Part 2

Doyle could hardly contain himself. He really wanted to ask Cordelia out on a date. While he was around her… she drove him crazy. But he liked her company. He figured one of these days he would work up the nerve to ask her out. Which is why he had agreed to go off with her this morning.

It was sorta like a date. Only she doesn’t know it was.

Of course they’d had another reason for leaving the office. The fact that Angel had needed some space to deal with Buffy. It had been one thing to hear Angel talk about Buffy, the few reluctant times he did, but it had been another thing entirely to actually meet the Slayer.

Wow! She was pretty intense. And quite a looker too.

Of course he could tell right off the bat that she was more than a handful to deal with. He imagined Angel would have his work cut out for him.

Of course Doyle had his own work cut out for himself with Cordelia. They were sort of friends.

Working acquaintances is more like it!

He really wanted to ask her out though. He just couldn’t warm up to the subject when he was around her. He kind of lost his nerve for some odd reason. She also single handedly managed to thwart every one of his attempts to get to know her better. He wasn’t even really sure she liked him at all. She was a really confusing woman.

I guess that’s one of the things I like about her. She’s so unpredictable… and attractive!

Doyle followed Cordelia as they went up the stairs outside the office building so he could admire her… without her noticing. He smiled to himself.

One of these days princess…

As they entered the outer office Cordelia went and set her purse and organizer down immediately on her desk. Doyle walked a few steps towards Angel’s inner office as he noticed the door wide open. Not seeing Angel anywhere, he was about to turn the other way when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the debris. He took another glance and stared at the destruction inside Angel’s office. There was broken glass everywhere, the back window was a mess, the window blinds were strewn about on the floor, and Angel’s desk clock was lying in the middle of it all.

"Whoa! When they fight..." Doyle’s thoughts were interrupted suddenly as Cordelia ran past him. She went into Angel’s office. He watched her kneel down by some of the broken glass in the middle of the room.

"Oh, my God!" Her voice sounded panicked.

Doyle was trying to imagine what on earth could be so wrong.

"What?!" He felt himself begin to panic just by the sound of her alarmed voice.

"She killed him!" Cordelia exclaimed as he saw her pick up a handful of dust and stare at it.

Angel’s… dead? Buffy… oh no way! Oh man! It can’t be! Angel? What are we…

"Oops! My bad." Cordelia said breaking his train of thought as she brushed off her hands. "It's just dust I forgot to sweep under the rug." She nonchalantly stood up and turned to face him.

"What?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" Doyle clutched a hand to his heart.

"Hey, don't blame me if he's too cheap to hire a cleaning lady!" Cordelia defensively shot back. She gave out a sigh and started back towards her desk.

Doyle took a minute to recollect his thoughts.

"Well…what about the mess? Someone’s got to clean it up." He turned towards her and gestured to the debris in Angel’s office. He was still catching his breath.

It’s okay… Angel’s alive. Well... sort of. In a undead kind of way.

Cordelia stopped and turned to face him with a determined look.

"Look, it already sucks that I have to clean up after his battles with the forces of darkness and those thingamajigs in the sewer. Now I have to clean up his office too? I don’t think you ---" Her tirade was interrupted with the sudden sound of a loud crash. It was the sound of something shattering.

And it came from downstairs.

Doyle felt pretty sure about that. He turned toward the elevator that led down to Angel’s apartment. He took a couple steps in that direction, listened, then hesitated.

I wonder if…

"Do you think Angel and Buffy are down there? I mean… or do you think maybe she’s left?" Doyle was genuinely concerned for his friend. Angel had saved his life too many times to count now. They got along real well too. They kind of looked out for each other. Like brothers do.

"Hello? Please! They’re probably still talking out their differences. I told you we should’ve rented the director’s cut of `Titanic’. But do you listen? Oh no…why should anyone ever listen to me?" Cordelia’s voice trailed off as she disappeared into the outer office.

Doyle just stared at the elevator, which was currently downstairs.

I wonder if Angel is okay…


It Takes Time to Heal: Part III

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Albrech's Diary