"This Picture"

by Saitaina

Saitaina's Diary

Disclaimer: Buffy, Willow, Angel, Xander, Cordy, Spike, and Oz Belong to Joss Wendon and co. This was done around 3rd/4th season.

"This Picture" (the song not the story) belongs to Reba McEntire and the song writer.

Angel starred at the picture Spike had sent him. It was one of those corny Christmas cards that has a smiling face plastered on the front of someone you normally don’t want to see that happy, only this smiling face was no longer tinged with sadness. Her radiance shone brightly as her and her new husband posed for the picture. Two adopted kids sat in front of them, a look a slight horror on their face at the fact they were dressed up for a family photo. Angel set the card down and promptly placed a shot glass over his childe’s face. He dug around in the box next to him and pulled out other photos from the past years.

That old picture with my arm around you
Torn it to pieces this morning at two
Score one for me
I Took your portrait off the living room wall
Then I started on the ones in the hall
Had a bonfire I decided it was time to forget
So I got rid of every picture you left

Cordillia’s glass of orange juice fell to the floor, shattering like so many pieces of her heart as she re-read the article that had caught her attention. Tears slowly slipped down her face as she started at the face of the handsome brunette that had stolen her heart so long ago. She slid bonelessly to the floor, wrapping her arms around her knees in en effort to hold off the pain as memories flashed through her mind. Loving, tender moments, moments mixed with passion, moments of pain.

But what do I do with this picture of you in my mind
I close my eyes and I still see you saying goodbye
I know I'd be okay if I could just throw away This picture

Willow watched the band play, standing silently in the shadows of the dark stadium. They had come a long way since they were a small time band playing in a popular club. She watched the lead guitarist intensely. His ever changing hair had finally settled back to a reddish brown, the same color it was when she first met him. She had followed him for a long time, from town to town, concert to concert, just to catch a glimpse of him on that stage. So many years ago she remembered when he would search her out in a crowd, now his searches were reserved for someone else.

I walk alone down a crowded street
And see your face in everybody I meet
When's it gonna end
Every single night I crawl into bed
Hoping sleep will keep you out head
I should know better
Every time I turn around there you are
I never thought your memory would go this far.

Oz searched the shadows for the familiar red hair and sad eyes. He watched her as he played, as he did every concert. His mind was far from the screaming crowd, or the music flowing around him, instead, it was in the past, remembering every thing about the fiery witch who’s heart he had crushed. He smiled softly as he saw her wave.

But what do I do with this picture of you in my mind
I close my eyes and I still see you saying goodbye
I know I'd be okay if I could just throw away This picture