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United Holograms Storybook

Why we are United Holograms

Carry on!!

Serena: So, I bet you're all wondering 'What the heck do holograms have to do with Sailor Moon anyway?' Well, I'm here to tell you....
Rei: WE'RE here...
Serena: ..right, me and Rei are here to tell you the story about how the holograms unite.

Well, Queen Beryl overcame everybody but me, and it was up to me to save Darien, who was under her evil spell. Well I did, of course...
Rei: (sarcastically) of course,
Serena: but then the queen turned into ::gasp:: the evil Queen Metallica!
Rei: Will you skip the dramatics and get to the hologram part?
Serena: Ok, so there I stood agaist the night, my cresant wand the only light...

Rei: Serena, if you're going to sing the song, sing the song! Don't just recite the lyrics!
Serena: I can't help it if they made a song about what happened!

Anyway, I was all alone, I thought my friends were all gone.

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