Killed By Imagination
Spoilers:  "RWAV" from Angel and  "Out Of Mind Out Of  Si" From season 1 of
Rated:R (for words and adult themes)
Disclaimer: No one or thing from Buffy or Angel is mine.
Summary:The gang starts to think Clover has gone insane after she starts
talking about an imaginary friend from childhood. They soon find out that the
imaginary friend is a demon that feeds off life-force of children, who has
come back to finish the job.

 Teaser: Everyone has their demons.....
                 some are just on the outside.
In every generation there is a Chosen One, she alone will stand against the
vampires, the demons, and the forces of
evil; she is the Slayer.
Clover tossed and turned under her covers. Sweet poured down from her
forehead. She moaned and groaned softly in her troubled filled sleep.

From the foot of the bed, a yellowish scaly demon watched her with brightly
glossily red eyes. It opened it's mouth and a blue light poured from it and
into Clover's. Then a purple light poured from her's to the demons.

A devilish grin appeared on the demon's face as it disappeared into the

 ["The Kids Aren't All right" plays. Shots of a full moon, an above view of a
 graveyard, and
 a gravestone with the name Summers on it. Shots of Clover fighting a young
 guy named Will, followed by shots of Patrick  biting into Cordelia, Xander
 and Cordelia eating, Dustin and Alicia kissing. Followed by shots of Rai,
 Gavin, Nick, Coal, and Clover all sitting at a table in the Bronze, talking.
 Then of Dustin reading an ancient looking book. Clover talking to Buffy,
 Willow, and Angel in the mansion.
 Shot of Clover sitting on the oak table in the "Batcave", then of her
 though the Bronze, then of her with black hair talking to someone outside.
 Shots  of Doyle at Clover's door. Shots of Dale in a long coat, trying to
 a jar. Shot of Anne dancing to some rock music. Shot of Clover, Rai, and
 Ezra dancing to rock music in the Bronze.
 Shots of Rai smiling up from her computer screen, then of her sitting in a
 car, then of her walking with juice box.
 Shots of Will and Gavin fighting on the floor. Shot of Clover in handcuffs.
 Shot of Gavin staking a vampire
 Shots of Gavin on his skateboard, then of him fighting a demon, then of him
 playing his drums.
 Shots of Dustin on the floor breathless, then of him eating a banana, then
 of him looking up from a Watcher Diary.
 Shots of Doyle getting drunk in Clover's living room, then of Clover and
 Ezra fighting vampires in a graveyard. Dale and Rai kissing in a car.
 hugging Ezra. Dustin kissing Alicia. Cordy and Xander making out on a
 Shots of Will coming out from some brushes, watching t.v., and of him
 sitting in a chair smoking a cigarette.
 Shots of Doyle in his demon form fighting some vampires, then of him having
 vision, then of him grabbing Clover and throwing her to a side.
 Shots Rai kissing a strange guy named Dale in front of a door, Rai, Gav,
 and Will running throw a hall. Dustin training Clover, a guy walking down
 some stairs, Spike dusting a vampire, Spike biting Clover on the neck, Rai
 hitting a vampire with a stool. Gavin standing on a stage holding a script,
 Clover and Will walking throw a graveyard. Clover kneeing over a dead body,
 Gav and Spike bounding over a cigarette. A girl with dark long black hair
 Slaying a vampire, Whistler, Alicia Price, Doyle, and Clover all standing
 around talking. Dustin putting a sword throw a demon, Drusilla holding
 by the neck. Clover in an old looking dress fighting a demon Gavin and
 kissing. And Will and Clover on her bed laying flat, talking.
 And finally a shot of Clover, Gavin, Will, Rai, and Dale walking in a
 straight line down the street. And
 Clover getting up from the floor, with hair in her face, like she is doing a
 pushup and turning her head to the right.]

Rogers flipped throughout a book in the "Batcave." He stopped as Rai and
Gavin came down the stairs. They both took their favorite seats and sighed

Rogers shrugged to himself. "I'll bite. What's wrong you two?"

Rai and Gavin sighed in unison.

"Dale isn't here and it's February 11."

"Plus," Gavin added. "Ezra hasn't answered my last two e-mails."

Rogers sighed. "Come now, its not that bad."

"Oh, sure easy for you to say. You have a date or the three for V-Day. I
won't because my boyfriend is out of town!"

"Okay, yeah so I only sent them two minutes apart and that was only ten
minutes ago but.." Gavin continued ignoring Rai and Rogers.

Rai shot Gavin a look. She turned back to Rogers. "This is awful!
This...this..this is worst then the time  Gavin throwup on Tigger at Disney

Rogers face crawled up. "I say!"

"It wasn't my fault! I had a lot of candy that day and I just been on the 
teacups. That cat should have known better then to come by me."

"Much more then I need to know, thank you." Rogers stated getting up as the
bell rang. "Now get to class."

Rai and Gavin sighed as they stood and followed the Englishman up the stairs.

Cordelia and Xander sat at the island in the kitchen going over invites to
their wedding. Cor rubbed her huge belly as she picked up a ball-point pen
and wrote down a name. She crossed it out and groaned softly to herself.

Xander's gaze went to her. "Something wrong?"

Cordy frowned. "Kind of. If we're having the wedding in March and I'm having
these four babies in May then when do we have time for a honeymoon? And I
don't want your Uncle Susan sitting at the same table as my Uncle Sam."

He put an arm around her. "Look, I talked to Uncle Susan, and she said she
wouldn't come on to your Uncle Sam like he did at Christmas. And as for the
honeymoon..." He leaned over and kissed her.

Soon they were making out. Will walked in from the back door and made a face.
" Please, don't you two ever stop? Last time you two started this..."

Xander looked at Will. "Don't you have a home?"

"Nope, I live in my van in your driveway." Will smiled and looked at
Cordelia. " Why Ms. C, you're looking wonderful today. If you weren't
engaged, pregnant, and the mother of my fair Jitterbug, I'd so date you."

Cordelia smiled. "What do you want Will?"

Will put his hand on his heart in mock horror. "Me? Want something? Never.
But, now that you mention it, I need food. Haven't eaten in like an hour."
Xander made a move to stop him, put Cordy put her hand up in protest. "Don't.
He's a good boy." She whispered in his ear, as Will started looking through
the icebox.

"Seen Jitter lately?" Will asked from the inside of the icebox.

"Not since this morning." Xander said. He put his pen to paper again.

Will closed the icebox door and went to the island where he made himself a
sandwich. "So, what are you two doing?"

"Invites to our wedding, and looking for baby names," Cordelia explained.

Will took a bite of his sandwich. "Ah. Well just don't name the boy a girl
name. Or a girl a boy name. It can be murder." He leaned in and whispered.

Cordelia and Xander looked from each other and back to Will. He backed away
and went into the living room.

"You two keep it down, ok? I'm watching All My Children." He called from the

Xander and Cordy both shrugged and went back to their work.

Gavin looked at the blank computer screen in the computer room. *Come on,
Erza send an e-mail.*  He chewed his gum and ran a hand through his brown
hair. He smiled as an e-mail came on the screen.

How are you? I'm good. Anne got a tattoo of a dragon on her back. It is very
pretty. Oh and I got my ears pierced. I hope you'll like them. Ha. I just
thought that we have been writing for two months, and we don't really talk. I
know why the reason I don't. I'm 15 and your 17. You'll be 18 in nine weeks.
And I think I like you a lot. I wish I could see you. Oh gosh, Anne's
calling. There's a daddy vampire here, and I have to go dust it. :)
                          Love ya,

A huge smile grew on his face. He put fingers to keyboard and started to type.

Rai sat by the phone in the "Batcave" waiting for Dale to call. He had told
her he'd call everyday at 9:30 on the dot. She drummed her fingers on the
desk. <Dale, come on call. We've been going out for four months now. So call!>

The phone rang and she nearly killed herself getting to it. She grabbed it
and put it to her ear.



"Oh, yeah. Hey, how are you? How's New York?"

"I'm good. Better now that I'm talking to you. It's nice. I'm still looking
for that family friend I told you about."

Rai nodded. "Oh, I hope you find that person soon."

"Me too. So, I have a great story to tell you. The other day, I was in a taxi
and the taxi driver knew Jay Leno."


 Time. It's all around us. Ticking away the seconds of our lives. Tick after
tick, never stopping till death. Time can be a painful thing. It can make you
scream it can make you want to die, just to stop the pain.

Doyle had stopped watching the time. He had stopped thinking about the past.
He had decided to stop. Doyle had died, and for a reason he didn't know yet,
he had been brought back. Maybe it was to help Clover in her fight or maybe
it was to do something else. Whatever it was he had no idea. All he knew was
that he was getting to the point were he had to make a choice. Either he was
going to leave SunnyDale or he was going to do and say what was always in the
very back of his mind.

The half-breed shivered as the cold air blew across his face. He was standing
outside the school. He closed his jacket closer around his person. Just that
morning he had, had a vision of Clover being murdered by a demon. Doyle
shivered again, but this time at the memory of what he had saw. Blood,guts,
pain. What he had heard was even worse; screams,pleads for help, and finally

He smiled as he saw his favorite Slayer coming toward him.

Clover smiled as she came up to Doyle. "Doyle, what are you doing here? If
someone sees you..."

"I had a vision." He told her simply.

Clover looked taken aback. "I didn't."

Doyle's eyes grew worried. "It was about you. I saw your death."

Clover's face grew confused. "With Kelmarc. I all ready died."

Doyle shook his head. "No, darlin this one was now. In a few days I think."

Clover shook her head. "No Doyle! I died all ready! Okay? So just back off!"

Doyle put a hand on her shoulder. "Sweet tart, I know what I'm saying. We can
stop it. I know we can." He thought a moment. "Why aren't you in school; it's
10 in the morning."

Clover looked flushed. "I wasn't feeling well. I was with a friend, Quinn."

Doyle nodded. "Well, I'll e-mail you after school. You better get to a class,

Clover nodded. She gave Doyle a quick hug, and then walked slowly up the
stairs to SunnyDale High. Doyle watched her go before leaving to go home.

Part II

Oak's Diary