The End

A/N My muses made me do it!!! They teamed up on my and made me write this inane story that has no basis in HP reality! Also it's 2.57am so if it sucks, blame the sugar.


He stood on the bodies of his foes, staring out over the thick black smoke of thousands of bonfires. Wizards everywhere danced and rejoiced in the final defeat of the Dark Lord. As he headed down the hill he was greeted by many with a slap on the back, a vigorous hand shake, or in the case of Draco Malfoy, a nod well done.

He paused by one camp fire, watching the gathered family mourn the loss of their child. He said a silent prayer for the lost soul with them before moving on, noticing many families in morning. So many lives lost this night. Many unknown to him, but also many he cared for. The Boy Who Lived, no longer did so. Instead Harry Potter lay amid the mass of bodies that the resistance had gathered, waiting to be buried. Ron was somewhere among those bodies, along with most of his fellow Gryffindors. Several Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs could also be seen, their robes torn and stained with the blood of war. He closed his eyes tightly as he passed the wall of bodies, wishing he didn't constantly see their faces imprinted onto his lids.

He opened his eyes only when the sounds of the Resistance workers faded from his hearing and took in the sight that greeted him. Green smoke hung heavy here, marks of past battles that had raged for weeks. The camp was mostly deserted, the Death Eaters that still lived having fled as soon as they saw their master perish. Only a scant handful of people remained. Prisoners, families of those that died, children abandoned by both mother and father, left to wander around amid the chaos that was left in their trail. He paused next to a silk tent that had once housed Voldemort himself and struggled against emotions that suddenly overwhelmed him. Here, somewhere in the darkness, lay the body of his hero, his idol. Here amid the green smoke that held everybody's fears lay the body of Percy Weasley.

The End: Part the Second

Saitaina's Diary