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Pablo X: Oh look, it's J HardOn. What interesting chat must come of such an intriguing handle. *sigh*
The JOLT!MAN™ : Probably something like "Well fuck you you mother-fucker! Go fuck your pet goat you fucking wanker!" But then, I'm just guessing. An educated guess, however....
buttocks...!: my money is on "FUcK U yOu FUcKers"
AlBi the II: I reckon it's "Fuck you all, I'm fucking outta here, this place is fucked" ...
buttocks...!: erm..."You fuckers all suck, you fucking losers", by any chance?

Chat Daemon: CningCnlngst has entered the room.

Chat Daemon: hardon has entered the room.
butt de la ocks: hello don!

Chat Daemon: enrico (bi/m) has entered the room.
THE JOLT!MAN™ : Hi, bi!
Explanation for Bella: You see, this is really a double entendre..."bi" is pronounced like "bye", ergo the HUMOR in this statement is that I am REALLY saying "Hi, bye!" - a greeting and a farewell at the same time.
Take your time. I'm sure you'll understand it.
Bella: ug...egh... just give me a second jolt, I've nearly got it... Wow! Hahahaha! Thankyou so much for your help.
THE JOLT!MAN™ : Glad you approve. There's further summaries available at www.humorless.com. Go check it out.

Chat Daemon: cupid stunt has entered the room.

Chat Daemon: hard4u has entered the room.
butt this is it: yay!....climb aboard, all you idiots!

Chat Daemon: R. Sole has entered the room.

Chat Daemon: AlBi_here4eva has entered the room.
Fluffy Georgi: *applaudes wildly* Welcome back dahling! *S*
AlBi_here4eva: Be gentle wiv me ...
Fluffy Georgi: If I'm gentle, then who will you be?? *S*
AlBi_here4eva: I'll be "MUTHAF*KINBIGDIK4U"

Chat Daemon: bitch has entered the room.
ugly bloke: MOTHER, if I've told you once, I've told you a million times, don't follow me in to the chat rooms!

Chat Daemon: WHIPCREAM has entered the room.
Scully: Looks at Zack* *EG*
Zaxl Rose: *LOL* creamy white stuff brings my name to mind huh?? *ROTFLMAOPIMP*

Sorry -- This Room is Full!!
Please try again soon.
Try another room, or learn a little about us:

Doesn't that just shit ya to tears?!

Chat Daemon buttocks /? has entered the room.
iconoclast: Buttocks don't enter things.................things enter buttocks.

ugly bloke: fur king chat daemon....
Majesti˘™: Chat Daemon: ugly bloke has entered the room.
I'd be worried if the room entered uggers I can tell you *L*

Chat Daemon: HARD 9" has entered the room.
butt er locks: ....bloody hell!....
Maješti˘™: You going to be a sore butt soon boy!!

Chat Daemon: 0# Chat Daemon has entered the room.
butt kiss: ..Oi, who let that bastard in!? :)
Ping: *laughs* the bouncers must be on a break... :)

Chat Daemon: Phuque Everyone has entered the room.

Chat Daemon: phonesex/m has entered the room.
ugly bloke: will you reverse the charges?

Chat Daemon: ~187's WISHEZ~F has entered the room.
~187's WISHEZ~F: There should be a message that says
"Chat Daemon: ~187's WISHEZ~F can't enter the room because someone with a lame handle like SEXY or HARD4U needs to come in to even out the room with their lame personality."
but then again that light be just a lil too long....
Lady Dark: *LMAO*...

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