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Gods of Light

Aeris, the Creator

     Symbol: Forging hammer
     Colors: White and silver
     Influence over: Creation, protection, all that is good
     Avatar: A middle-aged metalsmith or a knight in shining white armor, both of undetermined
      History: The eldest son of Veana and Eldon, Aeris is the god of Creation and the lord of
          the gods of Light. He and his brother, Raiff are engaged in an eternal war for the fate of
          Lithrah, in which Aeris endeavors to protect the realm from his sibling's evil plots. As
          one of the three prominent gods, he is honored by all those of Good alignment, and is the
          most celebrated of the gods of Light, with temples in nearly every large city in the realm.
          Those mortals who follow Aeris's teachings faithfully are among the most powerful of
          clerics and priests in Lithrah.

Sabre, the Sorcerer

     Symbol: White orb
     Colors: White
     Influence over: Light magic
     Avatar: A young elf with pale skin, white hair and mage robes, and clear blue eyes, usually
     History: The eldest triplet of Gitanel and Cael, Sabre is the creator of Light magic and the
          founder of the Order of the White Robes. There is a mutual respect between himself and
          his siblings, Callis and Alirez, despite their conflicting alignments. Sabre spends a good
          deal of time with the archmages of his Order, discussing the merits and subtle nuances of
          the more complicated spells. The White Robes and generally the most respected of all
          magic users.

Jacira, Dove of Compassion

     Symbol: Dove
     Colors: Red and White
     Influence over: Love, loyalty, compassion
     Avatar: A human woman with blonde hair that falls to the ground, dressed in a pale pink
          dress or gown.
     History: Daughter of
Caesia and Aeris, Jacira is the goddess of love and loyalty. She is
          primarily worshipped by the young who have yet to have their heart broken. Once this
          happens, her followers tend to feel betrayed and abandon thier faith to honor another
          god. However, Jacira is incredibly loving toward those who worship her, but strives to
          teach them forgiveness and disappointment so they will be able to better appreciate her
          gifts and will be able to cope with other aspects of their lives that she has no control
          over. She does not send true love until her follower has learned compassion.

Niya, Mother of the Races

     Symbol: Blossoming tree
     Colors: Green
     Influence over: Fertility, animals, and nature
     Avatar: A middle-aged priestess of any race, normally found in a garden or otherwise
          communing with nature.
     History: The youngest daughter of
Aeris and Caesia, Niya is the goddess of Fertility. While
          at first her title might seem misleading, as she is said to have only two children of her
          own, Tayln and Linca, it is she who was charhed with the well-being of the races her
          father created. Her followers are mainly women, though men have been known to
          worship her as well. Obviously, couples trying to have children pray to her even if she is
          not their chief deity. Niya listens to all who pray to her, follower or not, as she considers
          all mortals to be her children.

Acadia, Scholar of Truth

     Symbol: Open book
     Colors: Pale yellow
     Influence over: Wisdom, knowledge, truth, scribes, students
     Avatar: A scribe, male or female, of any race, always seen carrying a large old book.
     History: The daughter of
Sabre and Callis, Acadia is the goddess of Wisdom and Truth. As
          such, she is the patron of students and scholars. Her followers are many, almost placing
          her on the same popularity level as that of the three godheads. Her temples may easily
          be mistaken for libraries as they hold books sacred and keep a variety on every subject
          imaginable. Acadia holds within herself the wisdom of the ages and the complete history
          of Lithrah.

Mahla, the Muse

     Symbol: Lyre
     Colors: Rainbow
     Influence over: the Arts
     Avatar: A bard of any race, male or female, wearing brightly colored exotic garments and
          usually seen playing the lyre.
     History: The eldest daughter of
Jacira and Dalziel, Mahla is the goddess of the Arts.
          Although she is associated with all forms of artistic expression she is most often thought
          of in connection to music. Bards are her most loyal followers and many look to her for
          inspiration. Mahla spends much time among these mortals, sharing stories and song.
          There are some minstrels who claim to be close personal friends with the goddess, to the
          point of being her drinking or traveling companion.

Mikos, the Peacemaker

     Symbol: Shattered sword
     Colors: White
     Influence over: Peace and Victory
     Avatar: A human warrior in shining steel armor
     History: The son of
Linca and Ralis, Mikos is the god of Peace and Victory. Although he is
          a god of Light and his followers are primarily of a good alignment, he is also honored by
          those of neutrality and evil; though their devotion is more centered on victory than peace.
          Mikos's popularity is relative to the number and intensity of the battles taking place in
          Lithrah. Most armies are accompanied by at least one of his clerics.

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