To Tell The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth

Spoilers: I'm guessing nothing, inless its from "The Girl Is Back In Town"

Copyright: I "Nichole" or Oak14177 own all Clover stories, ideas, and people

Disclaimer: I own Cordy, and Xander (I wish) they belong to Mr. Joss Whendon,
(my God, did I say that outsold?)

Summary: A spell is put over SunnyDale, and everyone must tell the truth or
die. Will comes to SunnyDale, and Clover becomes a cheerleader.

Note: This story takes place in early October, even though it is being typed
in November.

In this story SunnyDale's secrets are all told.

As long as there have been vampires, there has been the Slayer.

Rai's lab partner pushed his chair closer to her, she let out a loud groan
and pushed her chair away from
him. From the table behind them, Gavin and Clover watched the two.

"He's doing it again." Gavin noted shaking his pen that at that moment was
out of ink.

"What did you think? Rai is one of the smartest people in the class." The
Slayer looked down at the frog, they had to dyesect for their lab. She pushed
the tray it was on, over to Gavin. "I'm not cutting that, you do it."

Gavin smirked at the pretty blond girl. "And you call yourself the Slayer."
He took the small knife from her hand and cut the frog open.

>From the table across from them Car Ronnie let out a scream. Everyone turned
to see her lab partner, Rick Smith making their dead frog dance across the
table. Dr. Hudson ran over to the football player and started to yell at him.
Car meanwhile took the free time to lean over and talk to Clover.

"Can you believe this?" The tall burette asked, without waiting for an answer
she went on. "We are in Chemistry not Biology, why do we have to cut a frog
that looks like the maskscott for the WB? You trying out for cheerleading
tomorrow after school?"

>From behind Clover, Gavin let out a snort, Clover pushed him in the ribs. He
made a few noises, then shut up.

"I've been thinking about it. But, I heard  there is only one space for a

Car moved her hands around wildly to show it was no big deal. "Come on,
Clover, you're a shoe in. Your Mom was head cheerleader, plus you have been a
cheerleader since the sixth grade in Rome." The brutte touched the blonde's
arm lightly. She moved back right in her seat.

Clover turned to see Gavin staring at her with his mouth hanging open. "Your
trying out for cheerleader? Why? What about your duty as a Slayer? Are you
really going to wear that little skirt?"

Clover shook her head in disbeielf. "Well, Xander. Yes, I'm trying out, I
love it.  I've been a cheerleader since the sixth grade, and I did just fine
as a Slayer, even made head cheerleader in middle school. I was ewven
freashman co-captain, and for half my shompor year I was co-captain of that
grade. And I'll wear the uniform.

Gavin sghed in annoyeness and turned to the frog. "You're right, you can
handle it. Not like the Hellmouth as been doing anything lately. They're all
scared of you." Clover smiled as Gavin went back to making a new cut in the
frog and Rai moved her chair away from her partner.

The motel room was dark. A cow  tongue was placed in a bowl of boiling
liquid. Three black candle were lit and a male voice with a trace of an
English accent, spoke in Latin.

He smiled wryly to himself as the liquid started to hiss and  strange
unworldly voices started to sing from it. "By this time tomorrow, everyone in
town will have to tell the truth or die. Enther way it should be a lot of
fun." He let out an evil laugh.


"The Kids Aren't All right" by Limp Bisket places. Shots of a full moon, an
above view of a graveyard, and
a gravestone with the name Summers on it. Shots of Clover fighting a young
guy named Will, followed by Shots of Patrick  biting into Cordelia, Xander
and Cordelia eating, Dustin and Alicia kissing. Followed by shots of Rai,
Gavin, Nick, Coal, and Clover all sitting at a table in the Bronze, talking.
Then of Dustin reading an ancient looking book. Clover talking to Buffy,
Williow, and Angel in the mansion.

Shot of Clover sitting on the oak table in the "Batcave", then of her walking
though the Bronze, then of her with black hair talking to someone outside. 

Shots of Rai smiling up from her computer screen, then of her sitting in a
car, then of her walking with juice boxes.

Shots of Gavin on his skateboard, then of him fighting a demon, then of him
playing his drums.

Shots of Dustin on the floor breathless, then of him eating a banana, then of
him looking up from a Watcher Diary.

Shots of Will coming out from somes brushes, watching t.v., and of him
sitting in a chair smoking a cigarette.

Shots of Rai kissing a strange guy named Dale in front of a door, Rai, Gav,
Dale, and Will running though a hall. Dustin training Clover, a guy walking
down some stairs, Spike dusting a vampire, Spike biting Clover on the neck,
Rai hitting a vampire with a stool. Gavin standing on a stage holding a
script, Clover and Will walking throw a graveyard. Clover kneeing over a dead
body, Gav and Spike bounding over a cigarette. A girl with dark long black
hair Slayer a vampire, Whistler, Alicia Price, Doyle, and Clover all standing
around talking. Dustin putting a sword throw a demon, Drusilla holding Clover
by the neck. Clover in an old looking dress fighting a demon Gavin and Clover

And finally a shot of Clover, Gavin, Will, Rai, and Dale walking in a
straight line down the street. And
Clover getting up from the floor, with hair in her face, like she is doing a
pushup and turning her head to the right.]

Clover wrapped her leather jacket closer around her. She walked though the
graveyard on partal, and so far that night she hadn't gotten one vampire,
there hadn't been any. Where were they all? On vacation in Florida? Now,
however she senced  a very strong power nearby. The bushes by her started to
move, she wiped out a stake and got in a fighting stance. A tall familiar
figure stepped out from the bushes; it was Will.

Without a second thought, the stake was dropped and Clover and Will were
hugging.  They speared and looking at each other, like they  hadn't seen
eacthother in years instead of mer weeks.

"How's Sunnyhell, Jitter?" Will touched her check softly, but then quickly
took it away.

Clover smiled at him. "Fine, things have been quite for a while."

The Demon Hunter made one of his faces. "Ow, never a good sign. Good thing I
dropped in."

"Why are you here? Don't tell me you missed me?" She asked with a small laugh.

"No, nothing like that, Jitter. I jusr heard that something may happen here

"Really?" Clover asked, knowing full well he was lying as the two of them
stared walking through the graveyard. <It's just like old times, before I
came home.> Clover thought to herself. "Where are you staying?"

Will shrugged. "My van. Why, don't tell me your Mom would let me stay with
you guys?"

"She has to, Will. She let her boyfriend move in this summer. She feels

Will smiled slyly. "And your playing it for all its worth?"

"Yep." Clover answered with a bop of her head.

Will laugh a heathly laugh. "How's school?"

"Great, cheerleading tryouts are tomorrow after school, you'll be there

Will placed a hand around her shoulder and pulled her against his side.
"Wouldn't miss it for a dozen demons."

The two of them walked out of the graveyard and to the Chase home.

"Nice house, we're your Mom and Xander?" Will asked Clover as they walked
into her house that same night.

Clover rised over to turn the poach light on, not caring about the hall
light. "Out, dinner, you know. Come on." She lead him up the stairs and to
the small guestroom.

She opened the door, to revile, a small twin bed, a dresser with a few books
on it, and a window overlooking some bushes, boxes were all over the floor.

"Okay, whoes grandparent sleeps in here?" Will asked her wryly.

This remark was meet with Clover hitting him in the ribs. "Goodnight, Will."
She turned and went across the hall, to her own room's door.

"Um, maybe I should me a huilmitfier." Will said outloud as he closed the
door to the room.

The fatherclock struck midnight. The door to Clover's room slowly cracked
open. She flopped her body sleeply over to see Will standing in the doorway,
pilliow and blanket in hand.

"Clover?" He hissed into the dark room, as he looked around.

She sat up on the floor and turned her head to the door. "What?" She hissed
back sleeply.

"Why you sleeping on the floor? If you don't want the bed, can I have it?
That poor exuse for a bed is lumpy." Without wasting time, for Clover to
answer, Will was in the room, with the door closeing behind him. He flipped
the light on and tossed his stuff on her bed.

He looked over at Clover, who was still sitting on the ground. "Nice, PJs,
Pooh Bear in this season?"

Clover jumped up off the floor, she grabbed her covers and grabbed them
around herself. "Will what are you doing in here? If Mom or Xander find you
in  here...." She trailed off and looked at the bed. "Will? If I sleep in
that bed, will you sleep in it to? Believe it or not, I'm sacred to sleep in
it Kelmarc, he..."

"What's your favorite stuffed animal or doll?"

Clover blinked. "What?"

"You're favorite stuffed animal or doll, which one is it?" He looked around
the room, which was full of dolls and stuffed animals on the sheleves and two
of the three dresser. He saw the confusion on the
Slayer's face, but despite this, she ponited to the dreeser where a stuffed
pooh bear and ragdoll sat.

Will went over, and grabbed them. "What are you doing?" Clover asked him,
confusion in her voice.

He let out a sigh. "When you were little, you thought these," He showed her
the dolls. "protected you right?" She nodded. "Well, they along with me, will
protect you now, get in bed." Clover did as she was told.

She layed down in the bed, her body tease, waiting for Will to do something.
He handed her the dolls
and told her to put them on the pilliows, she did as she was told. He then
took his own pillows and cover
and climbed in besides Clover, he wraped his arms around her.

"Face me." He told her in a whisper.

Clover turned and faced him, he put his arms around her again. "Don't worry
Jitterbug, the toys and I will
protect you. I'm here now, and nothing bad will ever happen to you again, I
swear." He kissed the top
of her head lightly.

They lay there for awhile till finally Clover asked something she had been
wondering all night about Will.
"Will, when was the last time you took a bath?"

Rai doged students tring to get away from Dare. She looked behind her, he was
only a foot behind her,
he could thouch her if he wanted. She felt like she was in a horror movie and
Dare was the killer.

Finally she warled around to face him, angry on her pretty heart shaped face.
"I said no Dare! I meant
no,okay?!? Ask someone else!!"

"But, your her best friend. You know her better then anyone, just tell me if
its true or not. I'll leave you
alone. Just tell me!! Please!!!!!!" Dare was on his hands and knees in front
of Rai, now.

She hide her face in her hands. The tall, musler, blond haired, deep blue
eyed figure in front of her
sunndelly stood up. He put his arm around her shoulder. Rai quickly took his
arm off her in disgust. She
looked to see why he had done it. She got her answer when she saw Clover
walking toward them, a
very muffin looking of a guy, Rai didn't know at Clover's side.

Clover and the guy stopped in front of them. The Slayer smiled brightly at
her best friend. "Rai, this is
my... this is Will. Will this is my best friend, Rai." Rai and Will nodded at
eachother. Clover turned to Dare. "And this is Rai's lab parnter, Dare." Dare
nodded at Will.

"Clover!!" A female voice rang out around the quad of SunnyDale High. Car
Ronnie pushed her way to the small group. "Listen Clover, I just wanted to
remind you about after school." She saw Dare and flashed
him a white smile. "Hi, Dare, you will be there won't you??" Dare rolled his
eyes and walked away. Car
followed him as fast as she could.

"Well," Will stated claspping his hands together. "that was most differly not
my kind of girl."

"Yeah," Rai agreed with a head bop. "she's a real bicth." Clover stared at
Rai, who looked at her studded
"Did I say that outloud?"

Clover only nodded. Gavin's voice came up behind them. " Rai, Clover, Rogers
says he..." Gavin noctied
Will. "Who are you?"

Rai gave Clover a look which she understood. Gavin was going to get
jeouslous. Clover was about to tell
Gavin, Will was just her friend, but Will answered for himself.

"Hi,I'm Will. I'm the Demon Hunter Jitter meet this summer. You may have
heard about me, I heard
alot about you." He stuck his hand out, and Gavin took it, they shaked.

"Good to meet you Will, I'm Gavin.So, I guess you know our Clover is the
Slayer. Her ex-Wacther
wants to see her, right now."

"Great!" Will  exclaimed. "I've alawys wanted to meet him." He turned to
Clover. "Jitter, you want to go

"Uh? Oh, yeah see you guys later." Clover lead Will away from Gavin as fast
as she could.

Rai turned to her cousin. "He's nice, I like him."

"Yeah," Gavin agreed watching them  go up the stairs. "He's nice, polite,
seems to like Clover, even
gave her a nikname."

"You hate him don't you?"

"Oh yeah."

Clover lead Will down to the "Batcave." He looked around him, his brown eyes
getting larger by the
second. Clover smiled as she went over to her usual spot on the edge of the
oak table. Will walked
around every now and then he'd pick something up and look more closely at it.

"Ah, Clover I was just talking to your new Watcher, Pierre-who are you?"
Rogers stopped where he
stood on the stairs leading down.

"Pierre Who are you? Interesting name, Spanish?" Clover asked him, wryly.

Rogers shot her a look. Will whirled around and smiled at the young
ex-Wacther. "I'm Will, its an honor
to meet you sir. And may I say, you did a fine job with Jitter."

"I'm only a few years older then you, young man, there is no need to imprease
me." Rogers told Will as
he walked up the final few stairs.

"Oh, okay," Will said with a shrug. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it.
"Mind if I smoke?"

"Yes,!" Clover and Rogers said at the same time.

Will angry rubbed it out, while Rogers went back down stairs. He came back up
with two staffs. He tossed
one to Clover.

"What's this?" She asked looking at the staff like it was an alien.

"A staff, your other Watchers never taught you how to use one, so I will."

"Yeah, 'cause they knew I wasn't going to fight Robin Hood."

Rogers sighed annoyed. "Just fight me."

"Fine." Clover jumped off the table, and with one swift move, Rogers was
down, flat on his back.
"Happy?" Rogers nodded.

"Way to go, Jitter!" Will yelled from where he stood at a bookcase.

That remark was meet with clapping, they all turned to see a figure standing
in the stairway leading to
Rogers office.

It was a man, talland thin like a rake. His forehead was lined in thought,
and his dark pericing eyes
matched his dark hair. He looked around thirty-two and spoke with a French

"I'm here to train you."

Will looked at him. "Who?"

The Frenchman pointed to Will and Clover. "Vous."

Rogers got up off the floor with Clover's help. "Mr. Pierre B     ?"

"Oui." He answered simply as he walked to the table.

Clover and Will  opened the door to her house, they walked into the living
room to find Cordelia and Xander makeing-out on the sofa. Clover cleared her
thoart loudly. "Huh, teenager in the room."

Xander and Cordy broke apart quickly. "Clover your home, and with a new
friend." Xander noted.

"A boyfriend?" Cordelia asked hopefully fixing her hair.

"Hi, I'm Will, a demon hunter. I'm Jitter's well, I guess you could say
partner in slaying, we meet this
summer in Canada. I'm not Canadian." Will stuck out his hand and Xander stood
to shake it.

"Yeah, see um, Will's staying here in town awhile and I kind of told him he
could stay here. Till you know
he gets his own place." Clover spoke up.

Xander looked like he was going to say something. Cordelia  stood and lead
him into the hall. Clover and
Will both shrugged it off and hopped on the sofa, they started fighting over
the remote.

"Xander, I think I'm going to let him stay here."

"What?!? He's a man, I'm a man, I know how they think. With thier
I'm-really-a-nice-guy-but I really
-just-want-your-daugther types."

"Xander look at them," Xander turned to see them fighting over the remote.
"There're like family, no
romance feelings."

"I know but..."

There was a bright white flash. No-one seemed to notice, they just all
blinked. Will turned to face Cordy
and Xander in the hallway.

"You know Jitter and I have had sex."

Cordelia and Xander both stepped out of the hall, to look at him better. Both
regarded him in pure shoke.
Will was saying that he and Clover had, had sex. They had a sexlife together.

"When?!"  Cordelia asked him.

"This summer," Clover answered for Will. It was clear she was as shoked a
they were, yet she told them.
"Once, we used protecten-I think." Cordelia gave her alook. "We were druck,
it was when we frist meet.
See, we had just killed a demon."

"I had been after it for weeks." Will added.

"Anyway, after that we had a few drinks, then we did it on a merry-go-round.
Then we woke up, and
came to the conlusion that we would be better as friends, parnters.'

"Yeah, we even used mushmellows."

"I remember those!"

"Don't Clover!"

"Ew, kids play on that!"

For a few mintues, they sat there, all in silence. It had looked like Will
and Clover hadn't wanted to tell
them anything, yet they had.Clover suddenly grabbed Will's hand.

"We have to go." Without waiting for an answer they were out the door.

"Damn, that Slayer speed." Xander said siting in a chair.

Cordelia looked at him, sericus. "You're forty, Xander and I'll be forty in a
few mouths. What I  want to
know is, is this going anywhere-you and me, I mean. Because I'm pregent."

Xander's mouth dropped open, he closed it with his hands and stared at Cordy.
Then said something,
only Dustin said. "Wait, what are you saying?"

Clover lead Will down into the 'Batcave'. Something was terriably wrong in
SunnyDale. When they
got down there, they saw a site. Dustin was in a coner rocking in a ball back
and forth. Gavin was writing quickly in a notebook, Rai had her head in her
hands, and Pierre was calmly sipping a cup of coffee.

Pierre saw them first. "Ah, Clover,Will, something is happening here. I asked
Mr. Rogers what the price of a Mr. Coffee would be to put down here, and now,
well..." He waved a hand to where Dustin was.

The English man looked over at Clover and Will with tears in his eyes.
"Alicia, her last name was Price. Her novels were horrible, but I cared for
her. Now she's gone! Gone!" He started rocking again. "Alicia Price, Alicia
Price," he sang in  a song in a whisper to himself.

"You see, and Rai, I said I thought maybe it was the Seven Virgins causing
trouble, and then she starts to cry how she's a virgin. Who cares?"

Rai looked over at Clover. "Oh, God, I am a virgin, an dno one cares!" She
ran down to the second level.

"And finally, Gavin," Pierre stressed the "Gav" in Gavin, "I aksed what the
pufume Rai was wearing was , and she said it was Obsession. And Gavin said..."

Gavin looked up from his notebook. "I'm obsessed with Clover!"

Clover,Will, and Pierre turned toward him. "We know," they said in unison.
Gavin just shrugged and went back to his writing.

Will and Clover walked over to the oak table. Will took a seat and Clover
took the one next to him. Pierre took a sip of his coffee. He didn't say
another word till he was ready; the French man handed Clover a large long

"Read it, mon Slayer, it's the diary of one Rupert Giles, second Watcher to
one Buffy Summers. This trick stinks of none other than..."

Clover looked up and into Pierre's dark piercing eyes. "Ethane Ryane."


He was tall and slim with  devilful gleeful eyes and a soft easy smile. There
was an air of elegance about him. He was only twenty, yet widely known in his
field; he was a sorcerer. His name was not Ethane Ryane, which was a good
thing because he hated "junior" at the end of names. His name was Dale Ryane.

At that moment, he was in his motel room watching American television. It was
hirlaious. A SunnyDale newcaster had just dropped dead during her broadcast.
Why Dustin didn't care, it was hilarious.

Dale flipped the channel to an American late night talk show. He flipped the
television off, and flipped his body over the bed to grab his shoes. He put
them on, combed his hair, and slipped on his jacket and walked outside to see
what his spell had done.


Cordelia rolled her eyes and said more slowly. "You're forty, and I'm almost
forty. I'm going to have a child in about seven months, so are we ever
getting married? Because if not, I think we should rethink everything."

Xander fell onto the sofa. "Well, this is new. You're what? Two months? Why
didn't you tell me?"

Cordelia sat down next to him and took his hands in hers. "I was going to
tell you and Clover tonight, but then there was Will."

"You mean she doesn't know? Boy, no one telles her anything?" He looked more
closely at Cordelia, she still looked like she was only in her late 20s or
early 30s. And he knew right then and there he loved and their unborn child
more than anything in the world." He dropped to his knees. " I've been
thinking about this a long time. So, here goes. Cordelia Chase, will you
marry me?"

Cordelia's eyes got all teary. "Yes," was all she could say before she leaned
down and kissed him deeply.


"Oui, Mr. Ryane could very well be behind all of this. But the question is
why? It's not his style from what I've read."

Clover and Will regarded the man. Clover tucked some hair behind her ear, and
Will clicked his tongue. Neither knew what to say.

"Well, that could be, but whoever it is, I think the question is where do
Jitter and I find him?"

"I don't know," Pierre answered rather quickly. Then they all remembered the

If a question was asked or words said, a person answered quickly and
truthfully. So, the question on all three of their minds was how would they
work together without anyone's secrets coming out.

Gavin jumped up on the table causing everyone to push their chairs back and
jump. He looked over at Clover with a stupid grin on his face. "Clover, this
song for you." He cleared his throat and started singing. "She says we're all
damned, and why try to save her. She says love is for fools. She says..."

"Gavin!" Clover jumped out up, her face almost red.

Gavin turned to her. "I'm done. Wait, there's four more  verse and three
chorses. You'll love it then me. I wrote this for you."

Dustin stopped rocking and looked over at them. "Alicia wrote, I loved her,
but she left me after we saved Clover. Why?!"

Clover ignored Dustin. "Gavin, I don't love you. You're just my friend,
that's it. Please understand."

Gavin shook his head, like a child. "No, you love me. You have to, I love
you." He looked past her at
Will. "It's  his fault!" Before Clover could stop him, Gavin was off the
table and attacking Will. Will was
defecting himself, just fine.

The Chosen One saw Pierre sitting clamly in his chair, a long cirgette
between his long fingers. He looked at her and smiled, with a shake of his
head. "Americans, God, I hate Americans. So idiocitice."

Clover groaned loudly. She walked over to where Will was tring to keep Gavin
off him, without hurting him. She tapped Will on the shoulder and he moved
away. Clover got Gavin off the floor, she grabbed his
wrist and lead him to a chair. She disappeared around a stake of books, and
came back with some rope.
She tied Gavin to the chair, and turned to Pierre and Will.

Pierre clapped his hands. "Very good, mon chant."

Will took some dirt off him. "You did great, and thanks."

Clover just sighed. "No pro. Now back to Ryane, if it's even him we're
dealing with."

"You are indeed, dealing with a Ryane, but not Ethane Ryane." A voice said
from the stairs.

Everyone, even Dustin turned to see Dale walking down the stairs. When he got
down he leaned against the wall near the stairs.

Clover walked over to him. "Who are you?" She asked.

He smiled at her. "Dale Ryane, son of Ethane Ryane, and you're the Slayer."

Clover throw her hands up in the air and let then fall with a slap at her
sides. "I know, why does everyone
keep telling me. I know!"

Dale laughed slightly at her. Pierre had, in the meantime  gotten more
comfortable in his chair and turned it  to watch the two of them at the wall.
Will sat in a chair, ready to move, if Clover needed help. Dustin had gone
back to rocking and singing to himself, and Gavin was trying to get out of
his ropes. Rai had also come back up the stairs, she stared at Clover and
Dale in wonder.

Dale seemed to look past Clover a moment at Rai, but quickly turned back to
look at Clover. "Do you like my work? The perfect example of you shouldn't
keep secrets, don't you think?"

"No, it's sick, demanded, wrong, and a lot of other words." She grabbed his
arm and twisted. "Take the spell off the town, or I'll break your bones one
by one."

Rai stepped forward quickly. "Clover don't, he's cute!"

Clover turned to her friend. Rai! He's the one respondesable for all of us
knowing your a you know."

"Virgin!" Rai blurted out. When she known what she had said again, she
blushed deeply. "Oh God, I.."

"It's all right." Dale said through grinned teeth, because Clover was still
twisting his arm. "I'm one to."

"Really?" Rai asked happily.

"Excuse me!" Will stated."Spell, have to end it."

"Oh, yeah." Clover said. "Okay, Dale how do we stop the spell?"

Dale smiled his soft smile. "I'll never tell you."

Clover just shrugged and broke his arm. "Have it your way." Dale let out a
scream, that echoed. "Will,
Pierre watch them. Dale and I are going to his place." She lead Dale up the

Will held Rai back and Pierre poured another cup of coffee for himself.

"You're friend is a real, uh, what's the word-ah yes, hottie." Dale told
Clover as she lead him throw
the streets of SunnyDale, to his motel room.

"She's off limits pal. Your evil and sick, she's not." Clover answered as she
pushed him along.

"I'm not evil." He told her in mock hurt. "I just make people see that
something's, they do, they shouldn't."

"By making people tell their secrets? My Mom and her boyfriend now know that
Will and I had sex. And if they were to find out who his Mom is.. why am I
telling you this?"

"I'm easy to talk to, plus the spell."

They walked on in silence, till they got to Dale's room. He opened the door
with the unbroken arm. They
went in, Dale pointed to a large iron bowl. "It's in there."

Clover let him go and went to the bowl. It's other world voices still sung,
and it still boiled. She simply
kicked it over. There was a bright white flash.

Clover turned around to find herself alone in the room. There was an index
card on the bed. She picked
it up and read it.

"In the words of my Father, Be Seeing You."

Clover grinned to herself as she put the card in her back pocket and left the
motel room.

Clover walked into the living room, as always Cordelia and Xander were
waiting for her. She sighed and flopped down in a chair. "Okay, what's
happened now?"

Cordy cleared her throat. "Baby, you know I love you more then anything in
the world."

Clover's eyes seemed to grow in her head. "You two are going to have a baby
and you'll get married, because of it. Right?"

Cordy looked at her child. "Yes, how'd you know?"

Clover shrugged as she got up. "Saw it in an after school thing one time."

"Are you all right with what C.C. and I are going to do, Clover?"

"Sure. I feel good about it. I've had a good day, made cheerleader,
co-captin, took the spell off the town,
saw Will. It's been good. I better go, hit the hay, long day tomorrow,
practice, and all." She turned, and her
foot steps could be heard going up the stairs.

Cordy smiled. "She made cheerleadering." She looked over at Xander. "Is
something wrong?"

"No, I just wish she had throw something. It would have been like we were

Cordelia nodded. "Like your family, oh yeah I so don't want that."

Rogers stood up off the floor. "I, uh, I'm sorry everyone. I don't know what
came over me."

Pierre rubbed out a cirgette. "It's fine, Mr. Rogers. I've just broken up
with someone- you get over it."
The French man walked upstairs, Dustin made his good-byes and followed.

Rai looked over at Will. "Could you please give me a ride?"

Will  nodded.  "Sure, can I say something?'' Rai nodded. "I think that Dale
guy has a thang for you."


"Really, see when a guy looks at a girl like that, it means he really likes

They went upstairs. Leaving an asleep Gavin.

An hour later, Gavin woke up in the "Batcave." He looked down at his ropes,
then around him. "Huh, hello?! Guys?! Guys???!!!!? Come on, it's Friday,
no-one knows about this place!!! Guys??!? Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The End

Oak's Diary