Where The Free Souls Go
Spoilers: The episodes from Wild At Heart- Pangs
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone or anything from Buffy or Angel or Red Roof
Copyright: I own J and wrote this in Jan.
Summary: J tells Angel why she's there. Then the journey begins
Rated: pg
Couples: B/A and W/O are talked about with a hit of S/W and S/J
Authors Note: I'd like to thank my English teacher, for being so long winded,
that for the whole hour she talked about Poe, giving me time to write this.

New York, March 11, 2012, 9:45 am

J woke up and stared at the ceiling. For a belief moment she had no idea
where she was. Then she remembered. "New York, Angel's place, 2012, March 10,
no today's the 11." She spoke softly to herself.

The girl got up and put her boots on. She made her way to the bathroom and
washed her face, she
tried to brush her hair, but she couldn't get ride of the filling that
something was not right.

J walked into the living room and sat on the sofa. There was no sign of
Angel. <He must be out.> She
thought to herself, then she remembered, it was day and he was a vampire.

The brunette started getting worried. She went over to the door and opened
it. She staggered back at what
she saw; there Angel stood Willow's cold dead body in his arms. The witch's
dead eyes looked up at her. And Angel's eyes glowed a bright yellow. J let
out a scream and closed the door locking it. She ran into the bedroom and
started moving the bed over to block the door.

Instead the door flew open and Angel was on her in a flash. But it was not
Angel it was Angelus. They rolled around, as J tried to get him off her. She
screamed again, but it was no use.

Thoughts ran thru J's head. She was scared, angry, and sad all at once. Tears
fell from her eyes like rain from clouds. <Oh, God. Please forgive me, I
failed.> Was the last thing she thought before Angelus drained her.

Angel woke with a start at the sound of screaming. He looked over at J, who
was screaming bloody murder in her sleep. He jumped up and ran to the bed,
just as J shot up.

She took one look at Angel and started screaming again. J grabbed the lamp.
"Don't touch me! I have a lamp and I'm not afford to turn it on!" With that
she turned it on and throw it at Angel's head.

Angel narrowed dogded it. "What's wrong? What are you doing?"

J narrowed her eyes on him. "Like you don't know! You're evil-again!"

Angel was to say the least shocked by her out bust. He knew J was not like
other girls, but this..it took the cake. "No," He said lightly touching her
shoulder. "I'm not. The only way for that to happen is..."

"If you have one moment of pure happiness." J finished for him. "I know.
Could you please leave me alone for a few minutes?"

Angel nodded. "Okay." He went out the door and closed it quietly behind him.

Once alone in the room, J quickly put her boots on and pulled up her leather
jacket sleeve. On her wrist was a watch with a large face. She pressed a
button and the numbers disappeared, leaving a fuzzy screen.

An English accent came though, but there was no picture. "J? You damage the
screen in the slide. Have you found him?"

"Yes," She told the voice. "I found him. And I know about the screen, I
landed on my face. It still hurts, but I have bigger problems. Last night I
had a dream that he was E-V-I-L again."

There was a pause. "Oh dear."

"Yeah," J answered in a valley girl voice. "And he wants me to tell him about
me,G. I can't do that."

"You recall what I told you?" His voice was shocked.

J shrugged. "You're leautrue was six hours long! I feel asleep half way
though, but I remember some stuff. Like if I say too much it could change
stuff. Listen, I better go. I'll talk to you soon."

"Be careful."

J smiled. "Always am." She fixed her watch and pulled down the sleeve.

Angel sipped his coffee, waiting for J to come out of his room.<This time
she's talking to me about herself and where she came from. I can't get over
how much she looks like Buffy and someone else that I can't put my finger
on.And the way she acts...>

Angel's thoughts were intruded when J came out of the room and flopped on the
sofa next to the vampire.
"Okay, here goes. I was sent here my some people. My job is to help you find
what you've been looking for." She stopped and glanced over at Angel there
was no expension on his face. She sighed deeply and went on. "Angel pack your
bags. We're going to SunnyDale."

She quickly stood and went into the bedroom, Angel followed her. "What?!" He
demanded of her as he grabbed her arm and forced her to look at his now
vampire face.

J was scared, it was in her eyes but she tried not to show it. She rolled
them. "Don't you ever listen? What you've been looking for, for the last
seven years is in SunnyDale."

Angel let go of her arm, and his face went normal. "Buffy died seven years
ago." He sat on the bed and looked at his hands as he went on. "I thought it
was my fault, I didn't get there in time. That insane women, she kidnapped
Buffy and did things to her, Buffy couldn't take it she went insane then
died; alone and scared. Afterward I burned the place down, I almost killed
that Walsh woman..but I couldn't."

The soulhaving vampire looked up at the girl tears in his eyes. J half smiled
at him and lightly sniffed. For a few moments they stayed like that, till
finally J went over and sat next to him.

"It's hard, I know. Listen, Angel if you come with me to SunnyDale I can help
you get Buffy back.We'll have to go to a secret place;where the free souls
go. I'm not real sure where it is, but I know I can find it if we really
look. It may put us in danger...but true love is worth it. Am I right?"

Angel looked into J's eyes and lightly shook his head. "If I weren't a 200+
year old vampire with a soul, I'd call you nuts. But for some reason I trust
you J. I'll go to Sunny Dale with you. Besides I know you can take care of
yourself, you throw that lamp hard for a human."

They both laughed. J hugged him. "You'll see this is the best thing. Don't

They got two tickets second class on a plane. J had wanted first, but
together they only had enough money for second. Then it only got them as far
as Fargo, North Dakota. They would have to drive the rest of the way.

But since it was already 12:45, they decided to rent a tited window car and
get a hotel room. (Well, really J keep saying she was tried and needed a

They got a room at a Red Roof Inn and made sure there were a lot of curtains
in the room. But just in case Angel took the double bed on the far side of
the room. Angel watched television, while J took a hot bath. When she came
out in a white robe she quickly jumped into her bed.

Angel smiled slightly at her. "I wasn't going to look." He informed her

J shot him her famous "Duh" look. "I know.. it's just really cold for people
with a body temp." She rolled her eyes at him. "God, get real, okay?"

Angel smiled again. "All right, I'm sorry. You can watch television if you
want." He tossed her the remote and she flipped it on a channel.

She got comfy under her blankets. "Great, I love this ep." She thought

Angel turned toward her t.v.guide in hand. "The guide says it's new."

J looked around nervously. "I know, but I read about it. Okay?"

"Okay, I was just saying..."

"Don't push!"

Angel sighed. "I need air," J gave him a look. "I just need to think." He
went to the door and walked out.

Leaving J to groan and flop her head on the pillow.

Angel found himself looking out the window at the snow on the ground in the

"Yeah, mate, me and my girl here want a room." A familiar British voice told
the clerk behind him.

Angel slowly turned to see Spike in tight black leather pants, a black shirt,
and over that a blood red shirt with a leather jacket. Angel had to do
something before Spike took that girl into a room.

"Spike?!" Angel called out loudly.

Spike slowly turned, his eyes grew wide. The look on his face said it all;he
was pissed. "Angel? What are you doing here?" The last he asked through
girded teeth.

"I was about to ask you the same thing.."

Spike looked from Angel to the girl, back to Angel then back to the girl."Uh
lov. I'll call you tomorrow. Me and my mate need to talk." He didn't wait for
the girl to answer, instead he followed Angel to the stairs. And back to the

J slowly put the phone down as Angel and Spike entered the hotel room. "I
wasn't ordering room service..."She said a little to fast.

"I never said you were."

J's eyes narrowed on him. "Don't push!"

Spike  looked from Angel to J, and a smirk grew on his face. "So, Angel
finallyget over Buffy?"

Angel glared at Spike. "No. But I have to ask myself what you're doing here?"

Spike looked away for a moment then said in a voice barley above that of a
whisper. "Red and the Wolf are trying to have kids. I had to get away from
that." He paused a moment then sounded more like himself. "Besides who wants
a bunch of wolfbrats running around? Not me. So, I got out while I could."

All this time, J had been looking Spike up and down. "My God man have you
ever owned another outfit?????!!!!!???????!!!!!!!"

Spike and Angel turned to the strange girl. "What?!"  Spike finally asked his
eyes only on her.

J's eyes wided. "Nothing," She looked over at the bedtable and opened a
drawer, she took out a book. "Look it's the bible and it's holy and...stuff."

"Uhha," Spike nodded. "That's nice." He looked over at Angel. "Got any blood?"

"If you want blood that means you still have that implant in your head, so
why were you with that women?"

"Duh," J intruppted before Spike could answer. "he has needs."

"How do you know about that?!" Angel demanded in a very father-like voice.

J shrugged. Sex ed, and Showtime."

Both vampires nodded. "Well, you boys better get some sleep or what ever it
is you do to rest. We have a long drive tomorrow."

"He's coming?!"

"You're not scared to be in a room with two vampires?"

J smirked and pushed the curves down alittle. "It's in the plan, Angel he
comes along to SunnyDale. And no I'm not scared because one has a soul and
the another an implant." With that she clapped the lights off.

Spike glanced over at Angel. "I don't know about going back to SunnyHell, but
I'm sure you'll tell me all about it, won't you nancyboy. But I know one
thing, I like that girl." This was meet with Angel punching him in the ribs.

Angel sighed and walked to his bed. "This have better be worth everything I'm
putting up with." He muttered as he got into the bed.

The End of Part III

Oak's Diary