
Crazed & Confused

Updated June 15, 1999

Hey all! I've been working hard on part three and it's halfway done. But, meanwhile, I read over the first two parts and wasn't really happy with them. So, I thought long and hard and I edited. I've added Faith to part two to build up to the Zeppo. And, I completely rewrote the arguement at the end of part two. It now includes characters thoughts and lines that I think flow more nicely. All new things are in neon green, so they're easy to see. Check it out, and please tell me what you think. I'm adding a fanfic feedback form for my stories, and will add them to a few others, so when you're done reading a part or the whole story, please take a little time fill one out.
Much love!

Part One - Part Two (so far)

Part One: "Funny"

Part Two: "Anger"

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