The New Scobby Gang

poilers: angel,WelCOME TO THE HELLMOUTH, Innocence, Grad. Day part 1 and 2,
City Of. Wild at heart,What's My Line part 1 and 2, The Wish, Homecoming,Heros
and Parting Gifts.
Disclamier: Joss's people are his.
Copyright: I wrote this

Rated: PG
Summary: The children of the scobby gang talk about how their parents meet.

     "My parents had a love like no other...." The tall brunnette stopped and
looked around the room full of
other students. Her eyes fell on three people: A tall lankey brown headed
boy, a short red headed green
eyed girl, and a Doyle look alike but with a hit of Cordyness in his haltz
eyes. She smiled at them and
they all smiled or grinned back. "They had a love that is one in a million.
The first time they meet sparks
flew. See, it was my Mom's first night in SunnyDale and she felt someone
following her. So, she went into
this alley and when he came by, she knocked him on his back." She smiled at
the memory of the story
she had heard so many times.

" About a year later on her 17th birthday, they made love for the first time.
But after that things started
getting bad.  But about nine months later they made up. Then my Dad left for
a while because he was...
uh... different. But a year later he came back and they got married and had

The teacher clapped his hands and the rest of the class did the same. "That
was lovely Pearl. We're
glad to have you in our class and at SunnyDale High."

Pearl only nodded and made her way back to her seat. The teacher looked down
at a piece of paper.
"And our next new student is Jesse Harris. Jesse please come up and tell us
about yourself and your
family." The brown headed boy got up and walked to the front of the class.

"My name is Jesse Rupert Harris, I'm sixteen. I'm an only child. 
parents live in LA, but me,
my girlfriend Anne, and Pearl and Will moved here with Rupert Giles to help
run a business. My Dad's
name is Xander Harris and my Mom is Anya Harris.  My Mom and Dad hated
eachother at first, but
then they liked each other." He started chewing on the inside of his lip.
"We're nothing special just four
teens from LA with parents from SunnyDale." He smiled at the other three

The teacher looked down at his paper. "Next we have Anne Osborne." The short
red head got up and
shy got in front of the class.

She looked at all of them and took a deep breath. "My name is Anne Amy
Osborne. I'm fifteen, but
will be sixteen in seven weeks. My parents first meet when they were both
picked for a company
during career week. But my Dad had been noticing my Mom before that." A small
grin appeared on
the girl's face. "All things went good for a while, but then my Mom cheated
on my Dad with her bestfriend
Jesse's Dad," this was meet with the class cheering and booing at once. "But
they got back together
and then my Dad cheated on her, and went away for a while, but then he came
back." Anne quickly ran
back to her seat.

The class clapped loudly, as the teacher looked down at the paper. "At last,
but not least is William
Doyle." The Doyle look alike  got up and walked to the head of the class.

"I'm William Angelus Doyle. I'm sixteen. My girlfriend is Pearl Willow
O'Neal." He screeched his chin in
thought. "My parents worked together, they flirted and joked around a lot,
but there was something there.
Uh.. just when they started to like eachother, my Dad died, but was brought
back by Pearl's Dad and my
Mom. CPR. And yes the accent is real." He walked back to his seat.

The history class went back to normal. Jesse wrote something on a piece of
paper and handed it to
Pearl.  She opened it. "Im glad we joined Giles, he was right this town needs
a half vampire-half Slayer,
a half human-half ex-demon, a half werewolf-half witch, and a half human-1/3

She wrote something back. "Yeah we're the new scobby gang. A little smaller
but still. We're all this
town has against the vampires,demons,and forces of evil."

Jesse read it then handed it to Anne and William. All four smiled. Things in
SunnyDale would never be
the same.-again.

The End

Oak's Diary