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(fresh to you each week from the hordes who inhabit the Halloween Party)

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It's always newbay-bee!!

Last updated 14 February 2000

(What's happening on the Halloween Party Forum ?)

This month's topic for discusson on the Forum is ...

Who is and isn't leaving the Halloween Party forever?

Click on the link to the Forum (above), to join in.

Chatter Box

(Hall chatting newz)

Another Hall chatter has added a site to this wonderful world wibe web thingy. Click here to get to †heVampyreBi†ch's new site.

If ya wanna see pics from AlBi's travels around the UK and Europe in 1999, click the links below:
Ping's Party
San Sebastian (Spain)
Madrid (Spain)
Barcelona (Spain)
South of France

On to the chat!!

TOTEM: my mum said never to speak to biscuits
FlavouredGeorgi: Did she say why???

Chat Daemon: crazybob has entered the room.
FlavouredGeorgi: Am I the only one that, when seeing this handle, thinks of a used car salesman in a yellow checked jacket with a striped tie??
Ophelia™ : *chuckles* Nope... but I actually see a bald man with a checked jacket and spotty tie. *nods*

AlBi: Now, where was I ... Oh yeah - YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! *stamps foot*
Wolfman¹ : *chuckling*...I just sent you a mental command to stamp your foot...so I DID make you! *L*
AlBi: I hadn't finished. The whole thing was YOU CAN'T MAKE ME NOT STAMP MY FOOT! *chuckle*
Wolfman¹ : Ah, but YOU failed to wait until I had finished MY thought, which was that I gave you a mental command to not want to not admit that you had not stamped your foot! (Triple Negative!!! I get points for that, right?)

agla: AlBi> what is the definition of a "reg"?
AlBi: You tell me and we'll both know.
agla: A reg: one who enters chathouse to the detriment of her psyche and becomes entrenched in the drama of chatlife.. and is recognized by all others who live, breathe, and eat chats.

Public Messages
~aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhh there it is!....'whacks it with his crutch'....Asphyxia, HELP.....
-*asphyxia*-™ : runs into the none and pounces on top of it...asphyxiating it with rage....the struggles end...*

pissed horse: what's been happening PID?
indePth IDea: *kiddies excited voice*Well, I sold our last cow for some magic beans and Vampy threw them out into the garden and then this huge great beanstalk appeared and I climbed up it and there was a magic castle at the top and inside lived this giant horse and and and...*LOL*

PsychoMantis: I'm dreaming of a sight percentage of rainy Christmas

they're my angel's

Here is the chatting handle of someone who should probably be called "the chatter formally known as":

Ping: I don't believe you.
×sleepyTeKNo×: *slaps her knee* So damn clever it makes me hurt! *hobbles away in pain*

Sometimes chatters like to give the Chat Daemon a hand by adding comments to arrival and departure announcements.
Below is an excellent example.

Ping as Chat Daemon: getTOit has exited the room to try and get where ever 'it' is.

ti*tania: its ok ping, you are one of the decent ones...
AlBi: *lines up behind Ping*
-*asphyxia*-™ : *lines up behind AlBi with a huge innocent grin plastered on her face*
horse: *lines up behind -*asphyxia*-™* is this the line to the toilets??

Poly pam...she's so nice
Poly pam with sugar and spice
Hang her on your christmas tree..oops...*wanders off in a homicidal daze* NO no bad no cookie!
luv you pam!

Spike 21(M): thats nice (:^|)

Honey: So what time is it in America?
@rcade: about 6 or 7 different ones, id suspect....

Meatluvr_BiM: hi..pretty handle :) where u at? how old? what u looking for?
ßrídê؃§uí¢ídê™ : I'm sorry the quiz chat room is over there on your left

PolythenePam: Tekno--don't hide from me!!! *hugs*
×liquidAnemia×: *s* I would never hide from you..Unless you were dressed as a ballerina...
PolythenePam: *hastily removing the latest in latex dancewear* Damn, I relly liked that fishnet tutu, you know...

ChunkyBits: I was just showin you the people's eye brow. ,':-|

AlBi the Mighty: I'd just like to let you all know that I'm here coz Ping said youse were crap. *smiles sweetly*
Ping: Oooh you bitch! *laughs* :)
AlBi the Mighty: I'm your "bitch"? Subtext ... :0)
Ping: *cackles* Youz ma bitch, bitch. Now shuffle yo ass over here and gimme sum a dat sweet stuff.... :)
Chat Daemon: Dark Embrace: has entered the room.
Ping: helloooo. :)
Dark Embrace: Hi! what's it like in here today/tonight?
Ping: Crap.
*coughs* Until AlBi came in of course!!

jeremy: any sexy girls wanna talk to a sexy guy send me a privet message
Ping: How do you write on one of those?... don't all the little leaves make it difficult?

Rude: *grindin*
AlBi: STOP THAT! You'll go blind ...
Rude: *gets out white stick and puts undies on backwards*

L.Allamistako: jshfklutzu teukt aukrg aeh ehugöal ddjlö eig e geuigaig eaao df ddfaojfda a (Yuggoth for "I'm Bored")

~(()() hehe

*Janelle*: maybe they're just feeling way harsh today... you know like what ever... just all of you get over it.. this fighting is like so last season!!! (American cheerleader impression)

L.Allamistako: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. What a complete asshole.

Bonker: come on people!! i'm trying to make FREINDS here!! help me out!!! I HAVE NONE
that girl!: that's....nah, too easy...

#19: classylady(#781.543.702.612)
Public Messages
come on people!! i'm trying to make FREINDS here!! help me out!!! I HAVE NONE
Ping: The general jist of these retorts have potential, but they are TOTALLY ruined by the presentation and literary errors....

Ping: :) <-- see this thing here? It's called a 'smiley'. It usually means things are being said light-heartedly...
AlBi: I never use them, so assume that EVERYTHING I'm saying isn't serious. :0)
Ping: "AlBi: I never use them, so assume that EVERYTHING I'm saying isn't serious. :0)" <-- so what's that then??? hmmmm? :)
AlBi: That's "irony". *chortle*

Chat Daemon: punk in drublic has exited the room.

ezeluva: PING - Where are you from in London me is from South (sutton)
Ping: i'm just off of oxford st.
~Maješ†i¢™~: Now I know where to stalk you *eg*
AlBi: I can lend you my "Ping stalking map" I drew up while I was over there ... *weg*
Ping: *cackles*

†heVampyreBi†ch: *sneaks into the room* pssssssssssssssssssssst!!! *whispering* hey ya funkies!
i've an annoucement!! from this moment on, you are ALL officially an article on Wildlife Laws that needs to be analysed!! so act accordingly, will ya!

Ping: i'm 27 too !! and it definelty isnt old !!!
~Maješ†i¢™~: Then why do I feel so damn old?
AlBi: Oh grow up, the lot of you. You're only as old as who you're feeling. Thank godness CP has a young bum. :0)
~Maješ†i¢™~: I only feel......well myself really *L* I'm an owner operator

Harley Honey: I didn't realize there where so many children in this chatroom.
Rude: its a teens room.. didn't ya know.. I'm 47 teen

AlBi: Who shouldn't be in here?
Desdemona: um- people who cant type? lol

Hornet: Ha ha pulls out the old bow and lets loose a furry of arrows (pluck)>>>-----> (pluck)>>>-----> (pluck)>>>----->
AlBi: Pluck off. *LOL*
Hornet: Now that was funny all kidding aside *lol*

CourtneyShane: *bored look*
AlBi: *tries on a wooden trestle for that board look*
Desdemona: *lol* the board look suits you - it's right for your face shape
AlBi: I wooden know about that.
Desdemona: Ha ha! very nice. you sure 'carved' me up. You've told 'tree' jokes already!
AlBi: Tired now. Time "forest".
Desdemona: *lol* ok, so i surrender- you are just the best.

AlBi as Chat Daemon: Nobody's Angels has exited the room, in search of Charlie.
Lady A. Dark™ : *L*

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