate. ‘Scourge of Europe’ my ass. More like ‘The Fluffy Puppy of Europe’ to me." Spike smiled. He refused to let it go. "Seems that 'phase' you went through took all the bite out of your bark. Got the Slayer to thank for that." He drawled out every word thoroughly enjoying his chance to tell off Angelus… in front of Drusilla.

Now, my girl ought to be proud of me. I think I've shown her who's got the bigger pair around here.

Angelus leered down at Drusilla.

"Dru, honey, why don’t ya let Spike and I have a little chat, hmm? Go get ready for bed." Angelus took her hand off Spike’s chest and pulled her up to him. He growled in her ear then patted her on the butt as he shoved her off in the direction of his bedroom.

Spike lost his smile and sense of humor. He wasn’t having fun anymore. That'd been a little more blatant then he’d ever care to experience. His eyes followed Drusilla and watched as she stopped halfway out of the room. She turned her head towards both of them.

"You boys had better behave while mummy’s gone. Or there’ll be no treats later." She eyed them both. Then she deliberately took her time leaving the room without another sound.

Spike flared his nostrils and clenched his jaw.

Right in my bloody face! And she doesn't bloody care!

"Now then… where were we?" Angelus stared down at Spike. "Oh, yeah. Right about here." He took hold of either side of Spike's jacket and shirt and roughly lifted him out of the chair a few inches. "I'm gonna say this once. So pay attention, Roller Boy." Their faces were inches apart. "What my alter ego did with the Slayer has nothing to do with ME. If the damned Romani hadn't interfered with my plans a century ago, this Slayer would've been dealt with by now. But fate, it seems, has a sense of humor. So now I'm gonna pay it back in kind. I suffered, so everyone suffers." He growled through his teeth. He set Spike back down in his chair. "Now, you can either sit by, spin your wheels, and watch… or become part of the aftermath. I don't really care. Either way… I'll have fun." A smug grin crossed Angelus' lips then he turned and headed for his bedroom.

Spike glared at Angelus' retreating form.

"Two can play that game, mate. You'd better watch your back… I won't." He mumbled under his breath, his voice full of animosity.

It's time to level the playing field.



In the Garden of Evil: Part III

Previous Part

Albrech's Diary