Just Another Saterday Night in SunnyDale

Miss Daniels stopped her car a few houses from the party. She and Rogers got
out and wordlessly walked towards the house. "I love these things," she
stated suddenly.

Rogers hated parties, but he tried to smile. It didn't work, so he instead
said very falsely, "Oh yes, yes, me too. Jolly good."

Ricci turned to him and smiled.She grabbed his arm. "Come on." The history
teacher led him in.


Pierre stopped his bike and got off. He gasped a little and started walking
towards the party. He thought he saw Dustin Rogers, but dismissed it. Still,
just in case, he decided to take the back way in.


Alicia and Whistler walked into the Bronze along with just a trickle of
teenagers, not the normal tidal wave.Whistler looked around anxiously for
Clover, and Alicia tried not to be annoyed yet scanned the crowd as well. She
was surprised to find that none of the usual people were there. Finally, she
spotted two boys she did remember, Nick and Coal at a table and knew that
they had been friends with Clover. She turned her attention back to her dad.

"There's a couple of her friend's over there," she indicated the table. "They
might know where she is tonight or where anyone is. There's no-one around."

"Are they dating her?" Whistler asked almost reflectively then regretted it
when he saw her daughter's grimace.

"I have no idea," she answered. "Come on, last time I checked, Gavin was
infatuated with her." She walked over to the table without bothering to see
if he followed.

"Umm, excuse me," she began.

They both turned with Nick demanding, "What?" Then they saw who was in front
of them. "Miss Price?" the exclaimed in unison.

"What are you doing here?" questioned Coal confused.

"I'm back in town looking for someone," she answered.

"At the Bronze?"

Car, who was dancing nearby walked by to get a drink when she overheard their
conversation. "Aren't you a little old for this place Miss Price?" she
questioned stopping next to them.

Alicia turned her head slowly and smiled sweetly at Car. "Well, hello Car,"
she replied. The looked down at the short and form fitting dress the girl was
wearing. She leaned in seemingly in confidence but spoke loudly, "But don't
you think that dress is a little too big up top for you dear. I mean not all
of us are endowed."

Whistler smiled behind Alicia , and decided to interrupt. "Umm," he pushed
his daughter aside lightly," have any of you see Clover Chase tonight?"

"Clover Chase?" Car repeated with a charming smile to Whistler. "I know her.
She's been so concerned lately that her mother's wedding be perfect."

Nick and Coal nodded. "Yeah, she's with Gavin out on the town," Coal added.

"Do you know where they're going?" Alicia asked.

"We don't pry Miss Price," Car replied. "Are you stalking her? Is this one of
those sick obsessed things?"

Whistler grabbed his daughter's arm and began leading her away from the
three. "Thanks for your help, but we'll find her on our own," he said walking

Alicia looked back to see the three talking. "Now they think I'm stalking
Clover," she told him.

Whistler shrugged as they walked out the club. "So, what else is new? Come
on, we'll try calling her house."


The demon's large blue head went into the brick wall. Clover took its head
out. She smiled sweetly at it. "One more time Blue, what do you know?"

Blue shrugged and backed away. "Nothing,Slayer. I swear." Clover shook her
head. "Shouldn't swear Blue." She punched him.

From his corner, Gavin watched Clover work. They were in some warehouse by
the docks. The twosome had just come from another demon's place that had told
them that Blue knew something about what was going to happen in May. So
Clover had decided to pay him a visit.

Blue stood up and held where Clover had punched him. "I told you, I know
nothing. All I know is that the Four are coming in May. That's same as
everyone else."

Clover nodded and turned to Gavin. "Get the matches Gavin." Gavin took a box
out of his pocket and handed it to her. She started to light one as Blue
backed away very quickly. "Okay, okay, the four are special. They're more
dangerous than any other demons in this world. Pure good, pure evil."

"What?"Gavin asked from his position then regretted it when the demon turned
to face him.

"They have souls," Blue explained slowly.

Clover smiled and patted Blue on the head. "All right then." She turned on
her heels and started to the door. "Gavin," she called behind her.

Gavin looked at Blue then hurried to catch up with the Slayer.


Dale stopped his car in front of the frat house. He opened his door and went
around to open Rai's. She got out making sure not to touch hi, and then
closed her door with a thud.

"Well," she stated looked at the frat house. It was full of people. One guy
was even hanging off the balcony as loud music came booking. "Looks like
we're here."

Dale nodded. "Yeah." He took her arm. "Let's go."

They walked up to it. Rai's hands were sweating.


"Jack!" the woman cried through sobs.

The man looked at her. He had handcuffs on and was being led away. "Don't
worry Juliet, I'll be fine." he said. Juliet started to cry. A phone started
to ring.

Will sat on the edge of his sofa. He had a tissue in hand. He grabbed the
phone and answered annoyed, "Sup?"

"Umm, is Clover there?" a female voice questioned.

Will thought a second, the voice was new. "Who's this?" he asked.

"Who's this?" the woman repeated. "Xander?"

"Do I sound like Xander? I'm Will, a friend and who are you?"

"Will? I don't remember a Will. My name is Alicia Price...I knew Clover last
year. A friend and I are looking for her but she wasn't at the Bronze."

Will seemed to decide if he was going to reply, then said, "She went out
tonight with Gavin," he answered with a slight strain.

"You wouldn't happen to know where they went?"

"No, I wouldn't Alicia Price. But if you find Spike, you'll find her."

"Spike's still around?" she mused. She then seemed to cover the phone as a
male voice said something angrily in the background that Will couldn't make
out. "Yes, well thanks Will, really. You've been helpful."

"No problem. Bye." Will hung up the phone and went back to his show." Alicia
Price, weird. Oh well."

Alicia hung up the phone and turned around to face Whistler sighing. "We'll
have to find Spike."

"Spike?! Why him? The Powers That Be told us to watch him last year. That was
last year. What's he still doing her?"

Alicia shrugged. "He likes her."


Alicia rolled her eyes and walked away. Whistler sighed in annoyance and
Spike dropped the dead body on the ground with a loud thump. He felt his face
go back to normal and smiled his famous smile as he lit a cig. He walked away
form the alley of the Bronze.

"Well that was fun, but this is getting out real fast." he thought out loud.
Rai and Dale walked into the frat party. Rai looked around her; the place was
smokey and the music was louder in here. She held Dale's hand tighter. He
looked down at her and smiled.

"Oh God." Rai thought to herself.

Dale looked over at the stairs. "Come on," he said with a wicked smile.

"Oh God." Rai thought again as he led her up them.


Rogers glanced over at Ricci. They were sitting on a sofa. Wild young adults
who would someday rule this country partied around them.  As for the two of
them? Well, they had sat on the sofa and hadn't said a word.

"Some first date." Rogers thought.

A new hard rock/rap song filled the air. Rogers turned to  listen to it for a

"Everyone will leave you! You'll be all alone! No one can help you, now!"

It made him remember Quinn with a shudder. He glanced over at Ricci again
then grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

"Dustin, what are you doing?" she asked.

He ignored her and started dancing. He was really good. Ricci smiled as she
danced with him.

Pierre was drunk,  visible in voice and manner. He nearly tripped over a
chair in what he guessed was a living room. Then, he bumped into a house

"Oh, hello," he told it. Then he grinned. "I mean, Bonjour mon petitie
amour." He kissed a leaf. "Come here often?" He chuckled drunkenly.

Clover and Gavin walked side by side on a SunnyDale street. They were on
their way to the Bronze. "Just a quick check, " Clover had said. Somehow
though Gavin knew it wouldn't be.

He glanced over at her and cleared his throat. "Uh, why are you and Will
fighting?" he quickly asked. It had been bugging him because the two were so
close, and then they were fighting.

She shrugged and looked straight ahead."He said that Quinn wasn't real."

"Clover," Gavin said softly, " he wasn't."

"I know, but for a little while he was to me. I guess I just needed a
friend." She stopped walking and turned her whole body to face him; Gavin did
the same.

He put a hand on her wrist. "But you have friends. Me, Rai, Pierre, Rogers,
Dale, Will, Ezra, Anne, Coal, Nick, plus your mom and Xander. And even Car
and all her friends."

Clover blinked back tears. "I know, but it didn't feel like that."

"It was just your imagination," Gavin told her. Clover gave him a look.
"Sorry, but you know it was. I'll admit we were all busy, and we did ignore
you, but we have lives too."

Clover nodded. "I know, but it felt like I was alone. Everyone seems to have
someone. Rai and Dale, Rogers and Miss Daniels, you and Ez, Mom and Xander,
Pierre and Anne, Coal and every high school girl in town, Nick and his girl
of the week, Car and her boy of the day, Will and every college girl in town.
Which left me alone. I have issues about that."

Gav chuckled. "You don't have issues you have separation. But you know we all
still care about you. You're my best friend. I just want you to know that,
and it's okay to not have someone. You know that right?"

Again Clover nodded. "I guess that's why I'm doing all this. All this stuff
with Mom and Xander has left me thinking about the fact that I'll never be
able to get married or have children. So, I want her to have the best of
those things."

Gavin smiled sadly. "Come on Clov, let's get going." They started down the
street, and Gavin put his arm around her and held her close as they walked.


Car, Coal, and Nick walked out of the Bronze at eleven on their way to the
frat party. They crossed the start and started the short trip down the side
of the street to a main road. Car walked between the two boys as they helped
keep her up.
They turned a corner and stopped dead in their tracks.

Clover stuck a stick in someone who then exploded into ashes. Gavin stood
next to her. Clover turned to the three of them and let out a deep sigh.
"Welcome to my world," she told them.

Gavin switched the lights of the "Batcave" on. Coal, Nick and Car stepped
down the stairs one at a time all gasping at what they saw.

"This," Clover told them as she sat on the edge of an oak table, " is the
Batcave; Batman refrencence cause it's cavelike. Now, Mr. Rogers was my
Watcher, but got fired."

"Why?" Car asked.

"K-Mart  wanted and then stole her soul and the D-Man never told her," Gavin
cut in.

"Uh,"Car thought outloud, "I didn't know they sold those things."

"Yeah," Coal said,"  maybe you should buy one."

Car glared at him.

"Now, now kids," Nick cut in stepping between the two.

Clover nodded her thanks, "Thanks Nick. Now he got fired and Mr. Bauld is my
new Watcher. I'm the Vampire Slayer."

"The what?" Car squeaked.

"Sounds like a comic book," Nick  commented.

Clover and Gavin both sighed. This was not going to be easy. Clover turned to
Gavin, "Get the chalkboard."

Gavin nodded and headed down the stairs.


Xander put the money down for the dinner as Cordelia got her mountain of
coats on. "Whenever you're ready Xander," Cordy told him.

He nodded and stood. "Let's go." He went over and helped her up.

They walked over to the door. Just as Xander was about to open it, someone
crashed through the window. Then someone else and someone else.

Cordelia gasped in horror. "Oh shit!" she yelled but no-one heard her.
Everyone was running and screaming.

Xander grabbed her arm. "The bathroom!"he yelled over the rest of the screams.

They ran to the restroom and closed and locked it behind them. Cordelia
leaned against a stall. "Oh no,no,no, not zombies. Not again. Please."

Xander moved the trashcans in front of the door. "Call Clover on her cell.
Call her now!"

Cordelia nodded and dialed the number.


"So, as you can see by the pictures, SunnyDale was built on a HellMouth. The
Spanish called it the HellMouth in their language." Clover pointed her stick
to the board on a picture of a few houses with demons under them. She
couldn't draw which was obvious from the pictures. "I already explained, with
the help of Gavin, what a Slayer and Watcher are. Do you three have any
questions?" She looked at the three at the table, with their mouths hanging

"But...but you seemed so normal," Car finally gasped.

"She is,"Gavin told her.

"No, I'm not," Clover cut in.

"This is so..so cool," Coal said.

Car glared at him. "You'd think so."

"Kids! " Nick warned standing up.

Clover looked away from all of them. "Guys." She turned back, " let's stop.
Just calm down now."

Gavin leaned against a book stack."I love it when she gets like this." he

Clover grinned at him. "Gav," she shook her head. Then her cell rang. She
answered. "Hello. Mom? Calm down. Just, Mom. Tell Xander to stop screaming.
What? Wait. Zombies? Oh shit. Okay. I'll be there." She hung up. "Gavin, get
the phone upstairs and call Will." Gavin did as he was told.

Fifteen minutes later, Will and his van pulled up in front of the school.
Clover, Gav, Nick and Coal and Car all got in. "Where to Jitter?"  he asked.

"112  Main Street. Zombies. Mom and Xander. Hurry!" she told him  as she
tried to calm down.

Will drove the van that way.


Alicia and Whistler stopped the car. Alicia got out of the passenger door and
saw Spike. "Spike!" she called as she ran over to him.

Spike whirled around. "What? I have somewhere to be."

She didn't waste time. "Where's Clover?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. We made a deal. I don't look for her, she doesn't
look for me." He looked over at Whistler in the car. "Wait, I know him. That
was Clover's husband in the old days. He still around? Well, I'll be damned,
which I am."

"Spike," Alicia warned, " you have no idea where she is?"

He thought a second. "There's a frat party. You might try there or anywhere
there's vampires in this town. That's be anywhere," he smirked as a took a
cig out and lit it.

Alicia rolled her eyes. "Thanks." She ran back to the car. "Well?" Whistler

"He hasn't seen her. They made some deal. But he said to try a frat party."

Whistler left the parking lot like a bat out of hell. They headed to the

Rai's head lay on Dale's chest. She sighed deeply as Dale put his hand on her
head and stroked her dark hair. "I'm so glad we had this chance to talk," she
said contentedly.

"Me too," he replied, "I'm glad that you told me."

She positioned herself so she could talk to his face. "You are very
understanding about all this. I mean, I thought you'd be so disappointed that
I wouldn't have sex with you."

"You honestly thought that?" he questioned astonished. He moved so that they
both could sit up and face each other. "I love you Rai." He smiled at her.
"Now I understand the importance of the talking dress."

"I felt it would work. It's a barrier."

Dale smiled at her as the music sounded full blast from below them. "Come
on," he said grabbing her hand and going towards the door, " we don't want to
be the only sober people here tonight. It's not good for the teenage image."


Sarr sat in the middle of the room surrounded by bodies. A bottle in his
hand, he sang alone to the music.

A college guy got on top of a coffee table and the music stopped. "Right. Hey
guys. Okay, as of now the naked limbo party is still on. Girls vs. guys Also
the pool is full of Jell-O and the mud pit is open. But we have a request. A
French guy wants to sing to some chick. So French guy." He handed the mike to
Pierre who drunkenly got on the table.

Rogers and Ricci watched from a corner. "Good Lord!" Rogers gasped. Ricci
turned to him. "Good friend right?"

"Well..umm..I guess."

Pierre looked over at the college guy who had turned the CD player on. "This
is for that woman." He pointed to the house plant. Then he started to sing. "
' If what doesn't kill us is making us stronger.Then we're going last longer.
Then the greatest wall in China or that rabbit with a drum...' "

Rogers hid his face with his hands. "Good Lord."

Ricci held back a laugh. "Is he singing the Roseanne theme song?"

Rogers nodded. "Yes, yes I think he is."


Will stopped the van in front of the restaurant were zombies were in it and
from the looks of things, more and more were on the way.

Clover looked at everyone in turn. "I"ve faced zombies before. There's
something in there." She pointed to the restaurant. "That woke them . I'll
have to destroy it. You guys stay here. If any try to get in, hit them with
your weapons."

Nick looked down at his baseball bat. "This will kill them?" he questioned
with mild amusement.

Gavin answered his friend. "Well, no, they're already dead, man. This will
knock them out."

Nick nodded like he understood. "Coolness."

Car looked down at her tennis racket in disgust. "I really don't like this.
What if one touches me?"

"Then we'll have to kill you and throw a party," Coal told her. She glared at

Clover rolled her eyes. "I'll be right back." She opened her door and jumped

Will closed it behind her and mouthed. "Be careful." He then took out his
portable tv.

Clover armed with only a pocket knife walked in the front door. She saw where
all the zombies were headed; the kitchen. Clover went out the door and to the

A zombie in the kitchen found the mask and put it on. The light came out of
the eyes.


Clover got to the back door of the restaurant. She found a shovel and picked
it up, then she knocked the door open with her eyes closed.

The zombies all turned to her. Clover put a hand over her eyes. She saw the
zombie with the mask and quickly shoved the shovel into the eyes. It fell to
the ground. All the zombies did the same.

Clover jumped over them and into the main room where the bathroom was. "It's
me!" she yelled.

It took a minute, but the door swung open and Xander and her Mom jumped on
her in a hug. "Thank God. We thought we were going to die." Cordelia said
when they had parted.

"Remind me to NEVER come here again," Xander added.


Alicia and Whistler walked into the frat house. They both paid no mind to the
drunk college kids around or the loud music. Alicia saw a drunk man singing
the Gilligan's Island theme song to a large house plant. She spotted Rai and
a classic looking guy sitting together in a chair talking quietly. She turned
to see her ex-Dustin Rogers with a GREAT looking woman by the stairs. They
were talking in hushed tones; not that you could have heard them over the 
"Blue Monday" remake playing over the loud speakers.

Rogers seemed to notice her and Whistler and he and the woman walked over.
"Oh man," Alicia breathed.

Whistler glanced over at her. "What?"

"It's my ex and he's coming over with his new girlfriend."

"Ow. I've seen this in teen shows, but I never thought I'd see it in real

"You watch teen shows?!"

"Well, yeah, 'cause of the heart warming stuff." Alicia gave him a look.
"Okay, hot girls in short and low cut clothes who all claim to have never
made out with their boyfriends. I know they have probably gone all the way."
Alicia hit him in the ribs.

"Dustin?!" she asked happily.

Rogers and Miss Daniels were right in front of her. Rogers patted Alicia's
shoulders. "Yes, Alicia. It's lovely to see you again." He patted Miss
Daniel's arm. "This is Miss Ricci Daniels."

Alicia smiled politely. "Miss Daniels, it's so lovely to meet you."

"Please call me Ricci. Miss Daniels is my brother."

Whistler laughed then Alicia glared at her. "I'm Whistler," he said.

"Whistler? That's a strange name," Rogers commented. "Seems to be more of
those these days. Ricci, Clover, Car..."

Alicia nodded. "Speaking of Clover, how is she?"

Rogers knew that she's ask. "She's fine. Happy. She had a hard time when she
came back. But, she's good."

Whistler smiled. "She was always strong."

Rogers looked at Whistler hard. "You know her?"

"We've meet," he answered.

The four adults stood there admist the loud music, the drunk singing French
man, and the couple who was so in love.


Clover looked out of the window of Will's van. They were passing by a frat
house. Clover sat up straighter in her seat when she saw Spike heading
through the doors. She felt for her stake in her jacket.

"Will, stop the car now!" Will slammed the brakes causing everyone to go

"Can you tell me why you just gave everyone whiplash?" he questioned wryly.

Clover was already at the backdoor of the van. "Sar Spike. If he goes in
there, someone might die." She jumped out and turned around. "Everyone stay
here. Gavin, come with me."

"Why him?" Nick asked confusion on his and everyone's face.

"I don't want any drunk guys coming on to me. And I know Gavin will make sure
they don't , plus I don't have to worry about him trying to get with some

Gavin smiled and got out.
Spike walked into the house and saw a very angry Dustin Rogers, so he walked
the other way past two teens making out in a chair and a French guy singing
the theme song from Friends to a potted plant.

The vampire went to the garden room. There was no one in there. He turned to
leave when he saw a rose. He stopped and looked at it.

Gavin and Clover walked through the door and right into Alicia and Whistler.
GAvin quickly got nearly on top of Clover and put his arm around her
shoulder. "Excuse me.." he started and then saw who it was, "Miss Price?
You're back. Hey! Hi!"

Alicia Price turned amazed that the person they had been looking for was in
front of her. At the same time, she felt Whistler tense at the sight of Gavin
hanging all over Clover. "Hey Gavin." She hesitated a moment. "Clover, how
have you been?"

Clover smiled politely "I'm great, I've been great, really. Thanks for
asking." She looked and saw Dustin and Ricci. She quickly went into 'that's
my teacher mode'. "Mr. Rogers? Miss Daniels? What are you two doing here?"

Rogers blushed. "We, umm, we uh..."

"I brought him. I know some of the guys," Miss Daniels answered.

"Ah. Say you four haven't seen a platinum haired guy have ya?"

"Looking for Spike," Alicia commented. "With all these drunk college kids,
he'll be around here somewhere." She felt really out of place especially with
Dustin and Clover looking like they wished she would go away. She looked
pleadingly at Whistler.

Before she could, Clover spoke to Whistler. "Aren't you the guy that raided
my icebox last year?"

"Umm, you know Whistler,"Alicia jumped in , "I'm sure we'd both love a drink
about now. Would you excuse us for a few minutes? It was great seeing you all
again." She grabbed the silent Whistler's arm and headed to the bar.

As they walked up to the bar, Whistler confronted his daughter. "What the
fuck was that? That was the worst excuse for not seeing your ex I've ever

"Don't start with me Mr.- I'll- just- stand- there -and -leave- Alicia- alone
there. I thought you wanted to talk to Clover!"

"Did you see that Gavin all over her like a cheap suit? I don't think I'll
get that image out soon. I need a beer."

Alicia walked up to the bar and signaled to the bartender without looking.

"What can I get you Writer,lov?"

Alicia and Whistler turned sharply. "Oh great, one question, what the hell
are you doing here?" Whistler questioned grabbing a beer and started drinking.

"Oh, well the previous bartender is...indisposed at the moment in the back
dumpster," Spike answered taking a swig of a half-empty tequila bottle.

"Clover's looking for you," Whislter said then walked away with a clenched
fist and his beer.

Alicia watched him leave and gave an exasperated sigh and reached for her own
beer. "She's by the doors," she added opening the bottle on the edge of the

Spike grinned sideways. "Guess I should pay her a visit." He walked away.


"Yep, we're dating. We just couldn't hide how we feel any more. Ain't  that
right,baby?" Gavin said to Rogers and Miss Daniels. He held Clover tighter
and she gave him an icy glare, but smiled anyway.

"Well,um...yes, that's very new." Rogers managed not to shudder.

Miss Daniels nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you two crazy kids seem to be really
in love." She sounded uncertain.

"Oh..shit," Clover trailed off as she spotted Sarr coming from a backroom and
Spike coming toward her.

Gavin followed her gaze. "We have to go." They walked together like one

Miss Daniels looked after them. "Nice kids. A little strange, but that's what
I like about them."

Sarr spotted Clover and slipped out of a door. Clover and Gavin were going to
go after him when Spike ran into them.

"Pet! And the little monkey boy! Your forgetting our rule of not coming by
each other. Tsk.Tsk. You know the rules." Spike grinned when he saw the look
on Gavin's face. It was priceless.

"What re you doing here?" Clover angrily questioned.

She folded her arms which looked funny with Gavin hanging on her.

Spike shrugged. "Partying like it's 2099."

Gavin groaned. "That joke is so lame."

Spike chuckled. "Maybe, but it's funny when I say it. Now, if you'd say it..."

Clover groaned. "Spike , we don't have time. Sarr may kill."Clover looked
around the place. She took Gavin's arm off her and quickly got on the coffee

A few seconds later, ever guy and girl in that place where running out the
doors. Clover went back to Gavin and Spike.

"Okay, I'll see you later cuite," Spike told Clover before he turned and
walked away.

Gavin shuddered. "I really hate that guy."

Clover giggled. "Same here," she agreed half-heartingly.

They headed to the front door where Rogers and Miss Daniels were leaning
against a wall. Rai and Dale were there too.

"Should we go?" Rai was saying.

"Sounds great, but what about.."Dale pointed to Pierre how as still singing
to his plant.

Everyone turned their attention to the drunk French man. Gavin groaned,
Clover sighed, Ricci and Rogers held back laughs. "Gav and I will get him and
bring him home. You guys go," said Clover.

Rogers, Ricci, and Dale headed out, but Rai stayed behind a second. "Are you
two really?" she asked them.

"Really what? " Gavin questioned confused.

Rai sadly shook her head. "Nevermind." She quickly walked away.

Clover and Gavin went to Pierre. "Hey, P.B. We have to go," Clover told him
taking an arm.

Pierre took it back. "Non. I want to stay here and be with this lovely woman."

"Man, this is a tree!"

Clover hit Pierre in the face and Gav gave her a look. "What?! We had to get
him going. Come on, take his left arm and put it over your shoulder. I'll get
the left." They did this and started walking with Pierre between them.

"So, what are we going to do next Saturday?" Pierre asked drunkenly.

The two teens both groaned and they walked out of the door and into the


Oak's Diary