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Pokemon Gold&Silver Versions

This page will tell you about the Pokemon Versions of Gold & Silver. Happy reading!

About The Upcoming Pokemon Gold & Silver Version

There are new installments to the PokéMon series. They are the Gold and Silver versions! These two games has many differences from previous PokéMon games in many ways. I won't tell you all I know yet!

First, it's a prequel to the other PokéMon games. As in it would be set in a time before the current PokéMon games(My only thought is that how are the Pokeballs back in the past?) Anyways...

It is said that these versions of the game will have over 250 monsters(Whoa!), each one of them having their own gender(Male or Female)! The monsters will be more realistic, as they will be diurnal and nocturnal, meaning you'd actually have to wait for them to wake up at a certain time of day for them to fight. And that of course means the game will have a clock, or timer, or any of the such(Like most RGPs).

Nintendo may be planning for the game to be made for Game Boy Color, which is most likely as the release date for the game is scheduled at April '99 for Japan. Also, there's a new version of Pikachu in the game! He is a nicely plump, BLUE Pikachu creature, who is called Mariru, meaning Marine Blue(Blue!?!?!?!). But to me, it's not that much like a Pikachu...more like just a water mouse! Anyways, some websites said Mariru's English name was Pikablue. Pika sounds more electric than watery(Like PIKAchu), it's most likely name would probably have some more related to a mouse and marine type. Yes, he's made cartoon appearences, such as his appearence in the movie Pikachu no Natsuyasumi (Pikachu's Summer Vacation) too !

The main problem? The older versions of PokéMon, PokéMon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow (Pikachu) won't be able to read the data of the new monsters of Gold and Silver. Sad, isn't it? That just ruins all your devious plans of sending the 150 PokéMon from your current version of PokéMon to Gold and Silver, doesn't it? I'm expecting their will be a total revamp in graphics, the ability to be able to print your PokéDex in the Game Boy Printer, and maybe even a new PokeWorld Map!

Publisher Nintendo
Developer Game Freak/Nintendo
Type RPG/Virtual Pet
System Game Boy (Color)
Players 1-2 players simultaenously (Game Link)
Memory 16-32 megabits
Save Cartridge
ESRP Rating Unknown
Expected Release Japan - March, 1999
America - To Be Announced
New Pokemon That Can Be Found In The Gold & Silver Versions
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