Every Now and Then

Author's Note: Slash. Bold is song lyrics, italics (with some bold) is a wedding announcement

I walked down to the park last night

Warm breeze stirring up a soft moonlight

And my mind started drifting to way back when

Yes I do think about you every now and then

Draco stared out the window of his London flat, watching the cars drive by, racing off to be somewhere far away from where they currently were. A slow tear traced it's way down his pale cheek, splashing, unseen on the window sill. His eyes followed an old beat up Ford Anglia as it made it's way down the street.

The other day I saw a car like you used to drive

I got a funny feeling down deep inside

And for the briefest moment I felt a smile begin

Yes I do think about you every now and then

Draco could remember the day Harry had gotten that car. He had searched nearly the world over, trying to find the perfect car for his lover. After all the usual suspects, he finally remembered a long ago conversation about the Weasley's old car and how much Harry wanted one just like it. Two days later Draco had the old car freshly caught in the Forbidden Forest, washed and cleaned, sitting in front of Hogwarts for when Harry awoke on Graduation Day. He had never seen a smile that big on the boy's face...at least, not in a long time. Harry grabbed Draco, kissing him soundly on the lips in front of the whole school.

I love my life and I'd never trade

Between what you and me had and the life I've made

She's here and she's real, but you were too

And every once in a while I think about you

The radio behind Draco played, the WWN having a muggle day. Memories of Harry trying to teach Draco why the Beatles were so popular forced a smile to his face. Such language! He never knew that Harry knew so many worlds of that nature...and could you really do that with a broomstick?

I heard a song on the radio just yesterday

The same one you always asked me to play

And when the song was over

I wished they'd played it again

Yes I do think about you every now and then

Draco turned away from the window and headed back to his desk, eyes falling onto the piece of parchment that had started his trip down memory lane.

Albus Dumbledore requests your presence at the wedding between:

Harold James Potter


Ginny Weasley

On Wensday, February 14, 2001

Draco- do you still think about me?


I've been layin' here all night listenin' to the rain

Talkin' to my heart and trying to explain

Why sometimes I catch myself

Wondering what might have been

Yes I do think about you every now and then

Saitaina's Diary