New Adult Chat
(fresh to you each week from the bricks ~ and brick-haters ~ who inhabit the Halloween Party)
It's always bay-bee!!
Last updated some time in the year 2000
GUNT: you are all fat fucking computer nerds
OriginalGeorgi: Finally!!! Getting the respect that we deserve!!! ~golf claps~
GUNT: originalgeorgie>> wow, what a great comeback you piece of dog shit, it didn't even make any sence
OriginalGeorgi: When you learn to spell, then come talk to me sweetheart.
OriginalGeorgi: What sound does a falling brick make???
Chat Daemon: PsychoticGeorgi has entered the room.
PsychoticGeorgi: ~hops about, squealing and giggling, nodding like mad~ UHHHHHH HUH!!!!!!!!!
Ophelia™ : ~ggls~... I hereby declare you... Psychotic, Queen of all things twisted, bizarre and fucking hilarious!! Now go!! Spread your Psychotic word, knock on people's doors and force it down their throats!!
PsychoticGeorgi: ~runs around in circles, get's dizy, falls down, laughs hysterically, and gets up to only repeat herself many many times~ ~LMAO~
Ophelia™ : ~holds you at arm's length... not touching you with a ten foot pole~
Private Message from crotch_sniffer: do you want to sniff my crotch?
PsychoticGeorgi: Nothing would make me happier..
can you feel the sarcasm???
cause I'm layin it on pretty thick..
Wolfman¹ : Hmmmm...sounds kinda' like a profane children's story...
Fuck, shit, fuck!
Look at Dick Fuck!
Run, Jane, run!
Dick sees Spot...
Fuck Spot, Dick!
AlBi: I always wondered about the line in that book which said "Jane loves Dick". What a little minx!
Wolfman¹ : It was the sub-plot with Spot the dog that most people missed out on...why do you think Jane was always shouting, "Run, Spot, Run!"...because little Dick was one hell of a randy little boy!
*ahem* I like this one:
All of you
have taught me so much
from the hardest hit
to the lightest touch
So many gems
so many pricks
I'll miss you all
even the bricks
From Jester to Draven
and Bitchy too
from Braggwen to horse
and Doopiedoopiedoo
Thankyou all
for being there
and showing me
how much you all care
*ahem* Tis not very good, just a 2 min job...
My dear AlBi
how can i forget you
After all the chatting
we have been through
Although my days
are coming to a close
I know you'll always be
the Queen of Hallowz
You're wit and humour
i will never forget
Not chatting more
is one thing i'll regret
But when all is said
and all is done
I know you'll always be
the best of fun *sobs*
AlBi: Hiya HH. Just popped in to wish you a fond farewell. :'0)
I've not known you that long, but I've enjoyed your chatting company (there will be some of your stuff on Addicted in the near future).
Take care, and I hope to see you back in Hall, one day.
HeåveñlyLastDay: Aww thankyou AlBi thats very considerate of you. I will miss you! *hugz* You are the Queen of you know what to me!
AlBi: *licks HH's face as a sign of affection*
HeåveñlyLastDay: *giggles* you're bloody bonkers! Tis kewl!
AlBi: That's just a nasty rumour ...
MentalMidget™ : *humps leg as a sign of affection*
HeåveñlyLastDay: Now thats just too dodgy!
MentalMidget™ : *scratches head*.......Dodgy????
HeåveñlyLastDay: Yeah wierd, freaky, dodgy!
AlBi: *contemplates starting a new Helen-based religion*
Wolfman¹ : You're gonna' get ALL mixed up with the Hellenists of ancient Greece...*S*
ÅcydRayñe™ : *chants* HELEN KRISHNA
AlBi: YAY! I was gonna suggest you as head priest!
Wolfman¹ : I was going to ask if I could be an Altar Boy.. but now that I think about it..
I don't want any high profile positions...I am modest...I would be happy to serve humbly as....oh...something like treasurer...*preparing the Swiss bank account*
HeåveñlyLastDay: Pahahaha! Kewl!
horse: *dancing around and singing*
oh helenhelen
oh helenhelen
oh helenkrishishna
AlBi: Now all you need are these *hands him tambourine and funny stick-shaped thingo with bells and ribbons on it*.
horse: *pulls out his tamborine and triangle*
*hands AlBi the tamborine*
take care of it
it's a good one
*dancing around and singing*
oh helenhelen
oh helenhelen
Helen is leaving, I wave her bye bye
As I watch her go, a tear in my eye
No longer a newbie, she's become one cool reg
So much so that someone is humping her leg
MentalMidget™ : Classic *lol*
horse: *laughing and crying at the same time*
HeåveñlyLastDay: Oh my god, *crying my fucking eyes out* Girlie! All of you! Damnit you are so kind. I gotta go, can't stand this, back in a foo. *runs out the door cryin'* bbl
Wolfman¹ :
Humping her leg, Bumping a peg,
Rumping a reg, Pumping a keg,
Do what you will, she'll always be missed
I'm feeling so sad now, I'll just go get pissed
Elle Mae:
Brick Embrace:
*/_\* @ <--- decapitated angel head
AlBi: What planet are you from?
ßrídê؃§uí¢ídê™ : He is from the planet "Norg" where breasts are plentiful and wanking is a greeting!
Private Message from 1HotGuy: wanna cyber?
ßrídê؃§uí¢ídê™ : hmm let's not and say we did!
Chat Daemon: awgasm has entered the room.
×liquidAnemia×: Horsy> *gags on her laughter* Hay. *l* I never noticed that. Horses eat hay, cows eat grass, go fuck your dad and eat your mother's ass. *l*
horse: *lmao* your one sick ostrich you are *G*
Chat Daemon: Hugejugges has entered the room.
ßrídê؃§uí¢ídê™ : ~LMAO~ and so begins another episode of "Bricks in Our Lives.......
Crusty the Blowman was a nasty old pervert.
He was old and grey with a 2 inch dick
and an asshole full of dirt.
Crusty the Blowman would fuck anything that moved.
His colostomy and his hemorrhoids are guaranteed to make you groove.
He wandered to the S&M shop to buy a big butt plug,
The workers knew him very well so they gave him a big hug.
Oh, Crusty the Blowman liked to play with little boys.
He'd say, "Come here, dear, I'll buy you a beer
then you can play with my old 'toys'."
His wife she died a horrible death, he found her snatch too big,
He fucked her in the nose so hard she got a hemorrhage.
Oh, Crusty the Blowman killed his wife and she turned black,
She was rotten now, thanks to Crusty
The Nec-ro-phil-i-ac!
Humpity hump hump, Humpity hump hump
Look at Crusty blow
Humpity hump hump, Humpity hump hump
Humpin' that big hunk of snow! (Hey, that's Frosty!!)
Jamie 22:
Heres a funny one...
There once was a man from peru
who fell asleep in a canoe
while dreaming of venus
he played with his penis
and awoke with a handful of goooooo
slick boy: Ok then you slut
sexyf*ck: *explaining slowly* you see sluts are the women who will cyber with anyone. look it up in your "big golden book for wankers"
manx: actually, in asshole terms, i think a slut is someone who won't cyber with them.
AlBi: *making notes* OK, so we start with Scully jumping out of a cake, then I think we should introduce tight leather shorts and edible undies for Highway, and a dominatrix outfit for Sculls ...
†heVampyreBi†ch: *lmoarotf* *grins* OH! and i can wouch for chicken suits that double as bondage gear... *nods*
AlBi: *sigh* No one ever PMs me sick messages unless I have the word "fuck" in my handle. *pout*
Avelina: *L* ooh show us an ankle! *lol*
AlBi: *hoists skirt up over her head* There ya go!! ;0)
Avelina: you have weird ankles *L*
AlBi: *suddenly gets the feeling that her and Avelina have been talking about different things*
*giggles nervously and lowers her skirt*
Avelina: *goes back to her embroidery* *g*
Private Message from sexy macDaddy: I like the legs the most about the female body, and how long do you like the penis of a guy to be in inches ??
Pamela: Unbelievable
Ping: The most common size on the internet... *giggles*
Snoop Dawg:
roses are red
violets are green
I love you're legs and what's in between
Ping: *grins evilly* I just shat myself....
Chat Daemon: Hung Solo has entered the room.
Dark Embrace: oh dear... don't tell me... next you are going to ask if anyone wants to see your wookie
You are brick number
to visit this page ... time for you to go out and meet someone of the opposite sex, for real
If you are suffering from brickitis my advice is for you to buy some boxing gloves