Part 3


Drusilla stood by the right side of the bed and tightened the rope around Angelus’ left wrist. She had it and his right wrist tied to each of the front bedposts. She glanced down at her sire. He was laid out on his back still in his black leather pants and his crimson colored shirt hung open to expose his chest. She ran her fingers down his shirtsleeve then across his bare chest as she walked to the foot of the bed.

Her mind was filled with memories of their distant past. In the old days, before the gypsies took her dear sire away and made him such a good Angel, they always played games like this with each other. They both enjoyed it, if for their own reasons. She knew his motivations were mostly to make Spike angry, but she didn't care.

I know why he does it, even if he'll never admit to it.

When Angelus had let her sire Spike, after a while he got jealous of him. So it was Angelus' way of getting back at Spike. They always fought over her. She actually loved it when they challenged each other for her affections. It made her feel like a duchess.

Yet, Drusilla had to admit that there was a part of her that preferred being with Angelus. They connected on a level that Spike just couldn't comprehend. She loved it when they were together.

I so love it when we play. The things we've done…

"Is he asleep yet? " Angelus questioned as he tugged on the ropes to make sure they were secure.

The things we’re doing now…

"I tucked Spike in and kissed him goodnight." Drusilla replied as her fingers trailed down his leg to his feet. She grabbed the bedpost and slowly swung around it with her other arm out as if flying. She paused at the foot of the bed and beheld her handiwork.

He's at my mercy now. I can do whatever I want. I can make him cry or scream... and he’ll beg for more.

That thought brought a smile to her lips.

"Damn. I was kinda hoping he'd get an ear full." Angelus sounded vaguely disappointed. "He might've learned a thing or two." His eyes locked with hers. Even from where she stood she could see the desire in them… and the malevolence.

Don’t worry… it’s almost time, my sweet.

Drusilla turned her back to him as she walked over to the dresser. She pulled out a drawer and retrieved a clear glass bottle with a black cap on it. She smiled at the cross that was etched into the decorative label.

"You shouldn't play so rough with Spike." Drusilla whispered as she walked back to the bed and climbed onto it. "He wants to be better… like you." She pulled the skirt of her crimson colored dress up so she could straddle his waist. She stared down at him delighted by the power she had over him for the moment.

"Yeah… well… there's only one of me, Dru." A smug grin crossed Angelus' lips as he then playfully growled and snapped his jaw at her. He tugged on his restraints again then casually relaxed back into the bed. There was a satisfied sinister gleam to his face as he waited.

True enough. I love my dear Spike, but try as he may… he never quite manages to be like my Angelus. My Angel can be so ruthless and cruel, so wonderfully evil. It makes me proud that he's my sire.

Drusilla jiggled the bottle of holy water in front of his eyes.

"Look what I've got. Just for you." She opened the bottle and held it over his upper chest.

"I'm hoping that's not tap water. I'd hate to be displeased." Angelus braced himself as Drusilla slowly tilted the bottle so that a few drops leaked out. When the water hit his skin it hissed. It ran down his side and as it did it left behind a trail of discoloration to his skin that was pale red. "Nope. It's holy water." He didn't seem the least fazed by it.

At least not yet. But I've only just started.

"Only the best… for my Angel." Drusilla let several drops rain down on his upper chest. Angelus winced and inhaled a sharp breath between clenched teeth. She felt all the muscles in his upper body tense. Some of the drops ran down his side again while others ran down the middle to form a small pool near his stomach.

Drusilla stared down at the collected holy water. She gingerly dipped her finger into the pool then used her finger like a paintbrush.

I love to paint. It’s so much fun… especially when it hurts.

She made broad stokes across his chest. It was painful for her at first. It felt like a white-hot fire consumed the skin of her finger. Slowly the pain lessened in the wake of the pleasure she felt as she watched Angelus’ face twitch with every motion.

"Are we going with the Classics… or the Impressionists?" Angelus’ voice was a mixture of suffering and arousal. His face revealed the conflict of the two emotions as he glanced down at his chest. "I'm kinda thinking Impressionist. But I could be wrong." He managed a weak smile as he looked up at Drusilla.

That’s my brave Angel. Always a smile… no matter how much it hurts.

She returned the smile by dousing him in more holy water. This time she let the bottle tilt over a little longer. Angelus responded by yanking on his restraints. His hands grabbed onto the ropes as his body arched upward. He didn’t scream, but instead threw back his head while gritting his teeth. His whole upper body shook with pain, yet he didn’t make a sound.

Drusilla repaid his silence with more holy water. She rained it across the center of his chest. Angelus' body shuddered under the attack. The water hissed as it flowed over his skin. After struggling for a few moments he brought his eyes forward to meet hers. His jaw was clenched tightly and his nostrils flared with the effort he was exerting to remain silent. His face was a mask of pain, yet in his eyes she saw… the desire for more.

That’s one of the things I love about my dear sire… his passion for pain. Of course, it’s just one of his many passions…

For a moment Drusilla’s mind drifted off as she recalled their time together in the alley. It’d felt as if they’d never parted a century ago. He still knew exactly what she wanted and what she liked. Likewise she still knew his every want and need.

A broad smiled creased her lips.

"I like it when you play hard to get." Drusilla spread more water across his chest with her hand until it spilled over his sides. He let out a painful moan with every movement of her hand. A small vapor trail emanated off his skin as the holy water found as yet untouched areas. When she was done she dried her hand off on the skirt of her dress. "I will get you to scream… sooner or later." She watched as Angelus finally relaxed back into the bed. "Preferably later."

Mostly since I’m having so much fun. It’s rare these days.

Angelus collected himself for the moment.

"I’m… counting on it… Dru." His voice was a little broken as he drew in a couple of short breaths. He rested for another moment then looked up into her eyes. "Ready when you are, baby." He whispered a bit huskily. He grinned with anticipation.

"I don’t think you are, luv." Drusilla teased him as she moved and sat beside him. "Not for this." She gripped his throat and roughly forced his head back into the pillows. "I know you’re in there." With her free hand she poured holy water leisurely across his upper chest and trailed it downward until she crossed his waist. "It’s time to come out and play." She sang merrily as she turned to stare down at his face.

Angelus struggled to break out of her grasp and his restraints. She had him pinned down so that the holy water remained pooled across his upper torso. He let out a vicious growl that turned into a cry of agony. His hold on the ropes tightened until his knuckles were white. He took in short rugged breaths through his teeth as he continued to cry out.

Drusilla could read the pain… and ecstasy on his features. Suddenly his body jerked from one side to the other. He shook his head and then his true face revealed itself. He stared up at her as a snarl escaped his lips.

"There you are! I'd hoped you'd make the party." Drusilla straddled his waist again as she released his throat. She raked her nails across his chest and they left behind tiny long trenches. Small amounts of his blood began to flow from the open wounds. Angelus had just enough time to give her a questioning look before she doused him suddenly in more holy water. This time he violently tugged on the ropes in a desperate effort to break free and it caused the bedposts to creak. As he threw back his head he let out an agonizing scream.

I knew I'd get him… one way or another.

Drusilla smiled to herself as she watched the waves of pain wash over his face. His whole body writhed in torment as the holy water sought out his newly revealed wounds. Angelus continued to cry out as she spread the water across his chest. As it mixed with his blood it hissed. She started to paint again, now that she had a new color to work with. After a few minutes she was done and she smiled at him.

Angelus settled back into the bed. She felt his muscles slowly relax again.

"I've gotta hand it to you, Dru. I wasn't sure if you could do it. I guess I taught you well." Angelus softly murmured. From the sound of his voice she could tell he was still reeling with pain from her recent assault.

"I guess you did." Drusilla slowly bent down and gazed into his golden eyes. "I've missed you all these long lonely years." She murmured just inches from his lips. She could smell his freshly spilt blood and it aroused her. "Spike took care of me. But not like you used to. Never like my Angel." She transformed her face as well then forced a passionate kiss from his lips.

As Drusilla kissed Angelus she poured the rest of the holy water down his chest. She felt some of it touch her skin as she leaned into him. It burned yet at the same time it exhilarated her senses. She felt his body struggle beneath hers, yet he returned the passion in her kiss. She pulled away and smiled.

"Now… don't you feel better, luv?" Drusilla asked as she slowly ran her hand across his chest. Her fingers traced the temporary scars her nails and the holy water made on his skin.

What a pretty picture I made! I wish it would stay.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, I do feel better." Angelus growled at her again. He leaned out as far as the ropes would allow. She felt all the muscles in his body tense with the effort. His face was a few inches from hers. "But, ya know what it’s time for now, baby? Hmm?" He whispered as his eyes locked with hers.

In those golden eyes she saw lust… and malice.

It drove her mad with delight.

Spike never looks at me that way! I wish he would. He’s so different from my Angel. But that’s why I love them both. Spike is so sweet and protective, yet Angel… we can play and hurt each other. And that’s what I like best.

"What time… is it, Angel?" Drusilla teased him as she stayed just inches out of his reach. "I think you’ve been a bad boy tonight." She toyed with the collar of his shirt then her hands hovered just slightly above his chest. She mischievously grinned at him. "Why should I ever let you go?"

Angelus fell back into the bed sheets and relaxed. His eyes never left hers.

"You know why." An arrogant smile crept up his lips.

The fact was, Drusilla did know. It was another game they liked to play. Though she might have Angelus tied down so she could do what she wanted to him, he still had power over her.

He was in control.

And that made her want to hurt him even more.

Of course, that’s what he wants. Either way it’s his checkmate.

But that was another reason why Drusilla enjoyed having Angelus for her sire. He always stayed a few steps ahead of his opponents. She loved to watch him study a victim to get inside their head so he could do the most damage possible. He always took his time with it so he could savor every moment.

That’s what he did to me, back in London… when he sired me. I remember it so well.

"Yes, luv, I do." Drusilla murmured as she set about freeing his arms from the ropes. Occasionally she glanced down at Angelus as he waited patiently. His eyes followed her every movement. She could feel the tension in the air between them. The closer Angelus got to his freedom, the more she felt his muscles tighten. She couldn't help but get the feeling that he was preparing to pounce on her as soon as she set him free. As the last of the rope fell away… that's precisely what he did.

Drusilla smiled to herself.

My Angel always knows… exactly what I want.


In the Garden of Evil: Epilouge

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