Lady of the Lake

I walked across the grassy hill of the island just off the coast of England. It was hard to imagine my ancestors living here. Thousands of generations before me Morgan stood here the last Lady of the Lake until me. I wonder if she knew her reign was the last before Avalon slipped into the mists. She held it at bay as long as she could, but all things change in time I guess.

I walked over to the ruins of Tor, long ago those magnificent stones stood in a circle, now the only ones left standing are the ones on the holy isle of Glastonbury which has long since join the main land as all Christian things seem to do.

I heard a sound high up in the trees; it was raven the pet bird of the mistress. I started walking back, thinking how far I had come in ten years. It takes a lot to be the Lady of the Lake. It is one of the highest honors one can receive in the Druid religion you have to have a lot of courage and strength, but most of all you have to have patience, understanding, and love.

I spent many years wondering what those words meant, and several more wondering if I had the courage and wisdom to use them when the time was at hand.

As I went to bed that night, I knew I would not sleep, tomorrow I would receive the crescent moon and be sent back after three years in a fosterage, and I would be home.

As the sun ascended the high mountain, I awoke refreshed and eager to greet the day. There was a lot to do. First we had our regular chores, and then we had to get ready for the ceremony. Other priestesses would be made to day, but only I will become Lady of the Lake, as my born right. It is my heritage.

Excused from chores, I walked a path that had been well trodden by me over the last three years. At the end of the path was a small graveyard, in it were graves that had seemed to stem from the beginning of time.

I sat down next to Morgan's tomb and lay against the jagged side of it. I thought about what I was going to do. I was about to try to resurrect a dead religion I was from this day forward going to be known as a witch, a satanist, and a paganist. However, for a very small group of people I would become their leader.

As I stood naked before the young novice priestesses, I saw in their eyes what they thought of me, I was their mother, sister, and friend, I was the one they would turn to in their time of need. I was their leader.

They painted my body with moons and the sun above my navel. Then I was dressed in a gown of undied wool, my hair unbound and flowing in the slight breeze, my feet bare and covered in ancient symbols.

I was lead out into the circle of Tor; blinded by the sun I looked slowly around at all the faces around me all the people I would reign over.

As the mistress started the ceremony, I thought about to world today and where we are now, and I wondered if there was anybody left to teach the old ways. As she drew the crescent moon that was to become my symbol, on my brow, I fully became the Lady of the Lake, but in it, it no longer held any meaning in the world, but a title.

Saitaina's Diary