Forever and for Always\ The Zeppo Returns

Summary : Dustin and Alicia work on ways that may stop the 'mating'. Cordelia learns of it. Gavin confesses his love for Clover. Xander visits Cordy, and they start up their romance again. Clover starts having prophecy dreams about the mating.

Spoilers: All other Clover stories and every Buffy and Angel episode. (just to be safe)

Disclaimer: Everyone from Buffy belong to Joss Wedon. Everyone else is mine. I also didn't come up with the Slayer mythology, he did.

Copyright: I, Oak14177, or Nichole, own all Clover stories and all Clover characters.

Rai Sheilds sat on the couch in the student lounge with her best friend, the Slayer, Clover Chase. Rai took a bite out of her candy bar, and Clover took a sip of her Coke.

"So, he's still mad at me?" Clover asked like a child who had just been discovered doing something wrong.

Rai moved a long stray a raven colored hair away from her face. She still couldn't believe her cousin, Gavin McNeal, was still mad at Clover. It had all started when they had gotten back from Gavin's band's gig a little less than a month ago. They had learned of Cordelia getting bit, of Clover's father being a vampire, of Spike helping her, and giving her the cross. That's what had started it. Gavin was jealous of Spike. So now he wouldn't even look at Clover. Rai couldn't help but feel sorry for her; it wasn't her fault Spike always showed up.

"He's still mad. Gav told me he hopes you and Spike are happy together, and if it's not too much trouble to name your first born after him." Rai looked at Clover nervously. "Vampires can't have kids can they? Because that would just be so eww and sad."

Clover got more comfortable on the couch. The Slayer couldn't believe what was happening and all because of Spike.

"No. They can' know."

Rai shook her head up and down. "Oh," was all she could say.

The bell rang and just as they were getting up to head to English class, Rai got an idea about how to get Gavin to forgive Clover.

Spike paced around the factory where he had set up house. The British vampire was worried. He had heard from the underground. One of these things was that the mating was going the happen in a little less than five weeks, and if that wasn't bad enough, one of the minions had seen him and knew a vampire was helping the Slayer. Alicia would make sure nothing bad happened, but...there was a small chance.

Then there was that Slayer problem. Spike had to keep away from her. He hadn't talked to her since they had dusted her father, but he still kept an eye on the young girl. He followed her on her patrols sometimes, and once stayed outside her house at night. But that had only been because he had heard Kelmarc might make a move.

The vampire rubbed his chin and noticed he was growing a beard. He would have to shave soon. He walked into a back room.

In the room were five pizza delivery people all tied up. He grabbed one off her rack. His faced changed and he suck his fangs in her neck. Tonight he would see the Slayer.

Cordeila Chase in her office going over some papers for her boss when the phone rang. She answered it. "Hello, Ms. Cordelia Chase speaking, how may I help you?"

There was a long pause over the other end of the phone, and a deep familiar voice answered. "Cordy? Its me Xander. How, how are you?"

Cordeila dropped the phone. She hadn't heard from Alexander LaVelle Harris for fourteen years. And now he was calling her at work! She quickly picked the phone back up, just as Xander was calling out her name.

"I'm here." Cordy swallowed and checked her hair in the mirror on her desk. Even though he couldn't see her. "I'm fine. Xander how did you find me? I mean the last time we talked we were twenty-four and the circumstances weren't that great."

There was a short pause on the other end. " No, no they weren't," Xander admitted sorrowfully. "I can't believe that was the last time we talked, although I guess we both had our reasons. Those two years were the hardest on all of us. Losing Will, Buff, and Angel all in that short time period, it was...."

"Difficult, " Cordelia finished with a large sigh, " very difficult. When Buffy was killed, senselessly by that demon, then Willow almost a year later trying to give Angel his humanity back and Buffy her life , was killed during the backfiring spell."

"And Angel," Xander supplied knowing Cordelia was close to tears by the sound of her voice, "and Angel who took his own life shortly after Willow’s death because he blamed himself for both their deaths."

There was a sniff over the line and neither was sure who had made it. Finally, Cordelia talked. "Xander, where are you calling from?"

There was another long pause over the phone, then Xander answered. "A hotel here in SunnyDale. Oz told me you were here, and I had some time off, so I thought I'd drop by." then as an after thought he added. "You know who would have thought you, me, Oz, Giles, and Jenny the last members of the Scooby Gang. I always thought I'd go before Will or Buffy. They both did the greatest things. Like how Willow and Amy brought Jenny back from the dead nineteen years ago. And she still looked thirty-two, and didn't remember dying. And Buffy saving the world time and time again." Cordelia heard another sniff over the line. "Cordelia there is something I have to tell you."

Cordelia braced herself for the worst. "You got married?" she questioned but hoped it wasn't true.

There was a laugh over the other end of the line. "No. I couldn't, I've only loved three woman in my life. Buffy, Willow, and you." He paused a moment for a reaction but there was none. "Two were dead and the other was mourning the lost of someone she loved. No, the thing is I stayed in the army a little while after we talked, then I became a Watcher. I had helped Buffy, I wanted to help other Slayers. Besides it was may way of keeping Will alive. She wanted to be a Watcher. I also wanted to be like Giles, but maybe cooler like Jenny. There is something else Cor, I know Clover is one. Can I come over tonight? I could cook you and Clover dinner. There is something you should know about. It has to do with Clover and her being the Chosen One."

Cordilia couldn't her ears Alexander Harris a Watcher?! Well anything was possible, she had learned that. She also wanted to know what it had to do with Clover and her being the Slayer. She checked her reflection in the mirror. "Yeah. Of course, we live in Buffy and Mrs. Summers old house."

"How fitting. I'll be over around six-thirty. And Cordy. I still love you." There was a click and then the line phone went off.

Cordelia stared at the phone a minute before hanging up. Xander, she was going to see him again. This called for a new outfit. She smiled to herself. Tonight was going to be a night to remember.

"God. If he doesn't finish this talk soon, I'm going to die," Gavin McNeal stated as he leaned over so his cousin could hear him better in their seventh hour science class.

The teacher Mr. Goodnson was giving a very boring, very long talk on lab safety. He had started at the being of class fifty-seven minutes ago.

Rai could see her cousin's sweat. He needed something, and knowing Mr. Goodson he wouldn't let Gavin leave even if he were dead. No, his thoughts on class talks, well more like him talking, really was that if you left you could miss something important.

"Hey, is something wrong?" she whispered to him. Also tried of hearing the teacher talk, more then usual.

"Yeah, I have to water the garden," he looked over at Rai to make sure she knew what he was saying. "My bladder is going to explode. People will ask how I died and you'll have to say, 'Oh it was his bladder, it exploded.' Yeah that's right, I guess I wasn't lab safe Mr. Goodness." He directed at the teacher.

Rai let out a giggle. Mr Goodness didn't seem to notice. "Gavin, I hope you don't mind me saying so, but Clover misses you."

Gavin stopped squirming, and for a second Rai thought he had "watered" his pants. "Don't say her name around me." His voice was hard and uncaring, but Rai had known him sixteen years. He had sounded like that when he had failed the eight grade. Deep down inside he wanted to cry.

"Listen, Gavin I think you should talk to her. Maybe tonight? Yeah, you could go to her house and you two could talk."

The bell rang just then and Gavin bolted for the door. Rai hoped he had listened to her.

Clover walked down the stairs to the "Batcave" seventh hour to the sounds of groans and metal clicking. The Slayer knew what that meant. Dustin Rogers, her Watcher and principal, and Alicia Price, his girlfriend and residence creative writing teacher, were fencing, and by the sound of it neither one was going to win anytime soon.

"Hey guys," she told them cheerfully, as she bounced down the last steps. "You know I come down here to train, and instead I find you two fencing. I even changed!" She pointed to her tied back blond hair, gym suit, and sneakers. The Chosen One took her spot on the edge of the table so she could swing her legs.

"Yes, well Miss. Price and I didn't think you would get here so soon," Dustin explained as he blocked Alicia from winning.

Alicia came back at him with force. "Clover, Dustin was just telling me how he had given you the night off. While I beat him, why don't you do some of your homework, so you can have fun tonight."

Clover shrugged, grabbed her backpack, and jumped off the table. " Sure thing Miss. P, you two can make with the kissage. I won't come up if I stop hearing the metal." She walked to the stairs leading to the lower part of the "cave."

As soon as she was out of ear sound, even for a Slayer. Dustin and Alicia stopped fencing. "Miss. P?" Alicia asked at the same time Dustin said. "Make with the kissage. What does she take us for? Teenagers we do more then just kiss. Really."

"Yeah," Alicia teased as she raised her eyebrow.

Dustin could feel himself blush. "Yes well. Umm, lov, have you found that spell that may stop the 'mating' from happening?"

Alicia tossed the Watcher a towel as she grabbed her own and an old looking book. "This is it," she read the title out loud. "Spells From Hell ."

"It rhymes," Dustin stated as they sat down together to read it.

"Well, you know what they say about things from hell have a great senses of humor." Alicia gave a wry look to her boyfriend.

"Yes. How else do you explain the boy bands from the nineties and eighties. Uh, seems here that we need something I don't have. We can get them at my place."

"Let's go," Alicia agreed as she grabbed her things and they headed up the stairs both forgetting about Clover.

Clover found a spot in the lower part by some stacks. She lay on the carpet and took out her English book and notebook. She opened them both and settled in to do some homework. The Slayer noticed the metal clicking had stopped. Clover shrugged. "They may only be in their twenties, but they're teachers," she thought outloud.

Clover closed her eyes. "I shouldn't have stayed up so late on the phone with Rai then put off studying," she scolded herself out loud. "God, when do I sleep?" She let out a loud yawn. "How about now?" She closed her eyes and feel asleep.

Images came at Clover. She saw her arms and legs strapped down by iron bars, she couldn't break. The Burning Cross high above her. Her missing Watcher, Chris Barron, a large demon. Blood, lots of blood and a dark room.

A bell rang, and Clover shot up. She gathered her things and raced up stairs to find Dustin and Alicia gone. She shook her head and ran up stairs.

Xander arrived at the Chase home at exactly six-thiry. No-one was there, so he just picked the lock and walked in. He walked into the kitchen walked over to the stove, and started cooking, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Outside the house, Cordelia stepped gingerly out of her car, with her briefcase in on hand and her two piece blouse, skirt, and heels she looked every inch the lawyer; a lawyer with a date that night. Cordelia walked up her sidewalk, onto her porch and fumbled with the keys to open the door. It was then she noticed that it was unlocked and there was noise coming from inside the house.

She hesitated. She knew Clover was going to go on patrol before coming home, and she knew they had left the house locked. Slowly she walked through the hall, clutching the briefcase over her head and inched to where the sounds were coming from, the kitchen.

She crepped into the kitchen, there she saw a man wearing jean pants and a white t-shirt cooking at the stove.'

"SunnyDale just keeps getting weirder," Cordy thought to herself. She walked over to the man and hit him over the head with briefcase. He turned around, but it was too late, Cordy was in the middle of a hitting frenzy.

"Ow, C.C. could you stop?" the man bellowed, as he fell to the ground and covered his head.

Cordelia stopped in mid-hit, and froze to see Xander sprawled on her kitchen floor with his hands over his head.

Cordelia leaned down and helped him up sheepishly. "Oh God Xander, I'm so sorry."

"Hey no problem, I'm use to getting hit," he replied.

"So, you're a Watcher," Cordy said trying to think of something to say as they sat down at the bar, "Kind of ironic. Have you had a Slayer yet? I mean have you trained one?"

"No, actually I train potential Watchers in weapons. They keep me in the office mostly. They don't like me to get too involved since Buffy and all."

"So tell me," she said as he quickly got up to check on his still cooking dinner. "what made you become a Watcher?"

Xander sat back down and sighed. "I really wanted to stay in the army at first, but after Buffy, Will, and even Angel well..."

"Oh," they were quite for a long time. "Didn't you say over the phone about talking to me about Clover being the Slayer."

Xander looked uncomfortable. "Yes, but thats not the only reason I'm here. I'm here because I well, loved Buffy, Williow, and you at the same time. Not that you were ever third place Cordy. But I seemed to mess them all up. Every relationship, and they're gone now Cordy, and well I don't want to loss you!"

Cordelia watched the emotions play over his face, and a few tears pooped up in her eyes. It had been a long time, a very long time. She leaned in and kissed lightly to his surprise.

Xander put his arm around her gently. "God, Cory, its so good to have you back in my arms again. I missed you so much."

Cordelia drew back at arms length. "You had something to tell me Xander, about Clover." She watched him look away and pulled his chin back so he could look her in the eyes. "Please Xander, I need to know."

"Look, I hate being the one to tell you this, but if I know Dustin, and I think I do. I trained him in wea- pons. Then I know he hasn't told you or maybe even Clover yet."

"Well its a wonder Clover hasn't died yet." She sighed. "Don't get me wrong, he's a good man, but sometimes a little scatterd."

Xander smiled. "Yep, that's Dustin. But seiosly, Cordelia, this is going to be hard. Do you remember Chris Barron?"

"Yeah, he was a weird man, always creeped me out really. He always wacthed her in stranges ways. He disappered after three months, they never found him. I'm ashamed to say, in a way, I was glad."

Xander put a hand and brushed her hair back, and talked quickly. "He was, is a demon Cordy. This ritual it's called the "mating", and he's behind it."

"I don't like the sound of it Xander," she said slowly drawing back from him.

"No one does," he admitted.

"What will happen? Will she die? God Xander she's my baby!" She grabbed his wist tightly.

"No," he shook his head. "I really don't know much, no one does. That's why I'm here to consult with Dustin..."

"Hello Clover," Cordelia intruppted him.

Xander turned to see the Slayer at the back door. Her sleeve was torn, her face was dirtly, and her nose was bleeding. She was looking at him wrily.

"Sorry I'm late," she said grapping a dish towel and wipping her. "Mom, Mr. Harris... I'm not going to be rude, but what are you doing here. It's a surpirse. Am I intruppting something?" She looked at the guilty looks on thier faces.

Cordelia and Xander turned ward each other then back to Clover. Cordelia touched Clover's right arm lightly because of her scars. "Sweetheart, what happened to you?!"

Clover smiled at them. "Let's just say it involved some Easter candy, a blood shipment, and eight very big vampires. I should go change for dinner." Clover walked out of the kitchen and the sounds of her footsteps were heard running up the stairs.

Xander turned back to Cordy. "You can tell she's your daughter."

Cordelia gave him a small grin. "Thanks could we not talk about the you know what at dinner? I don't want to scare her. And tomorrow is the start of spring break, besides Dustin should be here when we do tell her."

Xander nodded his head in agreement. "He is her Watcher. I think it would be best." He got up and walked to the stove to get dinner finished.

Dustin fiddled with his keys to get into his town house. Alicia nudged him in the ribs. "Brings back memories. But Brit we should hurry up."

Dustin finally got the key in the door. He opened it to reveal his home.

It was elaborately cluttered with too many things for the hall and living room. The floor was wooden through out the entire two story townhouse, so the whole place had a dark gothic feeling to it. There were short candle holders everywhere, low plush sofa and its television set. The doorway to the kitchen and sidebar, and the straight staircase which lead to the townhouse's one bedroom and bath.

The Watcher pointed to the sofa. "Stay here. I'll only be a moment." Alicia shrugged her shoulders and flopped down on the sofa. She noticed magazines on the coffee table and picked one up. "Ah, Watcher’s Digest." she picked up another. "Weapons Are Us."

Dustin came running down the stairs. "I've found it. I think we can start now,"

Alicia got up off the sofa holding up Weapons Are Us. "Nice reading material. I didn't think these were real, I thought they were just stuff in movies."

Dustin shook his head. "No, they're real just not for the general public."

They sat down on the sofa, and Alicia opened the book to a marked page. She started to read out loud, translating the Latin to English.

"According to the monk that wrote the prophecy..." Alicia looked up from the book and smiled at Dustin, "You ever notice how monks always know everything? Anyway, the demon, Kelmarc, takes her soul, the details are sketchy on how he does it, and then brings her to Hell and there... Dear God." Alicia pressed a hand to her lips and gave the book a horrified look.

Dustin slowly took the book from her and continued translating. "He mates with her, and since time goes much faster there, one day is a little over hundred years. He needs her to give him a baby boy with a certain birthmark, and all the other children that don't fit description will be killed until its born. And each time, she will be tortured and forced to have another. She will have no power there, she will be... helpless." Then Dustin cleared his throat nervously and quoted directly. "And come the day, she will be seated at his right hand and their child shall open the portals to hell." "And there will be an evil Slayer, one of the most powerful demons from Hell, and their child. Okay, that spelling 'end of the world' for me here Dustin. Flames, fire, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, people dead in the streets, the whole Apocalypse, and it will begin in SunnyDale. There has to be a way to stop it there always is." "I'm not entirely sure," he answered. "The translations are terrible from this point on. It seems there's a spell with two willing demons who will help contain her soul in her body when Kelmarc comes for her. It says nothing about stopping the ritual, but at least she won't go into the fight powerless. She'll still be Clover and she'll still have a chance at winning." Alicia sat back on the sofa and folded her hands on her lap. "Two demons? Willing?" She turned away from Dustin's quizzical look and added. "Will the spell kill them?" "No, why do you ask?" An angered look pasted over Dustin's features and his British accent became harsher. "Its Spike isn't it? You're worried about him aren't you?" "No," she answered angrily, then sighed. "I'm wondering were you are going to find two willing demons willing to help a Slayer much less die for her. Damnit Dustin I'm telling you for the last time, Spike and I have a business relationship, nothing more. You're the only man in my life." She leaned over and kissed him.

Twenty minutes after Cordelia and Xander where interrupted by Clover's arrival in the kitchen, Cordy sat at her dinning room table as Xander came out of the kitchen bearing a covered dish which he set d- own on the table. At that moment, Clover came down the stairs and stopped at the dinning room door. She watched her mother and ex-boyfriend exchange a look that Clover understood. The Slayer strolled into the room. She took a seat across from her mother. Cordelia and Xander turned toward her. Xander took a seat on Cordillia's right, and took the cover off the dish.

"Ladies," He stated as he picked up a knife to serve them. "This is my prized blue ribbon winning meal, Shepherds Pie."

Both Chase woman stared at the strange dish on their table. "It looks... interesting Xander. How long were you in England again?" Cordelia asked as she wrinkled her nose at the dish.

Xander gave a wink. "Lets see. I'm 38, and I moved there to be a Watcher at 25, ago 13 years." the minute the words were out of Xander's mouth he wished he hadn't said them.

Clover stopped drinking in mid motion and put the glass down slowly. "You're a Watcher?"

"Yes," Xander answered hesitantly, "but I'm not here to replace Dustin or anything."

Under the table Cordelia stepped hard on Xander's toe with her heel causing him to suck in his breath hard. He saw warring on her face, if he said anymore Clover would start suspecting more then they were ready to explain.

"Then why are you here?" Clover questioned.

"I'm off!" he cried quickly as an explanation. "That is it, its my vacation, and since I trained Dustin, did you know that? Well, anyway I did, and I thought I'd look in on him. And well, since I was here I thought maybe I'd see Cordy." He smiled at Clover's mom who smiled back almost shyly.

"Oh, I see what's going on here. Do you two want me to leave you alone, perhaps?" Clover questioned smiling broadly.

"Cordelia turned a sharp look to her daughter. "Clover Alexandra Chase! I'm going to pretend that I do not have any idea what you're talking about. Now we are all going to sit here and eat some of Xander's dish," Cordelia took the knife from Xander and cut three pieces of the dish and fixed them each a plate.

Cordy knowing Clover wasn't about to eat the unidentifiable food, took a hesitant bite and gagged. She reached for a napkin, spit out the food, then turned blushing to Xander and Clover, trying to keep from laughing.

It didn't take long for all three to start laughing uncontrollably. Cordelia, who heard a knock at the back door, pushed back her chair, and went over to answer it.

"Pizza!" a British voice called out cheerfully holding a cardboard box in his hand, while the other took the last puff of his cigarette, drop it to the ground, and ground the butt under his black boot.

Cordy backed away from the doorway and called softly. "Clover."

Clover and Xander got up quickly from the table exchanged a quick worried look, and met Cordelia in the kitchen. There in the doorway stood Spike.

"Spike? What are you doing here?!" Xander exclaimed pulling Cordelia by the arm so she was behind him.

"Well, well, Xander Harris," Spike said looking him up and down and placing the pizza box on the counter.

"Is there a point to this?" Clover questioned not even sparing a glance toward her mother and Xander. "we were in the middle of dinner. Unless," she looked at the pizza box, "what happened to the pizza guy?" she questioned demandingly.

Spike gave the Slayer a sly look. "Lets just say I'm not hungry anymore."

"Clover do you have any idea who you're talking to?! This vampire is..."

"Is a snappy dresser?" Spike questioned smiling.

Clover turned to her mom and Xander almost disbelieving. "Did all you people know him?" she questioned pointed at the vampire. "Were you all on the same bowling team?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Xander cried grabbing a wooden spoon from the counter with all the intention of killing Spike. "It's his kinds fault that they're dead." Xander lunged past Clover with his hand raised. Spike growled deep with in his throat and ignored Clover's raised hand between them.

It was then that the front doorbell rang and everyone paused and turned.

"Why don't we all get that," Cordelia suggested walking toward the front hall after grabbing Xander's arm and pulling him with her. He flashed Spike an angry look as he and Clover followed behind.

Cordy opened the door to reveal Gavin. "Hey Ms. Chase is Clover home..." Gavin trained off as he who was standing behind her. "What's he doing here?" Gavin demanded pointing angry at Spike.

"Just what I was wondering," Xander said from where he stood on the opposite side of the hall from the vampire. "And just whose this kid?" he questioned Cordelia.

"I'm Gavin," Gavin spoke up walking in the house after Cordelia motioned him in and closed the door behind him. "And I'm not a kid. And what is it with these British men?"

"Technically I'm not British," Xander explained loosing the accent quickly, "just spent a little time there..."

"Um, Xander why don't we leave everyone and clean up in the kitchen," Cordelia said moving him out of the hall.

"Um...well," Xander protests were lost as the dinning room door closed behind them.

Clover looked from her friend to the vampire. She let out a huge sigh. "Okay, Gavin take a seat in the living room. Spike come with me or get out." she put her hand on her forehead. "I can't believe this day. First that dream, now this."

"What dream?" Spike asked with insisted.

Gavin gave the British vampire a look. " Hey, pervert! Don't ask Clov stuff like that.," he turned to Clover. "Clov, what I need to talk to you about is really a just between us thing. What kind of dream?"

"Wait a second," Spike interrupted loudly, "why can you ask about the dream and I can't? And who you calling pervert? I don't have to take this kind of abuse." Spike added storming past an astonished Clover and Gavin. Walking out the door and slamming it behind him.

"Okay..." Gavin said as the door closed behind the vampire. "Whatever that was about. Anyway, Clover I really need to talk to you." He grabbed her hand, lead her to the sofa and sat down next to her.

Clover kept silent and watched Gavin curiously not knowing what to think, or what was going on. She was also a little confused. Gavin looked at her open expression, sighed got off the sofa and started pacing the living room. He could feel her eyes on him.

"This isn't easy for me Clov. I've been trying to get the courage for this ever since... well the first time I saw you at the Bronze. And I know this is a shock, maybe, and maybe I'll repulse you and you'll run from the room screaming, but I..."

"Gavin," Clover gently interceded. Gavin turned to look at her finally and saw a smile on her face.

Gavin stopped pacing and ran over to the sofa. He kneed down of the Chosen One, and grabbed her hands in his. "Then its true? You feel the same way?"

"What?! Please tell me your not proposing." Clover stated confused, she took her hands out of his, and got up, he did the same.

"What is he doing?" Cordelia asked Xander from their spot in the hallway were they stood listening. Xander turned to her in annoyance. "It's so obvious. That kid reminds me of me at that age." Cordy gave him a confused look. "Come on C.C., Gavin likes Clover in the 'more then friends way'. I did the same thing with Buffy."

He looked over at Cordy, and saw the hurt look on her face. He walked over to her and gave her a hug. "I love you now Cordelia. You know that," he looked back at Gavin and Clover. "My God, he's doing it all wrong. I should go help him." he started to leave, but Cordy held him back.

"Let him do it his way, Xander. Besides you couldn't get Buffy to go out with you, your way." she added the last with a smirk and sly grin.

"Of course I'm not proposing," Gavin covered quickly with a blush. "we're way to young. But," he looked expectantly at her, "if I did would you say yes?"

"Yes, no, I mean Gavin were is this going?" Clover demanded.

"I'm in love with you," he blurted out quickly, "I've been in love with you since the moment I saw you. Say, you'll be mine."

"What?" Clover questioned drawing back from him. "First of all, I'm no man's woman, and secondly of all, God Gavin," she sighed sorrowfully, "I'm the Slayer. Do you gave any idea what that encompasses? God that was a big word, thank you English. It will drive us apart, and if by some miracle we stay together, what if something happened to me? You'll always blame me, and I just can't deal with that right now, Gav," she finished lamely flopping back down on the sofa.

Gavin slowly sat back down next to her careful to place a cushion in between them. "Oh, alright. I see." he slowly rose and walked over to the door, and putting his hand on the knob. "But we'll still be friends right?" he said trying to joke. "Pizza, movies, Bronze night." then as an after thought. "Do you love me even a little?" he questioned without turning to Clover, and then he opened the door and walked out without waiting for Clover's answer.

She placed her hands behind her head and laid down on the sofa. "I'm sorry Gavin," she whispered to the empty room. "Yes, forever and for always."

In the dinning room, Cordy and Xander turned to look at each other. "Maybe I should go to her?" Cordelia whispered concerned. She made a move to leave the room, but Xander held her back.

"I know you want to go see her Cor, but she needs time to think, and to be alone. She has a lot of things going on right now, and a lot more coming, for right now, let her have a night without demons, vampires and even well-meaning but, middle-some "old" people."

Cordelia nodded slowly and followed Xander back into the kitchen were they did the dishes, in silence. While in the living room the Chosen One cried herself to sleep.

The End.

Oak's Diary