Into Eternity

Story inspired by Saber Shadowkitten and the need for Rafe's past to be brought to light.

Rafe raised his head, wincing at the pain in his neck from being in the same position for the past ten hours. He staired at the shell that had once been his beautiful Laura, her chest ripped open, her sightless eyes staring at him, her hand still reaching for her daddy to save her. He felt the hot tears cascading down his cheeks and the bile burning his thoat as he struggled not to vomit at the sight. The chains wrapped around his body rattled as he moved to bring his gaze away from her.

Unfotunatly, the sight that greated him was no better. His wife's hand streached, reaching for the stake not an inch from her. Her fingers brushed across the carved wood but failed to wrap around it as the life left her. Angelus's laughter filled the room as he slapped Christina's face before standing, pulling up his trousers.

"She was a good fuck Rafel, I can see why you married her."

Rafe looked up at his tormenter, numb and in shock, cold all over. He staired into the face of the monster that had taken his life from him and didn't register anything.

Angelus frowned at him. "Come now Rafel, don't you have some vile threat to yell at me? I couldnt' have broken you that much."

Rafe just staired uncompreheanding, confused, his mind shut down from the horrors that had passed. He lowered his gaze and searched the room, looking for the third body, his son. His mind started working again when he realized that there was no third body, Mical had gotten out of his chains. "Where is he?"

"Who? That little whelp of a son? Mary took him downstairs to play."

Rafe smiled to himself, realizing what had truly happened, Mical had escaped. Downstairs was a trap for any vampire stupid enough to mess with the local watcher and slayer...well, local watcher anyway now that the Slayer was gone.

"You've gotten your revenge Angelus, she's dead."

"Oh but she was only the begining sweet lover of mine. I want you by my side forever."

Rafe jerked his head up in time to see his former lover's fist slamming into his face. Rafe groaned at the impact, tasting blood as it filled his mouth. He coughed, spitting the blood out, waiting for the stars to stop dancing in his vision. When he could finally see again he wished his couldn't, Angelus was kneeling in front of him, in full demon visiage. Rafe felt Angelus tilt his head to the side and he closed his eyes, praying feverantly. He gasped as the fangs sunk into his neck, feeling his life slipping out of the twin punture holes.

Angelus felt Rafe's heart slow and slipped his fangs out just before Rafe's life slipped away and stood, dropping his pants again. He laid his former lover down and straddled the dying mortal's head, using the side of his nail to slice a cut on the head of his cock. The blood in his member throbed and Angelus thrust forward into Rafe's mouth.

Rafe instintivly swallowed around Angelus's cock and the vampire groaned, thrusting deeper. He begain a fast, hard pace, thrusting in and out of Rafe's warm,wet mouth. Rafe's blunt teeth scrapped along the vampire's sensitive flesh and Angelus's groaned at the mixture of pleasure and pain.

The dark haired man came with a grunt, shooting his blood-mixed semen down Rafe's throat. Again, Rafe swallowed. Angelus then pulled from the human's lax lips, leaning back on his chest. He watched as his brown eyes glazed over, and his body went limp beneth him.

Angelus bent over and laid a gentle kiss on his lips. "I look forward to your awakening."

Saitaina's Diary