Strip Dance 4-The End

Eight Monthes after Strip Dance 3

Author's Note: Pierre, Jessa's brother originally was her murderer. He shot her in an ambush at Guilty Pleasures and ran while Jean-Claude 'saved' her.

Jessa frowned, fiddling with the IV in her arm. "I don't wanna do this no more." She said, pouting at Jean Claude.

Jean Claude grinned and took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Tough Luck Ma Cherie."

Jessa sighed and rubbed her very large belly, a small smile spreading across her sking. "Very soon Annabelle, very soon."

Rafe smiled at Jessa, glancing at her contraction read outs. "Not long now Jessa, your little girl will grace the world."

"I wish Larry was here...but," She sighed. "Of course he has to work."

"Anita promised to bring him here as soon as they could. Your husband would kill himself if he missed this."

"Oh gods I hope not! I couldn't raise her all alone."

"I was joking Jessa."


10 hours later.

"GET THIS FUCKING LITTLE BITCH OUT OF ME GOD DAMNIT!!!!!" Was the scream that greeted Larry and Anita as they arrived at Jessa's delivery room. "I HATE HIM!!! THE LITTLE PRICK DID THIS TO ME PERPOSLY...HIM AND HIS LITTLE PRICK!"

Anita snickered at Larry tried taking off down the hall, escaping his wife's yells. She grabbed his arm, dragging him into the room. "Hello Jessa, in pain?"

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Jessa screamed at Anita, throwing a glass of ice at her.

Rafe rolled his eyes, then ducked as she threw a pan at him. "Now now Jessa...OWE!" He yelped as she hit him in the groin. "Jean-Claude! Calm her please!"

"Not on your life." He muttered, hiding behind a chair.

Asher rolled his eyes and walked closer to Jessa, taking her hand. "Jessa. calm yourself young one, you will upset Anna."

Jessa fell into his eyes, calm coming over once again. Asher glanced at the doctor lying on the floor, bleeding from a wound inflicted by the distressed mother. "Rafel, I belive you are needed now."

Rafe nodded and moved to the end of the bed. "Okay Jessa, now on the next contraction, push please."

Jessa nodded, still dazed.


"Isn't she beautiful Lar?"

Larry nodded silently, tears streaming down his face as he held his young daughter. Her firey hair and green eyes matched her mothers, making her just as beautiful in her father's eyes. "She's perfect Jez."

Jessa smiled softly, watching her husband and daughter. "We never decided on a middle name, Annabelle for your mother, Motgomery for my father, but we never gave her a middle name."


"How about Ana Jermjd as a double Middle name?"

"What the fuck?"

"Anita, Nathanial, Asher, Jason, Edward, Richard, Manny, Jean-Claude, and Damin."

Jessa grinned. "Perfect."

The affornamed group smiled to themselves as they watched the couple create a name from those whom ment the most to them, for their newest adition to the group.

A week later...

"Okay, gift notes, Anita?"

"A silver cross."


"As stuffed wolf and a painting of a sunself over the woods."


"A rattle."


"Leather booties"


"Baby hair dye."


"Stocks in JC Corperation for all of us and for Baby Fangs, a life time suppy of clothing."

"I wish they would quite calling her that. Edward?"

"A mini uzi."


"Don't ask."

"No, what did he give us?"

"A red lace teddy for you and a lifetime mebership to Fetishes R Us for Anna."

Jessa snickered, writing it down. "Manny?"

"A voodo doll of her for good health and long life."

"That's sweet! Bert?"

"A 5 dollar bill and a job opening in Animator's Inc."

"Penny Pinching tight ass. "Asher?"

"A glass coffin, with that ruby rose inlay."

"Wows. Damian?"

"Tickets to Ireland, so you can visit your grandparents."

"And finally, Belle Morte...Why did Belle send us something?"

"Teqnically, Anna's her great grand child."

"True, so what did Beautiful Death send us?"

"Your brother's head in a box....Rafe gave us the rest of him."

"WHAT?!" She ran over to the box, stairing into it. "Oh my..."

Saitaina's Diary