Veils of Death

Warning: Character Death. This is a stand alone fic so no asking for
a sequel, does not pertain to any other fic/series previously written
by me.

Jessa groaned and rolled over, flipping the switch to awnser her
cell. She blinked as she stared at the number, frowning before
putting it to her ear. "What?"

"You have 12 hours to get the hell out of dodge." Came the deep voice.


"12 hours Jessa...Happy Halloween."

Jessa stared at the dead phone, unable to comprehend for a moment
what Edward has just told her. She hit re-dial and waited to be
connected from the ground tower to the United Air phone that had just
called her.

"What Jessa?"

"How much?"

"Enough that I'm taking it."

"You swear I've got 12 hours?"

"I wouldn't have said so if it wasn't true....get out of town."

"Will do." She murmured, hanging up. With her other hand she pulled
her gun from between the sheets. "Or not."


Twelve hours later, in the Circus...

Jessa watched as the annual Halloween party went on as planned, the
only difference was that their were only two humans invited, Anita
Blake, at her request, and Larry at Jessa's. It had taken bargaining,
begging, pleading, and Jessa pulling a Tommy gun to get him there,
but there he was, talking with Richard about the dip, his mask hiding
little. Everyone in the circus was in costume, as was ordered five
hours before the party, which made for some interesting costumes.
Jessa adjusted her mask again, glad she didn't have to breath and
glanced with only her eyes at Jean-Claude and Asher whom were
scanning the room, waiting anxiously for the fun to begin. Jessa
glanced back at the door in time to see Death, dressed as a priest
walk into the room.

Edward looked around at the gathered group, whom had all turned to
look at him. He smiled and saluted them with his gun, scanning for
Jessa's tale-tele red curls. When he didn't succeed at that he walked
over to Jean-Claude and Asher, knowing it was them by the fact Jean-
Claude sat on a throne. He had to admit, their costumes were good,
chess pieces, with Jean-Claude as King and Asher Queen...though the
black outfit did make the Master look fat. He stared up into the blue
eyes of the mask and licked his lips, not liking the rush of energy
down his was too close to desire for his cup of
tea. "Where's Jessa?"

The duo remained silent, staring at him with their cold, blank eyes.
Edward glanced around, looking at the assembled weres and
vampires. "Where is she?!" He yelled, his voice echoing in the sudden
quiet. When no one moved forward to speak he pulled out his gun,
aiming it at Jean-Claude's heart.

"You told her to leave she did!" Larry yelled, his voice full of raw

Edward smirked. "I know Jessa, she wouldn't leave, not for where is she Kirkland? Tell me or the Master is
missing a heart."

"NO!" Jessa yelled, standing.

Edward frowned at the giant chess piece now on his feet. "Jessa?"

"Don't kill him, swear it!"

Edward frowned in thought, confused. He had threatened to kill Jean-
Claude, whom had turned out to be if he swore not to kill
Jean-Claude...he couldn't kill Jessa, or could he because he swore
not to kill Jean-Claude...but he had thought she was Jean-Claude so
he had threatened her in reality...

He looked back up only to find himself aiming at an empty throne,
save for the costume. Unable to cloud his mind with powers she didn't
have, she simply confused him and ran. Edward stared at the chair,
then walked behind it, expecting to find a door or the vampire hiding
behind the massive throne. Instead he found Anita. "Where is she?"

"Gone." Anita said softly. "Faster then you could have seen...try out
back..or maybe even at her old place if she hailed a cab."

Edward frowned but left the circus, knowing he would track Jessa down
sooner or later, besides, Donna was coming in and he wanted to take a

As soon as Edward left everyone looked to the ceiling where Jessa was
hovering with the aid of a harness and Damian holding her rope. Jessa
grinned, swinging back and forth in her peter pan costume. "I can

Larry and Jason snickered while Anita just shook her head. "Okay
Damian, let her down easy!"

Damian nodded and started slowly letting the swinging vampire down,
inch by inch. Unfortunately, this was the same rope Jason had been
using as a chew toy last full moon and the frayed bite marks snapped,
sending Jessa hurtling towards the throne. She screamed but it was
cut short as she was impaled on the sharp pointy top, going strait
through her heart and out her back.

Saitaina's Diary