Peace, Love, and Death-Part II

Spike opened his eyes slowly. He sat up and looked around the basement.
Boxes, trunks, and move boxes were all over the floor. There was no window so
Spike had no idea what time it was. He didn't wear a watch either. The door
opened and Clover walked down. Spike walked out of the shadows and over to
her. She had a smirk on her face. He knew she was enjoying every second of

"Come to watch me die?" he asked her.

Clover put a soft hand on his cheek. Spikewas shocked but wanted to see what
would happen. "You look awful. Poor baby, here." She took a bag of pig's
blood from her backpack. "Drink this you need your strength." Spike took the
bag and fed as Clover talked softly to him. "Tommorw night is a big night for
us. Will's gone for weapons. He won't be back for hours."

Spike stopped feeding. "What?"

Clover seemed not to notice his question. "Spike, have you ever thought about
kissing me?"

Spike blinked. Clover was pretty, a real hottie, but she was the Slayer. He
had fought beside her, and even saved her life a few times. So, of course he
thought about kissing her. He slowly nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

The Slayer seemed to smile. "Spike? Have you thought about biting and turning

It was the vampire's turn to smile. "I'd turn you in a minute."

"Would you do it with me?"

"In a heart beat."

Over the course of the talk they had made the space between them less. Spike
leaned down and kissed her. Clover kissed back. In two minutes time they were
on an old  cot.

Spike woke up and noicted his cloths were no where to be seen. He smiled and
rolled onto the floor.He stood and looked around for Clover, but she wasn't
there. It struck him and he got dressed.

"I've got to get the hell out of here. It was a dream, oh God it was so
lifelike." A dreamy smile appeared on his face. "Ah! I've got to get the hell
away from this girl, she'd turning me into an... an... an.. Angel!!!"

Clover tried to contrate on the cheer. The movements were simple, a few
handclaps and then a jump in the air at the end.

"Go, Razorbacks, go!" Then the jump. Then you spelled the names of the guys
on the football team. "Give us a T, give us an O, give us a M. What does that
spell? Tom! Go Tom!" Then you bounce around and howl your head off.

It was simple, yet Clover couldn't help but think that in a days time she
might die and all these people might to. She hoped what Will had told her was
true, that he could get a weapon that would kick major vampire ass.

Pierre looked over the rim of his sunglasses. "That's the biggest one, I've
ever seen."

From the side of him, Dustin nodded. "It's huge. Are you sure it's  legal?"

Will's eyes began to tinkle. "Not in 38 states, including this one, I had to
sneak it in, and if anyone asks I was at a youth group meeting last night.
Little Blue owned me and Jitterbug a favor- so he was happy to get it for us."

"Little Blue? Is that a human?" Pierre asked. It was still strange to him to
think that Clover who was the Slayer had a partner and knew humans and demons
in a mob like thing in SunnyDale and Los Angles.

"It's a demon." Will filled in. He picked up a very large black bag and
started to his van, Pierre and Dustin followed him.

Dale walked down the stairs to the "Batcave" and smiled when he saw Rai. The
sorrocer went over to the table and sat down. Gavin looked up from his
magazine and Rai from er mirror.

"Hey Dale." Gavin said plainly before going back to his sport's
magazine-which he said he read for the articles.

"Pierre and Rogers aren't here. Will, that's Clover partner said he got a
weapon to help us." Rai filled in for him.

"That's good, gives me time to spend with you." Dale answered.

Rai only blushed. Gavin looked up from his magazine. "Okay you guys are
gross. I'm going." He grabbed his stuff and went down the stairs.

Dale shrugged. "Alone." He kissed her.

Sarr lay in his bed watching television. It was almost night, he'd see the
Slayer then. And if he didn't kill her tonight, it didn't matter he would
kill her. Her rolled over  by the letter he had gotten. It was from two old
friends, who were coming to town.

Sarr smiled as he read the letter to himself, as he read it. They were both
beautiful women, and they both had past with Spike and the Slayer.

Clover slowly opened the basement door, stakegun in hand. She casualty walked
down the stairs. She got to the bottom and looked around for Spike. There was
no sign of him.

The Slayer could feel him somewhere down there, she just didn't know were.
"Spike?" She called out softly. "Here, vamp-boy, I've got blood from the

There was a noise behind her she turned and saw-nothing. She let out a tried
sigh. "Come on Spike!"

"Sorry cutie, I'm blowing this place." Clover turned at Spike's voice. But
saw the basement door swinging opened.

Clover stomped her foot on the floor and headed upstairs.

Rai and Dale stopped talking when they heard grunts coming from the stairs.
Will, Pierre, and Rogers were all caring a large bag. And with no rails, it
was a safely harassed. They both got up and went to help.

They made their way to the table and set the bag down. "All right, I'll bite.
What's in there?"

"A favor from Little Blue." Will answered simply as he opened the bag and
took out a rocket launcher. "Can't wait to see Jitter's face when she sees
this bonedfied vampire killer.

"Well, we should all go home and get some rest. We have a full day tomorrow."
Pierre suggested.

They all agreed, and went their own ways.

The next day pasted quickly for everyone.

Pierre, Rogers, Rai, Dale and Gavin went to the gym.  They had to figure out
how to keep everyone calm and the vampires out. Dale knew of a spell that
would only let vampires in if her invited them in.  If it failed, they had to
have a backup plan that would be where Pierre and Rogers would come in.

Clover and Will spent the day training and  making weapons they also had a
plan. Sarr would have a lot of minions. The trick would be to figure out how
to get as many out of the game without getting hurt or using the "secret"
weapon. They also had to figure out how to use the "secret" weapon and not
hit the gym; that would be the last thing they needed.

Rai stood outside of Dustin's office in a long red dress. Her bobbed hair had
little pieces of glitter in it. Dale ran up the staris in a black tux with
tails. He gave Rai a boquet of roses.

She looked down at them and blushed. "Thank you Dale. I don't have anything
for you. Should I have something for you?"

Dale shook his head. "You're enough. What do you say we get to that gym?"

Rai nodded as they walked down the stairs. "Hey Dale, you think Clover will
be okay tonight?"

Dale put his hand in hers. "She's the Slayer, she'll be fine. Do you like

Rai gave him a look. "Yeah."

"Great, I don't so you can have mine."

Coal and Nick did a quick soundcheck. Gavin played drums on the wall and
watched as Rai and Dale walked into the gym. He smiled at his cousin. He was
happy for her, she had found someone who liked her as much as she liked him.
He hoped he'd find that someday.

Maybe he did still have small thang for Clover, but he was more than happy
just to be her friend.

He took his place at the drums and Nick and Coal started playing. Coal's
smooth voice filled the gym.
Pierre stood against the wall, a cup of coffee in hand. Rogers stood next to
him; the English man kept looking at his watch.

Finally Pierre turned to him, a glare on his face. "Must you keep doing
that?! The sunset fifteen minutes ago. It's only 7:45. The cool kids won't
show up for another fifteen of thirty minutes."

Rogers looked at him. "Yes! Clover and Will will be fine. They're the bloody
Slayer and a Demon Hunter! God!" He turned at walked to the punch bowl.

Pierre sipped his coffee. "We kicked your ass in a war!" he muttered to

Sarr slipped on his leather pants. The vampire then put his black tee-shirt
on, then his black jacket. He had always found it so amazing that vampires
loved to wear leather and black.

Sarr walked into the factory. "All right children, we're going now. Remember
to share and the Slayer and Spike are mine!" He handed a pair of keys to a
red headed vampire."Rainbow, bring the car around."


Clover finished tying her pants when Will walked into her room carrying two
big black bags. "Ready to go?" she asked him.

"Ready and waiting Jit."

She only nodded as she grabbed her leather jacket. They walked out of the
door and into his van.


Spike paced the mansion. He had no idea what to do. He didn't want Sarr to
kill Clover, but he didn't want to get killed. And that dream! It meant he
was going soft, and he didn't want that. Spike grabbed his leather duster
from a chair, lit a cigarette, and went to his car.

He drove to SunnyDale High's gym.


The hippie van stopped outside of the gym. They split up into four groups of
six and circled the building. The plan was simple; wait for the Slayer.

Sarr got out of the van and paced the parking lot. He was ready for a fight.


Will parked his van a mile form the school. The Demon Hunter could tell she
was nervous. He tried to make a joke.

"So, Clover, is that a stake in your pants, or you just happy to see me?" He
searched her face but saw nothing. Yup, she was in game mode.

They got to the school and went up to the roof. The could see the gym and all
the vampire milling around.

"They're waiting for me," Clover noted.

"Maybe, if you don't show, they'll leave?"

"Or just going to kill everyone."

"There's that. So what do we do?"

"Play their game, we wait."


Dale carefully took a bag and some candles out of his pockets. Pierre and
Rogers saw their cue; they both quickly made their way to a door and blocked
everyone's view.

Rai and Dale started the spell. Gav took his cue and told the other band
members to start a slow song and dim the lights.


"Okay, here's the plan. You take out the vampires to the North and left side
of the gym. I'll take the South and west. We'll work our way to Sarr. We set
them up and knock them down. Don't  play hero and try to take all twelve of
yours on at once." She picked up a bag and jumped down. Will shrugged and did
the same.

"Good luck Jitter. Yell if you need anything." He ran to the North side of
the gym.

Clover pulled a crossbow out and hid the bag in some bushes. She started
forward toward one of her sides. Suddenly there was a cold hand on her mouth.
A British voice leaned in her ear and whispered, "Hello lov."


Rai lit the black and red candles as Dale made a circle out of petals  and
put herbs in the middle. He started talking in ancient Greek.

Pierre and Dustin continued to stand in  front of them. Pierre sipped his
coffe as Dustin talked about school and weather to make them look less
obvious. They both jumped when they heard a long bang outside.

Gavin looked their way, his face showing fear and dread. The other students
didn't seem to notice or care.


Will grabbed a vampire by the collar and staked it. He had only gotten two so
far. Clover wasn't kidding, the night of Saint Vigeous was pure Hell. He
thought he heard a muffled scream, but decided it was from inside. Boy, these
SunnyDale kids could  have fun with all Hell breaking out outside.

Spike led Clover over to Sarr. His true face was on, and he was ready to

Sarr turned toward them. "Spike? What the Hell? I thought you were all ' I
can't kill people' and now you bring me the Slayer? I'm surprised and very

"What can I say? I was going through a phase," Spike told him. "I'm better
now, and I thought I'd show you by sharing a Slayer."

Clover turned to get away but he was holding her too tight. Sarr only smiled.
"Great." His face changed to a vampire. "But, you go first."

Spike nodded and tilted Clover's head. Of course Sarr didn't trust him. Why
should he? Spike had once not been able to kill , and now he could. He leaned
in and bite into Clover's neck.

Clover's eyes widened, and Sarr laughed slightly. Spike closed his eyes;
Clover's blood was so warm. He had been a long time since he had tested
Slayer's blood.


Dale and Rai stood up. "There, it's done. No vampires can come in unless I
invite them in," Dale whispered to the small group.

"Wonderful," Pierre whispered.

"It's all up to Clover and Will now," Dustin thought out loud his voice full
of worry.

Will finished staking the last of the vampires. He looked around for Clover
and when he didn't see her, he ran for the "secret" weapon.


Clover felt herself slowly dying. She had to do something. She grabbed
Spike's platinum hair with her hand and head butted him; he went backwards.

The Slayer forced herself to stand up. "So, you're Sarr?" she asked the
black-haired vampire.

He smiled broadly at her. It took a special Slayer to nearly be drained to
death, then stand up. "I am, Miss Chase."

Clover felt herself falling and forced herself to stand straight. "Yeah,
guess you came here to drain the dance, but you made one mistake."

"What's that?" Sarr deadpanned waiting to hear her answer.

"You came to my town!"

Sarr laughed and looked beyond her to Spike who was feeling his head for
bumps. "She's a fiery one old boy." He took something out of his jacket,
aimed it at her side, and fired.

Clover bent in pain as she let out a scream.


Will stopped as he heard the shot. "Oh shit." He opened the bag on the roof
and aimed the rocket launcher toward a field on the other side of the gym.
"Come on Clover, where's your cue."


Coal and Nick stopped playing when the shot rang out. Everyone started
muttering, but Gavin kept playing trying not to let anything bad happen.

My. Smyth started trying to open the doors, which thanks to Rai and Dale were
all locked. "All right, this is my school and nothing bad is happening! What
the hell is going on out there?"

"A gang war," Rogers blurted out to the rat faced man who was standing next
to him and Pierre.

"Oui, and they're on PCP," Pierre added then in whisper to Dustin, "Nice save

Dustin shrugged. "Thanks, I saw a movie."


Spike looked from Sarr to Clover in pure astonishment. He never thought that
Sarr would shoot her with a gun in a million years. Sarr usually played fair.
But to Spike's astonishment, Clover stood up with a hand on her side. Blood
was all over her hand, but she stood up anyway.

Sarr smiled and grabbed her free arm. He twisted and broke it, and she
screamed again.

Spike didn't know what to do. If he didn't help, Clover would die. If he did
help, Sarr would kill him.  Spike got into his game face and dove for Sarr's
side. Sarr dropped Clover who fell to the ground, then jumped up. Spike and
Sarr started fighting on the ground.

"Go Slayer!" Spike yelled at her.

Clover looked around at all of Sarr's minions coming towards her. "Get her!"
Sarr yelled at them.Clover took off toward the field.


Will saw Clover run to the field, vampires on her heels. He watched as she
looked behind her at him, that was the cue. Will fired the rocket launcher.
Clover rolled to the side as the vampires exploded.


Spike and Sarr stopped fighting. Spike looked down at Sarr, then stood up and
ran. Sarr stood and cleaned himself off.

"I hate that guy!" he yelled out loud. He turned and walked back to the van.


"The rocket launcher," Rai whispered as everyone in the gym started looking
around. "That means they did it. They killed Sarr."

"Yes," Pierre said as she started to unlock some doors.

Students started to file out of the doors as they were unlocked. Gavin joined
the group. "Think everyone is okay?"

"I do," Dustin answered.

"So, what do we do now?" Rai asked.

Dale shrugged and offered her a cup. "Punch?"


Will helped Clover to the van. They were loading the van when a little black
sports car sped past them.

"Sunday driver!" Will called out.

"Wonder who's in there?" Clover thought outloud. "Ow," she added. "Can we
please get home and get this bullet out."

"Sure, maybe we can fix your broken arm as well?" Will added.

"That's be nice."


The black sports car stopped in the middle of the park. A tall willowy figure
dressed in an old black dress stepped out. She was holding a doll and started
dancing around.

Alicia Price stepped out of the driver's seat and looked at her watch. "Dru,
we're late."

Drusilla turned to Alicia and stopped dancing. She smiled dreamily at the
writer. "Coming pet." She danced back to the car.

They both got in and drove towards where Sarr was staying.



Cordelia and Xander were at baby birthing classes, Will was Lord knew
where,and Clover was sitting in her living room watching t.v. She suddenly
felt a throbbing pain in her head.

Clover grabbed her head between her hands. She started to rock back and forth
and scream a little in pain. She stopped just as quickly as she had started.
Clover went to the kitchen and grabbed some aspirin.

The door bell rang. She went to it and opened the door. There stood Doyle in
the same clothes he had died in in 1999.

"Doyle?' she asked.

He nodded. "Clover."

She nodded too as she she moved away from the door. "Come in." He walked in
and they went into the kitchen.

The End

Oak's Diary