A Slayer

I have wondered what past and future Slayers were or will be like. So I've written a fanfic about a future Slayer.

It is twenty years after high school graduation, and this generation's Slayer is the child of a former Slayerette. She will not have Angel to guide her, but she will have another mysterious stranger along with true and loyal friends. And so it begins again...

Disclaimer: I do not take credit for the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or the show itself. They belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, the WB, and everyone else who works on Buffy . However, the new Slayer, her friends, Watcher, and, etc., are my own.

SunnyDale 2019

As long as there have been vampires, there has been the Slayer. One girl in all the world, to find them where they gather, and stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. She is the Slayer.

The room was small; the only light was from a lamp on a nightstand near the bed. A young girl quickly got dressed.

She wore black boots, a pair of old jeans, a purple sweater, and a two sizes too big leather jacket. She tied her long blond hair up in a half ponytail. From her full length mirror, she grabbed a black bookbag. The girl then went over to her desk and opened the top drawer. Inside the drawer were three bottles of holy water, some garlic, a plain metal cross necklace, and three wooden stakes.

She grabbed the cross, put it on, and then took the stakes putting one in her bag, one in the front part of her pants, and the last up her jacket sleeve. She then left the room.

The girl walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Her mother was there baking cookies. She turned around, and pushed a stray piece of brown hair away from her face. "Clover, I didn't hear you come in. Cookie? Wait, where are you going?"

Clover took a cookie from her mother and took a bite. "I'm going out to check out that club you told me about. The Gold?"

"Bronze," her mother corrected. ""It's our first night in SunnyDale, I thought we could bond over cookies and unpack some more."

Clover let out a long sigh. Wish I could mom, but the sun's been done ten minutes. I'm late, and the Bronze sounds like a great place for vampires to feed."

When Clover's mom had found out her daughter was a Slayer, she had taken it very well. She told Clover that she had known a Slayer when she had been in high school. Of course, that Slayer had been much older. At the time Clover had been only thirteen, and that had been three years ago. So Clover's mom, ex-May Queen Cordelia Chase, thought that since there was a Hellmouth under SunnyDale, they should move there when she was old enough.

Cordelia put the tray of oatmeal cookies down, and hugged her daughter tightly. She was already regretting the mov from Rome, New York to SunnyDale. "Be careful," she whispered in Clover's ear. She then let go, and walked over to the back door and opened it. Clover walked outside and started walking. She didn't look back.

The Bronze, the perfect place for vampire activity. Clover paid the way too low cover price, then walked in. The band played a soft rock number; they weren't that bad. the Slayer went up the stairs to the second story area to get a better look around.

Her old Watcher would have said this place was a class A vampire ground, meaning it was the best place in town to get a young midnight "snack". Clover leaned over the rail to get a better look at the floor below.

Gavin McNeal had seen her even from the stage. She was around sixteen, tall with wheat colored blond hair and great forest green eyes. Her shoulders were broad which made her look very toned and muscular. Her face, though not beautiful in the classic sense, was pleasant. Gavin was in love.

She had walked up the stairs. He could see her now leaning over the rail looking around. Gavin watched her with growing pleasure.

"Gavin," a voice beside him whispered, "you've just missed tow beats on the drums." Gavin looked back at his drum set and vowed to talk to the girl later.

When their set was over, Gavin left his bandmates in search of the girl. He found her sitting by herself at a table her bookbag by her side. He took a seat a nearby table.

Clover had seen him on stage. He was the drummer. He was tall, around seventeen with short brown hair and great hazel colored eyes. His face was oval and pale in the light. He wore baggy khakis, a blue bowling shirt, and sneakers. He was cute, and he was looking right at her. That meant it was her cue to leave. She so didn't need a guy right now. Besides, there were no vampires sitting gin this place, and she was wasting time here. Someone could be dead because of it. Someone's father, friend, or Watcher.

"Stop it," Clover told herself as she quietly made her way to the door.

Rai Shields was, in short, punished for breaking curfew. So when her cousin Gavin called her at eight thirty at night, she knew something was up.

"I've seen her, Rai," Gavin said into the phone. Through the phone screen, Gavin could see his sixteen year old cousin. She was of medium height and petite with long raven hair sculpted around her heart shaped milky white face and violet eyes. She was wearing a pair of blue overalls with a red shirt and matching shoes.

"Who?" Rai asked as she chewed on a piece of hair.

"I don't know," her cousin answered without taking a breath, "but I am going to find out. She just showed up at the Bronze, then left."

Rai looked at Gavin with her huge eyes. "Be careful, she could be some psycho killer for all you know. I'll meet you at the Bronze in ten minutes," and with that she hung up.

Gavin took a seat and waited hoping his imagination wasn't overacting.

SunnyDale's cemetery; a class B vampire ground. Basically because only newly risen vampires hung out there, so it was easy to stake them. Which was good. Clover didn't like to get sweaty too early in the night. The Slayer spotted a vampire only a few feet in front of her as she arrived. Its back was toward her, so she quietly got the stake form her jacket and walked over driving it into its heart. It turned just in time to see her before it became dust.

Just as she was about to move one, she heard footsteps behind her. "Sloppy," a voice said.

Clover turned to see a guy in his early twenties. He was wearing black sack pants, a green T-shirt and a black blazer. His black hair was cut close to his head and his blue eyes had a piercing effect on her. It was like he was looking right past her into her soul or something; Clover hated it.

"Let me guess, you're my new Watcher, right? I should warn you, I go through you people like my mother went through boyfriends in high school."

The man walked up to Clover and brushed some ashes off her jacket; she also didn't like that. He smiled at her, a warm smile making her feel safe. Clover hated that too. She couldn't get attached; her Watchers always died on her. Everyone died on her.

"They said you had a small attitude. I'm Dustin Rogers... your new Watcher." He stuck out his hand to her. Clover took it noticing his voice had become smoother.

But she quickly took it back. He had called her work sloppy. It wasn't sloppy, all she had done was put a stake in a vampire's heart. They hadn't even fought. "What do you mean my work is sloppy? I'll have you know all three of my past Watchers said I have great technique."

"Well," Dustin began as he raced to keep up with Clover who had started walking away. He walked next to her, then continued. "You lost a stake and nearly missed his heart. Wait, did you say three? The Council only told me about one."

The Slayer shook her head in disbelief. Who did this guy think he was? First he brushed ashes off her jacket, then he called her work sloppy. Clover was starting to dislike this guy. "No, they were three. First one told me the day after I turned thirteen that I was the Slayer. He died." She noticed Dustin's look. "Of a heart attack. Guy was like fifty-five. But he stayed the longest, two years. Taught me everything I know. Then there was my second, but he turned up missing. The last one came when I was fifteen. She was nice, but she went insane; don't know why. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have eleven more graveyards and three bars to cover." Before Dustin could respond, Clover had run off leaving him alone.

"So that's it?" Rai asked her cousin as she took a sip of her hot tea.

Gavin gave her an annoyed look. "Yes, but don't you see? She was perfect. Maybe she'll be in school tomorrow."

"Yeah, maybe," Rai answered with a smile.

Clover was in her room. She saw herself asleep on her bed. But that was impossible, because she was standing up in front of her mirror. Clover heard a noise and turned toward the window. Standing by it was a man. Tall, dark, with great cheekbones, thick dark hair and deep set eyes.

He smiled at her and said with sadness in his voice, "I've been in this room before. It looked different then."

Clover was not amused. "Who are you? And what are you doing in my room?" she demanded getting into fighting stance.

The stranger held up his hands to show he meant no harm. "I'm not in your room," he said matter-of-factly, "I'm in your head. I thought your would be more muscular, maybe shorter."

"What do you mean? How could you be in my head?" Clover demanded taking a step back. "Who are you?"

He gave her another smile. "Angel. I'm here to warn you. There's been a demon. It feasts off of scared emotions to get stronger." He turned to the window and jumped out.

Clover ran to see where he had gone, but when she got to the window, there was no-one there. She turned to her bed and saw herself tossing. So that's what she looked like when she had prophecy dreams.

Beep. Beep. Clover turned off her inflatable alarm clock and turned over to see what time it was. 5:30 a.m Cordelia had most likely already left for the law firm where she worked in order to get ready for her case today. So, Clover got up and walked downstairs to make her breakfast. When she got there, she had a surprise waiting for her. There, sitting at the kitchen bar drinking some coffee was Dustin Rogers.

"I say, do people form New York often wear long sleeves to bed on one of the hottest nights of the year?" Clover noticed for the first time that he was British.

She narrowed her eyes on the Watcher. "How the hell did you get into my house?"

He gave her a smile and took a long sip of his coffee before answering. "A Watcher tells nothing." She gave him a dangerous look and he cleared his throat nervously. "Your mom let me in, she knew who I was. Did you tell her about me?"

"Yeah," the Slayer said as she took a seat across from Dustin, grabbed a banana and took a bite. "Eww," she spit the piece into her hand. "Mom and me don't keep secrets from each other."

Dustin handed her a napkin. She put the banana in it and threw it in the nearby trashcan. "I read the Watcher Diaries of two of your Watchers last night. Mr. Holder and Ms. Anderson. Do you know what happened to Mr. Chris Barron's diary?"

"Nope. I told you, he disappeared, but if it helps, he was only around like three months. Now, I have to get ready for school. Which means you have to leave. So bye." Clover motioned her hands toward the back door as she got up and went get a glass of juice.

"I can't leave," Dustin said a Clover walked out of the room and he followed her up the stairs. "We have to talk..."

Clover turned around. "About what? Cause I know SunnyDale's on a Hellmouth..."

"It's not that. Have you been having... the dreams?"

The Slayer tucked some hair behind her left ear with fingernails painted lime green. "Yeah. I saw a demon feeding off scared emotions." She decided there was no need to tell him about Angel. "Look, stay here. I'll go get dressed." She turned and ran up the stairs to her room.

Gavin saw her coming up the stairs. She wore the leather jacket over a camaflouge shirt with matching pants and black boots. Her hair was down around her shoulders and she carried a binder and an old looking book . He hit his cousin in the ribs. Rai turned and saw the girl Gavin "loved". She looked nice but also worried about something. Rai had heard the new girl was daughter of Cordelia Chase. The way a lot of the girls and jocks were acting you would swear God was coming to school today and going to make the unpopular disappear and the popular gods.

"So, what do you think?" Gavin asked Rai. Before either one could answer, the new principal walked up to the girl and pulled her away.

"In school two minutes, and she's already in trouble? Sounds like my kind of friend," Rai said as she and Gavin followed them.

Once inside the principal's office, Clover got ready to confront the authority figure at her new school. To her surprise, Dustin Rogers walked in behind her, closed the door and sat down in the chair behind the desk. "You left me on your staircase for twenty minutes," he accused in his crisp British accent, " and when I got to your open door, I found the window open and you gone. I guess you don't like to deal with authority considering they all die, disappear or go insane. I can see why," he added.

"It was 5:30 in the morning, you were drinking coffee in my kitchen, what did you want from me? Besides, what happened to them wasn't my fault." Holding out the book she had carrying with her binder she said, "Here. I've brought you a present." She slammed the old dusty volume onto the clean desk causing them both to cough. "I was going to spring for the sighing gorilla telegram, but I thought this would be cheaper. It was Mr. Holder's. I kept to level out my t.v., but hey, a sacrifice." Before he could say anything, she opened the book to about the middle and pointed to a short paragraph in the demon section.

"It's about the Celdar," Dustin said reaching for the book and reading.

"Meaning..." Clover requested.

"Oh, it's ancient African for scared actually, rather primitive."

"Ohh, I see. And do they teach ancient African in principal school? Anyway, that's the lovely little need demon from the dream. Thought you would like to know. By the way, where do you keep all our weapons and stuff? There's not some hidden cabinet in here?"

With a hidden smile, Dustin reached under the desk and pressed a button with his finger causing the paneled floor on the left side of his desk to slide back revealing a staircase. Gesturing with his hand palm open he wore a " what did you say" look.

Clover raised her eyebrows quizzically and wrinkled her nose. "Living out our Batman fantasies are we?" she questioned.

"No," he replied rather annoyed, "it's where the books and such are kept. I can't actually run home everytime we need something now can I?" He noticed her look. " All right, all right, so I'm living out my Batman fantasies."

"So, since you're English, you can be Alfred."

"Can we drop this?" he questioned impatiently. Reaching under the book he had placed down, he pulled out a slip of paper. "Now, here's your schedule, and please make sure you don't miss your first class. I've pulled a few strings to get your last period free so we can discuss things before the end of school."

"Well then," she said standing up and opening the door and saluting, "I'll be here with bells on. Well, not exatually bells," she admitted with a frown. "To find bells I'd have to go to the music room, and I don't play an instrument. Ummm, never mind," she said noticing the look Dustin was giving her. "See you later then," she added closing the door to his exasperated sigh.

Clover walked outside only to bump into the boy she had seen yesterday, only now there was a girl with him. He was wearing the same outfit as last night. The girl was wearing green overalls, a yellow short sleeve shirt and green shoes.

"Umm, sorry. I didn't see where I was going."

"What are you doing tonight?" Gavin questioned outright afraid to wait for an actual conversation.

"Subtle," Rai pointed out.

Clover smiled at them. They seemed like nice people. Too nice people to get killed. "I have somewhere to be." She ran the other way leaving Rai and Gavin shocked and alone.

The Bronze, the perfect place to mope. Gavin and Rai sat together at a table sharing a bag of chips. Neither could believe what had happened that day. Everytime either one had seen the new girl, she had walked the other way. Then Rai saw her. She walked in with none other than their principal Mr. Rogers.

Mr. Rogers took a seat at a nearby table and pulled out a notebook and started writing. The girl walked over to a guy and asked him to dance.A slow number started playing, a remake of a song from the nineties. The couple started dancing. When the song ended, they walked out together. Mr. Rogers followed them, and out of insane curiosity, so did Gavin and Rai.

Once outside of the Bronze, Clover grabbed the vampire by the neck and rammed it into a nearby wall. "Stake," she called out to Dustin. He quickly handed it to her, and she stuck it into its heart then pulled it out again. the vampire exploded into dust all over the street and her jacket.

She turned to face Dustin and found behind him the two kids form the morning. She cleared her throat and the Watcher turned to look them in the eyes. "We can explain," he said with a sigh.

Back at the school, Dustin led the teens back into his office and repeated the actions of early that day. Despite their better judgment, Rai and Gavin followed. They saw a huge round two level room filled with a large case of weapons. In the middle was a large table with a computer on it. They all sat down, Gavin on the right side, Rai on the left ,and Clover at the end on the edge.

Dustin cleared his throat. "SunnyDale is on a Hellmouth." He looked around. So far so good. "It's a center for mystical energy. Demons and vampires come here. They are real . Vampires explode into dust when they are staked. There is a girl in every generation who hunts them. She is called the Slayer, born with the strength and skill to hunt them. Clover is the Slayer. I'm called a Watcher. I train her, research. Don't tell anyone," he finished lamely. "Please."

Gavin and Rai looked at each other. Finally Gavin said, "Okay, what can we do to help?"

Clover gave Dustin a pleading smile. She wanted friends, and these two were willing to help. Dustin let out a sigh. This girl was going to be a handful, and with these two... What was the word Rupert Giles had called the kids that helped his Slayer? Slayerettes? Sidekicks?

Oak's Diary