
One moment Angel was desperately holding Buffy in his arms with his eyes shut tight and tears running down his cheeks, and in the next moment a white flash occurred and washed over his entire body leaving him numb. Buffy’s last tearful words `I’ll never forget’ were still echoing in his mind as he blinked and looked around feeling disoriented.

"So...then… let's just stick to the plan…" Buffy’s voice caught his attention as he braced himself on his desk. His mind was in shock for the moment as he realized the temporal fold had actually taken place. It didn’t seem real to him until it occurred. He looked up while Buffy paused and he met her gaze. She was standing by his office door, dressed as when she first came in 24 hours ago. "Keep our distance until a lot of time has passed." As she spoke Angel looked downward realizing where and when he was. "Given enough time, we should be able to…"

"…Forget." Angel interrupted her thoughts as he met her gaze again. A strong sense of déjà vu washed over him. He swallowed hard on the knot in his throat. It was an odd moment for him. His mortal injuries were gone, his heart wasn’t beating any more, and his eyes were dry even though a moment ago he had cried with Buffy held tightly in his arms. He felt the tears threaten to well up again, but he forced them back. He felt his heart ache with the knowledge of what he had to do… of what he had to give up… in order for them to continue on with their lives as they were meant to be. In his mind he could still see the teary eyed Buffy he had held only moments ago. Her pleading and desperate voice was haunting him now as he stared at her.

I… I can’t believe this is happening… We were just… If only I could… just to hold you in my arms for another day. If you only knew how much I love you. What I’m sacrificing for us.

All these thoughts came to him during their awkward moment of silence as they just stared at each other.

Buffy quickly glanced downward.

"Yeah. So..." she paused then met his gaze one last time "I'm gonna go... start forgetting." Buffy spoke hesitantly then quickly she turned toward the door and started to leave.

Suddenly the Mohra demon crashed through the back window of Angel’s office. The sound was sudden and unexpected and it caught Buffy off guard. Angel, however, knew that this was his defining moment.

For him it was the ultimate test and choice of his unnatural life.

In one hand I could have a mortal life with Buffy, but it would end shortly with our inevitable deaths and the deaths of others during the coming of the end of days. Or in the other hand I could remain as I am, a vampire cursed with a soul, and save the lives of countless others…

He thought this as he spun around to face the demon. He hesitated for a split second then he made the choice for her… and for himself.

He quickly grabbed the clock off of his desk and ducked under the demon's high kick where he knew it would swing. The demon seemed surprised that its move was anticipated and it was caught off guard for a moment. Angel sensed the demon’s hesitation and seized the open opportunity. He advanced on it and, already knowing its weakness, he smashed the jewel in its forehead with the clock.

The demon grabbed its forehead as it landed against the back wall, shock written on its features. It glowed a bright red that turned to yellow then white as it got brighter. It screamed and vanished all together.

Angel let out a sigh mixed of relief and sorrow that he hoped Buffy didn’t hear.

It’s done. I’m sorry Buffy…I… I hope I made the right choice. I hope you can… forgive me.

Angel turned back around and walked to the front of his desk. He leaned on it for support. He was in shock for the moment; the realization of what he just did slowly registered in his mind. He was amazed that he’d had the strength to follow through with what he knew had to be done.

Rather than what he wanted to do.

Buffy stood only a few feet from him. She had been frozen in place and now she stared in wonder.

"That was unreal." She couldn’t suppress the hint of admiration in her voice that told Angel she was impressed. As such he averted his eyes as she praised him. "How did you know how to kill it?"

"It was a Mohra Demon." Angel met her eyes finally and he paused. When Buffy gave him a questioning look he explained further. "I um… I’ve had a lot of time to catch up on my reading." He stated simply. He was lying to her and he didn’t like it but he hoped she would buy it.

Buffy nodded and looked away again as she took everything in for the moment.

Angel felt the anguish in his heart again as he read the expression on Buffy’s face now. She looked as if she were battling with herself. Just as he fought his own emotions. She knew what had to be done. They both knew it in their hearts. Yet it didn’t make it any easier for either of them.

Especially for Angel.

"So… okay… I guess we've covered it, right?" Buffy stared into his eyes with determination as she got ready to leave again. She was fidgeting and Angel recognized it as one of her signs of being restless. He couldn’t blame her since he felt the same. He could really feel the tension in the air between them.

It was almost tangible.

It was unbearable.

Their need for one another was threatening to resurface and overwhelm them both.

"I guess we did." He replied at a loss for words.

There was another long awkward moment of silence between them.

"And that's all there really is to say." Buffy’s eyes were locked with his. Her voice was a little broken and she spoke quickly, as if her resolve was failing.

To help ease his own inner conflict Angel glanced down at the clock lying on the floor next to him where he dropped it after he attacked the Mohra demon. It was broken beyond repair. Angel noted that the time on the clock was 9:03 a.m.

He doubted he would forget that any time soon.

"Yeah…" Angel whispered softly while staring at the clock.

Suddenly the sound of his office door opening caught his attention.

"…That's it." Angel sadly whispered as he looked up in time to see her walking out of his office. He could swear she was walking fast enough to be running.

She probably was.

He couldn’t blame her for that either. Had they hesitated any longer something would have happened.

Of that Angel was sure. His own resolve was pushed to its very limits. The lingering memories of the day he spent with Buffy were still fresh in his mind. He could recall every moment of that day.

The day that had been taken from them.

The day that Angel, alone, would always remember.

He silently thanked Buffy for having the strength to leave. To walk away. He was the one who had that strength the last time they were together. He knew how hard it was. He knew the inner turmoil she felt right now. He hated that. Hated the fact she had to feel that way. He hated himself for putting her through it.

Of course it could be worse. In a way he was grateful that she couldn’t remember the day they spent together. In his mind he could see her again. Standing in front of him in tears. The echoes of the conversation that they had in his downstairs apartment played out again.

"It’s not enough time!…How am I supposed to go on with my life knowing what we had? What we could have had?… I felt your heart beat. … No! I’ll never forget! " Her words cut deep into his heart. In those last desperate minutes that they were together down there… he had broken her heart… and his.

That’s when the memories and emotions caught up with him.

The minute she was gone.


It Takes Time to Heal: Part I

Albrech's Diary